This is so that cameras can take pictures of any damage caused during the launch * The director of NASA said that it is unthinkable to stop flights into space. If we do that, he added, we can already go back to the caves and sit there around the fire
NASA director, Sean O'Keefe, says that in the future shuttles will only be launched into space in daylight, so that cameras will be able to photograph any damage caused during the launch. O'Keefe announced this after examining the results of the tests that were done following the Columbia shuttle crash. The Independent Commission of Inquiry conducted an experiment to test the assumption that insulation foam that detached from Columbia during launch damaged it and caused cracks in the wing. The results of the experiment showed thin cracks several centimeters long in the wing. Due to these results, NASA decided that in the future, the astronauts will check the shuttle during the flight, and for this purpose, they will mount suitable grips on it from the outside. The director of NASA said that it is unthinkable to stop flights to space. If we do that, he added, we can already go back to the caves and sit there around the fire.