Podcast: The Untold Story of Particle Physics and Dark Matter

From the section "Podcast Tel Aviv 360 of Tel Aviv University" (Hebrew only)

Prof. Erez Etzion, School of Physics and Astronomy in the Faculty of Exact Sciences at Tel Aviv University opens for us a window into the unknown world of elementary particles, in the fascinating podcast "The Untold Story of Particle Physics and Dark Matter".

Dark matter is one of the great mysteries of physicists nowadays, they assume it exists, see its effect on stars and galaxies but despite its prevalence it has never been seen in the laboratory.

Link to the "Tel Aviv 360" website

Link to YouTube

Link to Spotify

Link For Apple Podcast

For a previous podcast with the participation of Prof. Erez Etzion

2 תגובות

  1. Perhaps most of the dimensions of dark matter are hidden, and only gravity manifests itself in a visible dimension of dark matter?

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