HP and Intel reported progress in the field of nanotechnology

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Paul McDougall and David M. Ewalt and Avi Blizovsky

The companies Hewlett-Packard and Intel revealed this week, each separately, milestones in the development of the field of nanotechnology - the science of building systems and materials at the atomic level. Intel says it will work with universities to develop transistors on the nanometer (billionth of a meter) scale. These transistors will be able to increase the performance of the chips significantly. Next year, the company plans to unveil a chip with transistors 9 nanometers wide.

Researchers at HP said that they built a 64-bit memory chip so small that a thousand units of it correspond to the size of the tip of a human hair. Director of HP Quantum Science Labs, Stanley Williams says that HP has produced "the world's densest addressable electronic memory." He predicts that within five years, chips based on the technology will sell as flash chips for digital cameras and other portable products and provide them with a much larger volume than today's cards.

Nanotechnology connoisseur
Atomic memory


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