Everything emerges from the Taub Center's "State of the State Report 2013" published today. According to the report, the number of ultra-Orthodox people who do not study basic education for everyday needs in the modern world has increased from about 30 percent of the population a decade ago to almost half of ultra-Orthodox men today.

The level of ultra-Orthodox education has deteriorated and in recent decades there has been a steep increase in the proportion of ultra-orthedim who only completed elementary school or less. Everything emerges from the Taub Center's "State of the State Report 2013" published today. The report examines deep socio-economic problems of Israel from a long-term perspective and in international comparisons. In the chapter on poverty and inequality in Israel and in the OEC, Eitan Regev, a researcher at the Taub Center, writes that when focusing on poverty in Israel, it is difficult to ignore two large population groups (which together make up over a quarter of the country's population) that stand out for the very low level of education their children receive and relatively low employment rates that in some cases can be described As extremely low: the ultra-Orthodox and the Arabs. These two groups were comprehensively examined in the context of education and employment in the Taub Center's latest State of the State report.
One of the results of the problematic level of education and the resulting low levels of employment is very high poverty rates in each of the two groups. Over two-thirds of ultra-Orthodox households and three-quarters of ultra-Orthodox individuals would live below the poverty line if it were not for the existence of the safety net of welfare and taxes in Israel, that is, according to their economic income.
• The employment rate among ultra-Orthodox men with an academic education (the few who do so is 71 percent), compared to only 34 percent among ultra-orthodox men without an academic education. The abysmal difference between Haredim with an academic education and those without an academic education is also expressed in wages: the average income of Haredi men with a degree is 13,565 shekels, compared to 7,580 shekels among Haredim without an academic degree.
• In recent decades, there has been a steep increase in the proportion of ultra-Orthodox who only completed elementary school or less: from about 30 percent of the population a decade ago to almost half of ultra-Orthodox men today.
• Fewer and fewer ultra-Orthodox are studying in high schools, and more ultra-Orthodox are studying in high yeshiva. For example, only 56 percent of ultra-orthodox men aged 75 and over have ever attended higher Torah studies, compared to 90 percent of those aged 25-34. This means that the ultra-Orthodox youth today have fewer tools to cope with the modern labor market, even compared to their parents' generation. This trend is opposite to the trend in the entire western world, where each generation is more educated than the previous one.
• In 80 percent of married couples in the ultra-orthodox sector, neither spouse has an academic degree. Only in 5 percent of households do both spouses have an academic degree - and the income of such households is 2.5 times higher than that of an ultra-Orthodox family where neither parent has a degree.
• In examining the learning patterns versus the employment patterns of ultra-Orthodox, it is evident that the transition of ultra-Orthodox society in the last three decades from active involvement in the labor market to convergence in the Torah world is not only a result of ideology, it also stems to a large extent from a lack of appropriate skills and tools to integrate into the labor market and the paucity of alternatives open to them.
In another study in the same report Trends in the Development of the Education System: Teachers and Students authored by (Nahum Blass, a senior researcher at the Taub Center) details data that has already been discussed in previous reports
• In the last decade, there is a noticeable trend of reducing the share of state education (from 48 percent in 2000 to 40 percent in 2013) of all children in grades 14.7 to 14. The share of state-religious education also dropped from 13.4 percent to 2000 percent. On the other hand, there is a significant increase in the scope of ultra-orthodox education (from 18.6 percent in 2013 to 24.2 percent in 2000), and an increase in the Arab population (including Druze and Bedouins) from 27.1 percent in XNUMX to XNUMX percent today.
• In the last three years, there has been a certain slowdown in the rates of change for most of the population groups. In the state education system and the state-religious education system, there was a certain increase in registration for grades 1-6. On the other hand, in the two populations where the growth rates are the highest, the ultra-Orthodox and the Bedouins, there has been a decrease in the growth rate in the last three years.
17 תגובות
According to the Taub report's table, an uneducated ultra-Orthodox couple will earn about NIS 7,400, and they still receive about 20% of this amount from the state, probably even after the recent cut in child benefits.
