Technion's prestigious Harvey Award to Professors Eli Yablonovitz and Eric Lander

Prof. Yablonovich from the University of Berkeley is a pioneer in the field of nanophotonics, and Lander is one of the pioneers in the field of deciphering the human genome

Prof. Eli Yavlonovich, University of Berkeley
Prof. Eli Yavlonovich, University of Berkeley

The Technion's prestigious Harvey Prize will be awarded at the end of the month to Professors Eli Yablonovich and Eric Lander.

Professor Jablonovitz from the University of California, Berkeley receives the award in the field of science and technology in recognition of his pioneering discoveries in the fields of photonics, optoelectronics, and semiconductors. His groundbreaking and influential research combines deep physical insights with a technologically applied approach and covers a wide variety of fields. He founded the field of photonic crystals and photonic band gap engineering, both at the principle and experimental level, and made pioneering contributions to research and development in the field of photovoltaic cells as well as in the design and improvement of lasers based on semiconductors.

Professor Lander from Harvard University and MIT receives the award in the field of medicine in recognition of his historical contribution to the field of genomics, being the initiating force and leading most of the major discoveries in this field. He made major contributions to the development of methods for the study of genetic information and led the development of computational tools for genetic mapping, identifying genes and functional elements in the genome. Prof. Lander is a pioneer in the use of genomic information to solve a variety of medical and biological problems, including cancer.

The Harvey Award was first given in 1972, from the foundation established by Leo M. The late Harvey of Los Angeles, in order to recognize great contributions to the advancement of humanity in the fields of science and technology, human health and the promotion of peace in the Middle East. From its fruits, prizes worth $75,000 are awarded each year to each winner.

Among the winners of the prestigious Harvey Prize are scientists from the USA, Great Britain, Russia, Sweden, France, and Israel. Among them is Nobel Prize winner Mikhail Gorbachev, former leader of the USSR, who was awarded the prize for his activities to reduce regional tensions; Professor Brett Sackman who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Professor Pierre Gilles Dan-Gen, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics, Professor Edward Teller for his discoveries in solid state, atomic and nuclear physics and Professor William J. Kopf on the invention of the artificial kidney.

Nominations for the Harvey Prize are received from leading scientists and personalities in Israel and the world. The recipients of the award are selected by the Harvey Award committee through a strict process, at the Technion.

2 תגובות

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