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French-Israeli cooperation agreement between regional technology centers

The cooperation between the Sophia-Antipolis and Bio-Negev centers will combine Israeli innovation and entrepreneurship with French infrastructure and resources * This cooperation was signed as part of a week at the Israel Biomed 2009 *

Logo of an event that took place at the Sophia-Antipolis Institute in the south of France
Logo of an event that took place at the Sophia-Antipolis Institute in the south of France

The French Sophia-Antipolis Science Park and Technology Center and the Israeli Bio-Negev Center, two regional centers for encouraging technological innovation, announced their intention to cooperate in fostering successful ventures in the field of life sciences and other knowledge-intensive fields.

The Sophia-Antipolis Technological Center was established in 1969 by Senator Pierre Lafitte, together with a group of scientists and businessmen alongside the University of Nice in France. The center grew into a multidisciplinary community focused on innovation and was a model for the establishment of similar centers in France and Europe. Many business companies that are considered leaders in their field operate in the center. The Sophia-Antipolis center is one of the leading research and development centers in Europe and is considered to have great attraction for companies and research facilities specializing in information technologies, life sciences, environmental sciences and chemistry. The center operates eight centers of excellence alongside important public research organizations such as: CNRS, INRIA, INRA, INSERM. The Sophia-Antipolis Center is currently in the process of establishing a technological incubator specializing in biomedicine.

The Bio-Negev Regional Center was established a few months ago under the inspiration of Prof. Rivka Karmi, president of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, with the aim of realizing the achievements of the university's researchers and the Soroka Hospital, creating added economic value for the Negev region and contributing the knowledge accumulated at Ben-Gurion University to similar centers in Europe . The Bio-Negev Center unites Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and BG Negev Company, its technology commercialization company, the Soroka University Medical Center, the National Institute of Biotechnology in the Negev, the Negev Development Authority, the Municipality of Beer Sheva and other bodies in the Negev. The center represents its partners in various programs for innovation and excellence within the development programs of the European Union and other regional development activities. The Negev Bio Center is a full member of CEBR, the European Council for Regional Biotechnology Centers, and represents the State of Israel in the Council's Steering Committee.

The collaboration between the Sofia-Antipolis and Bio-Negev centers will combine Israeli innovation and entrepreneurship with French infrastructure and resources. The intended cooperation is a direct result of the first official visit of a delegation of representatives of leading French centers in the field of biology to Israel, which took place a year ago. This visit ended in Jerusalem with a joint statement by the President of France Nicolas Sarkozy and the President of the State of Israel Shimon Peres.

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