Documents revealed, UFOs not found

The US and UK defense ministries have revealed sighting reports of unidentified objects. Some of the phenomena, at least in the UK, have been studied since the 1950s * Most of the reports can be explained by routine phenomena such as transiting satellites or atmospheric phenomena. Those that remain undeciphered do not worry the researchers and they are not It is believed that the origin of the phenomenon is another culture that comes from space * The reason for the two defense ministries' interest in these phenomena is simple - they wanted Make sure it is not the surveillance systems of rival countries

flying saucers Illustration: shutterstock
flying saucers Illustration: shutterstock

A document published this month revealed a secret program of the US Department of Defense from the end of the first decade of the 21st century, which produced studies on the border between science and science fiction. The purpose of the studies was to understand whether strange phenomena observed in the sky might come from one of these sources.
The studies dealt with topics such as the development of cloaks that make the wearer see and not be seen, distortion in space and wormholes and more. As part of a program aimed at locating and explaining strange observations in the Earth's atmosphere.
The five-page document includes a list of studies written under the program, and was originally sent to two members of Congress last year. The pages were released to the public on January 16 in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from an organization called the Federation of American Scientists, which deals with disclosing confidential research, within the framework of the law.
Between 2007 and 2012, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) spent $22 million on this UFO program, which was officially called the Air and Space Threat Identification Program (AATIP). In 2017, the New York Times first reported on the existence of the secret AATIP and that officials have been investigating reports of UFOs for years.
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada spearheaded the initiative. Most of the program's funding was directed toward aerospace research, but according to these new documents, some was also focused on more speculative research on topics that sound like they came straight out of science fiction.
In May 2019, news about the secret agency (AATIP) was published again. The US Department of Defense (the Pentagon) admitted at the time that it had approved conducting research on UFO sightings in the past, and that some of the reports are still being examined today, with the goal being to "continue to investigate these reports in order to maintain the security of the country".
"The Department of Defense always monitors the aircraft around us, and also identifies any foreign craft that could pose a threat to the homeland. The department will continue to investigate, through normal procedures, reports of unidentified aircraft encountered by American military pilots in order to ensure homeland defense and protection against strategic surprise by our rivals".

In 2008, the Intelligence Agency of the US Department of Defense (DIA) signed a $10 million contract with Bigelow Aerospace (BAASS). The company was founded in 1999 by the billionaire Robert Bigelow, owner of a hotel chain with the aim of establishing hotels in space and to facilitate their launch he proposed to build inflatable space units. One such unit was attached to the International Space Station. Bigelow, who was interested in supernatural phenomena, in 1996 bought the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, where strange events had occurred before, and turned it into a center for the study of those phenomena. In this context, he met with a man, who was probably in a senior position, who claimed that: a colorful, three-dimensional object appeared in the air in front of him, changed colors and turned from a pretzel-shaped object into something different. then disappeared.

The report summarizes the reports and emphasizes that many of them came from areas where there are missile systems with nuclear arrowheads, which may make the US's adversaries - the Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians - more suspicious of the phenomenon than aliens.

The British collected reports until 2009

Beginning in the early fifties until 2009, a department in the British Ministry of Defense documented and also investigated evidence of UFO sightings. Today, about a decade after the end of the program, the secrecy has been removed from many reports, they will be available to the public for the first time.
The latest UFO sighting report covers sightings of events that occurred between January and the end of November of that year, including a silver disc-like light (January 2009), up to twenty bright orange and red lights (June), three gold-colored objects crossing the sky diagonally ( September) The last testimony was taken in Willancote in Staffordshire on 30 November 2009 at 19:40: Or Orange came from the north, clear night, the object looked like a transparent halo. The phenomenon lasted one minute and twenty seconds, the object continued at a constant speed in a straight line (which means it was probably an AB satellite).
After a policy change that took effect on December 1, 2009, the agency stopped documenting or investigating UFO sightings.
The report states that most of the phenomena can be explained, but even those that are not, are certainly not of extraterrestrial origin.


A comprehensive article about the American report on the Popular Mechanics magazine website
News in Live Science about the British report
Report of UFO reports in the UK in 2009

More of the topic in Hayadan: (Beresheet is the Hebrew name for the book of Genesis)

5 תגובות

  1. The stacking of nonsense on the knowledge site continues as usual
    Unprofessional, biased and shallow

  2. Wow, what an embarrassing and shallow text.
    From the first paragraphs (not to mention the title) you can already recognize the agenda of a writer on the night of nonsense mentioned above and it only gets worse as you continue until I couldn't take it anymore and had to stop.

  3. The knowledge site continues to spread nonsense and distance itself as much as possible from the published information and the existing studies

  4. Not seriously, in view of the many testimonies of aviation experts and many other people about sightings of aircraft that have no parallel on earth.

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