During a discussion on the occasion of Environment Day in the Science and Technology Committee, the benefits and risks to the environment were presented within the framework of the 'Sea Canal' project, committee chairman Makleb: "The main goal may be the agreement with Jordan, but this project will advance the saving of the Dead Sea"

This article is based on an announcement by the Knesset's Science Committee and presents the opinion of "both sides". We have written more than once on the Hidan website, mainly about the expected environmental dangers
- Ministry of Environmental Protection - The Jordanian sea canal plan will not restore the Dead Sea but will damage it
- We thought we got rid of the Jordanian Sea Canal - the World Bank thinks otherwise
- The pilot is as dangerous as the show itself
- The Canal of the Seas - a blessing or a cry for the generations?
The Science and Technology Committee held a meeting today (Tuesday) on the topic of the "Tailat Haims" project on the occasion of the Environment Day in the Knesset, in the capacity of Deputy Minister for Regional Cooperation MK Ayoub Kara.
The chairman of the committee, MK Uri Makleb (Torah Judaism) opened the discussion with blessings on the occasion of Environment Day: "We in the committee have also joined this day, we chose the Sea Canal project from a variety of issues in view of its importance. We are interested in focusing on the quality of the environment and examining how we can promote the project while protecting the environment and the Dead Sea."
During the meeting, the project was presented as well as data regarding its advantages and disadvantages in terms of the quality of the environment and its benefit to the Dead Sea, as well as in terms of its impact on Israel-Jordan relations and the Arab world in general.
The discussion discussed a possible impact on three areas: the Dead Sea, which could have consequences regarding its appearance, water quality and its integrity as a heritage site. The Red Sea, which is the source of the water, which may harm the quality of the water in it. The Arava Valley which is the transmission route, where there may be damage to the environment - flora and fauna, groundwater and surface water in the event of a pipeline failure.
From the data of the Knesset's Research and Information Center presented at the debate, it emerged that at this stage the volume of the water injection in question as part of the project is only expected to slow the rate of drop in the level of the Dead Sea and that increasing the volume could damage the Dead Sea.
The information center also adds that with the current amount of discharge and regarding the Red Sea and the Arava Valley, it emerged that the environmental consequences are a possible concern and not a necessity and depend on many variables, chief among them the level of management and execution of the project, and the existence of a risk control and monitoring procedure while the project is being carried out.
Deputy Minister Kara presented the progress in the project. In about two weeks, the preliminary tender for the selection of the companies that will apply for the tender for the construction of the desalination facility will be closed. At the same time, joint teams for Israel and Jordan have already begun to prepare the tender for the construction of the facility. It is estimated that the period of time from the announcement of the tender to the financial closing is expected to take about two years, and the construction of the desalination facility is expected to take about three years.
The deputy minister noted that "We are in continuous contact with the Jordanian Minister of Water, Hazem Nasser, who is working vigorously to promote the Sea Canal. This project has a great contribution to the strengthening of Israel's economic relations with Jordan, and I believe that it can help us break through additional borders."
Kara added that the project is being carried out in stages in order to ensure that there will be no damage to the Dead Sea: "We did the first stage subject to the ecological impact. Our consultants say there will be no impact at all, but we will still examine the situation at each stage." Kara also noted that there are also discussions with the Palestinians as part of the project: "We had the privilege a few days ago to sit down with the Palestinian Minister of Water, we even discussed water for Gaza. We are sitting with officials above the radar and below the radar."
MK Yael Cohen Faran said: "There is no sea in the Dead Sea, I understand that we will not do a pilot, the first stage is too big a pilot." There is an environmental question here, will we not create a much more serious problem. The solution of water to Jordan is super important, but isn't there another way to solve the water problem in Jordan?! This is a project worth billions, there is also the question of who will finance it."
Maya Etgar, head of the 'Sea Canal' directorate stated that "Jordan is building on this project, this is its planning for the water sector for at least the next decade. We looked at other options and finally found that this project along this route is the most correct, both for the Dead Sea and for Jordan."
