A glitch in the new magnet experiment in Sarn

An important component of the large particle accelerator in Sarn failed in an experiment designed to test the new equipment in the accelerator that is supposed to reopen this year

An important component of the Hardon particle collider (LHC) particle accelerator in Sarn on the French-Swiss border has experienced malfunctions. The huge underground laboratory is designed to test the limits of physics. This is the largest facility of its kind in the world which is supposed to allow the collision of subatomic particles in a 27 kilometer long underground annular tunnel.

One of the eight magnet installations placed at various points around the ring failed in an attempt designed to test the equipment in preparation for the reopening of the laboratory at the end of 2007.

The magnetic device known as the "inner trio" contains three quadrupole magnets cooled using superfluid helium to a temperature of 1.9 degrees Kelvin (271 degrees Celsius below zero) inside a vacuum tube.

Such an inner triplet is found on each side of the four main lobes at the LHC. The magnets focus the particle beams before the collision at each of the four meeting points around the accelerator ring. In a statement issued by Permilab, which built the internal triad facility, it was stated that the structure that keeps the magnet in place broke during an experiment.

The LHC is a complex and powerful machine that slams particles together at enormous speed in order to discover the secrets of the universe. Over a thousand bipolar magnets are located at short distances from each other in the underground tunnel where the accelerator is stored. These magnets carry two beams of particles around the ring at a speed close to the speed of light. One pair of three internals focuses these beams before colliding with each of the four experiments located throughout the channel.

A Seren spokesman told the BBC that Permilab and Seren engineers are looking into the problem. It is not yet known whether the failure will affect the accelerator's reopening schedule. All eight facilities of this type will also be re-examined. The device broke when placed under a pressure of 20 atmospheres and unequal forces. These forces are expected to occur from time to time during system operation.

15 תגובות

  1. The problem is more serious. Postponed for another three months.
    Below is a news item on YNET today
    Switzerland: The malfunction in the particle accelerator was caused by a faulty connection between magnets

    The particle accelerator at the Saran Scientific Institute in Switzerland was shut down last month due to a faulty electronic connection between magnets - according to a senior official at the institute. The source expressed confidence that with the help of the required repairs, this type of malfunction will not repeat itself.
    The experiment is expected to resume only in the fall of next year.
    End quote
    Until now they talked about renewing the experiments in the spring and now it's about the fall!!

    Happy Holidays
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  2. Does anyone even take into account that they accidentally created a black hole that will swallow the earth at the beginning of the experiment?
    Dealing with health. Humans will eventually be able to forcefully destroy themselves.

  3. A free radical is a charged ion or molecule that appears in all kinds of processes in chemistry and under no circumstances are "emitted in a proton and neutron collision".
    On the second issue, the fact that there is an atom with 238 neutrons and protons does not mean that each atom has 238 protons and neutrons. The nucleus of the atom does not have any electrons and the electrons that surround the nucleus of the atom do not surround it in the form of a cloud and do not rotate with the help of an electric force (even the wording indicates a misunderstanding) that the atom emits, because those present in it.

    I am very disappointed that I had to write this comment as I really wanted to avoid this waste of time but apparently your time is more valuable than mine and you cannot devote some of it to open an encyclopedia, read the first paragraph and understand what is wrong with the comment of a fan, for whose benefit the original message was intended.

  4. To my people:
    Regarding Ohad's answer - "The atomic nucleus..." - completely accurate, at least regarding enriched uranium.
    Regarding the free radical: I would love to hear from the readers what that free radical that a fan was talking about is. Is this a photon?

  5. "You mean the collision of subatomic particles like a {positive} proton
    neutron {no charge}
    electron [negative}"
    In the LHC electrons will not be accelerated.

    "The nucleus of the atom consists of 238 protons and neutrons and around it a cloud of electrons that rotate with the help of an electric force emitted by the atom."

    Anyone who knows a little sees that this is not true.

    *The collision of a neutron and a proton creates a free radical"

    So nonsensical that I won't be surprised if the person who wrote it is the one commenting above you.

  6. Fan, you wrote incorrect things:
    "You mean the collision of subatomic particles like a {positive} proton
    neutron {no charge}

    *The nucleus of the atom consists of 238 protons and neutrons and around it a cloud of electrons that rotate with the help of an electric force emitted by the atom.

    *The collision of a neutron and a proton creates a free radical"

    And your last comment is misleading and unnecessary.

    The original translation "Hardon particle collision facility" (LHC) is incorrect because it implies that Hardon is the man after whom the facility is named, while in fact "Hardon" is a disruption of the hadron, and the hadrons are a group of particles that particles from this group are the ones that accelerate and collide with each other in accelerators particles like this.
    Also, in my personal opinion, descriptions such as "examining the limits of physics", "discovering the secrets of the universe" and the like do not educate the reader, and it is better to give them up.

  7. A physical tower of Babel?

    About this long facility (27 km), which was reported on years ago; surely huge sums were invested in it, which could have been channeled to issues of importance to humanity, which if listed, anyone can try to identify them easily.

    Reminder: for E=mc², Einstein did not need a nuclear device.

  8. Bzilboski you are doing a great job I hope our guides will cross in the near future good luck in the following articles!

  9. You mean the collision of subatomic particles like a {positive} proton
    neutron {no charge}

    *The nucleus of the atom consists of 238 protons and neutrons and around it a cloud of electrons that rotate with the help of an electric force emitted by the atom.

    *The collision of a neutron and a proton creates a free radical

    E = HF
    E = energy

    h = Planck's constant (Max Planck composed a large part of quantum theory)

    f = frequency of the wave [how many oscillations the wave makes in one second]

    The atom bomb is not the correct name for the bomb, its real name is a nuclear fission bomb, after all, dynamite is also made of atoms.

    These are just a few facts for you to know


  10. Bummer.
    One of the few scientific instruments that can truly bring breakthroughs in physics.

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