There is not enough emphasis in the article on the simple fact that most of these ultra-Orthodox people voluntarily choose not to work, or only work part-time, and there is probably not enough emphasis on the fact that a large part of the work in the sector is done below the tax net.
Ask how 6.6 people can live on a sum of 7,400 NIS per month? Again, even here what is visible is only the small part of the huge iceberg hidden under the water: cheaper buses for the ultra-orthodox sector, cheaper kindergartens, reduced municipal taxes, apartments at relatively ridiculous prices, And there are endless tricks and patents that bring such a family to a "practical" level of income of approx. 19,000 NIS real. Even this is still not enough for 6.6 people, but it is a number that can be believed, as closer to reality.
The rich have children. If the average rich person has more than one child, then most of the rich are children of the rich …..
To turn from poor to rich you need a lot of luck, a lot of intelligence and a lot of talent. You are right that religion has nothing to do with it. But, culture has, and if your culture does not include the aspiration to get out of the situation you are in - you will not get out of it.
Anyone can check. And whoever checked sees that most of the rich people of our day received their wealth by inheritance!
Today, for the most part, the poor will remain poor, the rich will remain rich. Regardless of education or religion. There are many (very many) rich rabbis. They will come and say that they are rich from fraud or donations. I won't argue. that's not the point. There are also many secular rich people who are liars and cheats. Even in our politics there are rich and corrupt religious and secular people...
In any case, the class problem returns again. is the main problem in world society right now in my opinion... almost like the feudals - the rich will remain rich, the poor will remain poor... and it is very difficult for the poor to become rich
B - There are exceptions here and there, but anyone can check and see that there is a proven direct relationship between education and income, and a proven inverse relationship with ultra-Orthodox level of income.
There are few capitalists who are uneducated, and these are mostly those who won the lottery, or criminals of some sort or heirs. Few of them are traders or contractors. Religious capitalists are also educated.
Asaf :
Check and you will see that you are wrong.
There are many uneducated capitalists.
And there are also many capitalists who are religious.
Lack of money comes from exploitation and oppression.
This has always been the case throughout history.
And so it is nowadays.
my son
Lack of money is a phenomenon of lack of education and excess of religion.
Even a sick democracy is still a democracy.
Elections and democracy is a mirage, designed to deceive the public, as if they were the ones who chose the elected officials,
When in practice the elected officials are chosen by the capitalists.
And they are the ones who also dictate the economic order in the country.
In my opinion, the connection between faith and religion is extremely coincidental. I believe that the role of religion is to create a national identity. You can fight poverty in a large number of ways, not only through education, but also through the promotion of small businesses, also through initiative work, research grants, government and foreign investments. To fight poverty It should interest the government. Some have degrees who do not work.
I still don't understand how a mature person even without an academic degree earns NIS 2500 a month?! The minimum wage is 23.12 per hour, which means 112 hours of work per month, isn't that a lot?
my son
The priorities are determined by the people's elected officials, in the end, and the one who seated them in the Knesset is the citizen who knew best
Which parties and Knesset members will work for social and economic justice. And if he did not choose them and is not satisfied with the existing situation, let him come to himself with complaints.
Another no less bad issue is the social attack of widespread use of "light" drugs. In the best case this causes moral problems (lies, concealment, gambling, loans, rape of minors, etc.) in the worst case to illness and death (car accidents, suicides, hallucinations that cause fatal accidents, mental illnesses, hospitalizations, cancer). Ask your children. Why is there no professional article on the subject??!!!
my son
The priorities are determined by the people's elected officials, in the end, and the one who seated them in the Knesset is the citizen who knew best
Which parties and Knesset members will work for social and economic justice. And if he did not choose them and is not satisfied with the existing situation, let him come to himself with complaints.
With 10 children it is hardly enough.
There is no shortage of money.
There is a lack of justice.
There is an unjust distribution.
If 19 thousand NIS is a normal income, why do only 10% of the employees in Israel earn more than that?
The lack of equality stems from social gaps in the country, lack of education and religion are side effects of lack of money.
In Israel there are groups of oligarchs who live in lavish palaces, this nation has some who rummage through garbage cans together with the cats.