Dov Litbinoff, head of the Tamar Regional Council, said: "By the time the plan is launched, the Dead Sea will have dropped another 6 meters, which is too slow. This project is more about pumping water into Jordan than saving the Dead Sea. It will have to be an integrated project, including the flow of fresh water to save the southern Jordan on that occasion."
The director general of the Ministry for Regional Cooperation, Hashem Hossein replied: "I agree with you that this canal will not be enough to save the Dead Sea, that's why we started talks with various bodies for that purpose. We are already working on the next solution, we started working on a solution from the southern side of the Jordan as well."
Sarit Caspi Oron from Adam Teva Vadin: "We are in favor of efforts for peace with our neighbors and joint projects but not through the destruction of the Dead Sea. The current discharge will lead to a total change of the mineral composition of the Dead Sea for which people spread mud there and therefore there are successful chemical plants there."
Dr. Yuval Dror from the Zelul association noted on the other hand that "everyone here agrees that this is first and foremost a project to supply water to Jordan, but on the other hand, the amount in question in the first stage will not cause significant damage to the Dead Sea, therefore the plan should be promoted because there is no other alternative, and at the same time other plans should be integrated." .
The chairman of the committee concluded the discussion: "It may really be that the main goal of the plan is water desalination and the agreement with Jordan, but I see that this project will also advance us to the next plan to save the Dead Sea, we admit that when there are solutions it leverages further. At the same time, any move he makes should be done through monitoring and control, without causing harm, and at the same time other alternatives to save the Dead Sea should be promoted. We in the committee will also examine the other options and ask to receive a report on the continuation of the proceedings."

6 תגובות
The crazy idea of flooding the Dead Sea with seawater is a crime by any standard. We, a group of scientists led by Prof. Dan Zaslavsky from the Technion, found how to flow clean water into the Dead Sea at almost no cost. The idea is based on a revolutionary breakthrough for energy production and water desalination. Because of conflicting interests of interested parties, the idea was shelved for over 30 years. Even today, despite all the evidence and after it was tested by independent groups of scientists and after it received the highest marks, nothing moved. If there is an interested party reading these lines, let him leave his details and we we will call
There used to be an idea of a Sharev chimney, this is an ideal area for it. Is there no visionary activist who has the courage and the money for it? With this working, a lot of electricity will be generated there, and the region's disadvantage will be reversed to its advantage.
Doron Madeyk, I wouldn't have phrased it better. We'll see if he will build with it or not, and we'll see what the political situation was in Jordan.
In other words, they want to destroy more than fix the Dead Sea just so that our haters will get water at our expense, which is delusional.
On the other hand, they also accepted the Temple Mount, so what's the wonder...
According to the words, most of the speakers have no idea what the words mean,
Because as mentioned, the project is intended for water treatment for Jordan
and "incidentally" releasing (a little) water into the Dead Sea,
which will not affect the level,
From the beginning, the "developer" called the project "The Leader of Peace",
That is, the evidence was political and not environmental,
Even in the discussion of the RA, the reference is to the relations between Israel and Jordan,
There is a plan to revive the southern Jordan by transporting water from the Mediterranean Sea (presented on the website),
except that it does not "bring regional peace" and is therefore not discussed,
The Dead Sea will not be saved from floundering in the pits,
Perhaps it would be worthwhile to build a lake in between where salts from both seas would sink - and perhaps there would be an additional industrial product (lime for example) at the end of the process the water would settle in a composition more similar to the Dead Sea. As for the canal of the seas, I share the opinion of Yuval Naman. That is, clean electricity generation from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. Not to the Dead Sea, where the mineral composition is rare). It is true that this is an extremely expensive investment, but there is a saving in expenses on the health damage of coal or fuel oil, after the investment is returned, this is a net profit! There is also an unused hydroelectric potential in Egypt, in the Suez Canal. The change (when ships will pass through water cells), it is possible to take advantage of the height differences in the huge hydro-electric dam that will generate a lot of electricity!