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Simple production of self-cleaning mold surfaces

The properties of the surface are based on the nanostructures within the surface. The research findings were recently published in the scientific journal Advanced Materials.

Advanced Materials magazine cover; December 2010
Advanced Materials magazine cover; December 2010

A research group at Aalto University (Finland) specializing in microfabrication and liquid flow microsystems has developed a new and rapid method for the preparation of self-cleaning surfaces. The properties of the surface are based on the nanostructures within the surface. The research findings were recently published in the scientific journal Advanced Materials.

The most arduous part of the preparation process was spared from the researchers when the group developed an innovative method for the preparation of pyramid-like nanostructures from tin surfaces through deep etching by active ions. In the next step, the mold wafer can be used as a template to create an elastomeric stamp, which can replicate the original self-cleaning nanostructures within a variety of polymers.

Smooth Zorn surfaces become mirror-like and reflect more than half of the light that hits them, while surfaces based on Zorn nanostructures and polymers hardly reflect any light at all. The radiation repeatability is reduced in a wide range of wavelengths due to a smooth transition of the refractive index from the air to the substrate thanks to the nanostructures, says researcher Lauri Sainiemi.

Surfaces that do not reflect light, and methods for their production, are today hot research topics since they are required in the development of more efficient solar cells. Surfaces based on Zorn and polymer nanostructures can also be used for chemical synthesis, since the ability to reflect low radiation is important for the analytical test procedure. The second beneficial feature of the surfaces is their self-cleaning ability, an ability based on the existence of the nanostructures, which are coated with a thin layer of a low-energy surface.

The applications of the new manufacturing methods developed for Zorn and polymers range from sensors to solar cells. The great advantage of the production methods lies in their ability to be used on several scales, up to the level of industrial production. "I believe that there will be interest in our new production method since it allows for a simple and economical preparation of nanostructures due to extensive surfaces and also because the method is suitable for monocrystalline, polycrystalline and even amorphous forms, as well as for a variety of types of polymers," noted the lead researcher . The same group has previously developed surfaces for the chemical analysis of drugs.

A new and interesting field of research is the development of more efficient surfaces that clean themselves and repel dirt, which could contribute mainly to research in solar cells. The preparation of water-repellent surfaces is quite easy, but liquids with low surface tension will still be able to contaminate the surface. Today the group is trying to develop new surfaces that can repel oily liquids.

The news about the study

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