The first crocodile-crocodile: the scientist who turned a chicken into a crocodile in the laboratory

Since the days of Aristotle, humans have tried to understand the plan of creation and formation of the embryo

Binimino Perlagrasso - hen and chicks. A 19th century painting by a painter who died in 1902 and is therefore in the public domain. From Wikimedia
Binimino Perlagrasso - hen and chicks. A 19th century painting by a painter who died in 1902 and is therefore in the public domain. From Wikimedia

More than two thousand years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle started an innovative and unusual experiment. He broke open a hen's egg the first day after it was laid, and scanned its contents for an embryo. He found nothing, except a thin, fleshy strip that looked nothing like a chick. Aristotle repeated the procedure with another egg, this time two days old, and then a three-day, four-day egg, and so on. With this method, Aristotle was able to trace the formation of the chick inside the egg, and recorded how the thin band of cells slowly and miraculously changed into a completely perfect bird. The last remaining egg, on the 21st day, Aristotle no longer had to break. The chick hatched from her on its own.

Since the days of Aristotle, humans have tried to understand the plan of creation and formation of the embryo. "This is similar to a block of iron that becomes the space shuttle." Miroslav Holov said twenty years ago. Indeed, within a few weeks a single cell - the fertilized egg - succeeds in turning into a perfect chick, from beak to feather.

As humans, we are bound to always ask and wonder: What if we could play with the plan of creation? If we understood the body's programming language, which causes an embryo to become a chick or a human, what hybrid creatures could we bring into the world? In the last year, a preliminary answer was received with the creation in the laboratory of the 'taningulat' - a chick with a snout similar to that of a crocodile - and this with very simple means: a small piece of gelatin soaked in a substance called a 'growth factor'.

The growth factors are the substances that guide the creation of the fetal organs. The fetal cells create different growth factors, and these spread all over the body and are absorbed by other cells. In this way, the growth factors are used as a type of words and sentences in the programming language of the developing embryo. Cells that receive BMP-2 growth factor, for example, know that they must change and form bone tissue instead. Cells that receive a growth factor called retinoic acid know that they must change and form nerve tissue or muscle tissue, depending on the amount of retinoic acid they sense around them. If we think of each individual growth factor as a single word, then a combination of several growth factors within the body creates complete sentences and directs each and every cell to create the right tissue in the right place.

Growth factors play a critical part in determining the final shape of the body. They determine, among other things, whether the face of the chick embryo will be shaped into the shape of a crocodile's long mouth, or into the shape of a chicken's beak. In the crocodile embryo, the face develops two separate bones that turn into an elongated mouth, as a result of the activity of two critical growth factors called 'sonic hedgehog' and 'fibroblastic growth factor 8'. These growth factors appear on the sides of the face of the crocodile embryo, and cause the bones to develop separately.

The pattern of development in the chick is clearly different. The same growth factors work for him too, but they are expressed both on the sides of the face and in the center of the face. As a result of their effect on the cells in the area, the two original bones unite and become one stable bone - the loa is the basis for the origin of birds.

Here the question arises: what would happen if we could control the growth factors and cause them to manifest only in the places where we wanted? Could we sculpt the chick embryo as plasticine in the hand of the creator? To design new and unique forms of life? The challenge of playing God is one that is hard to resist, but this is not just Promethean desire. Many children suffer from congenital defects in the face and body, caused as a result of incorrect distribution of growth factors during fetal growth. If we understand how to control these factors more effectively and safely, we may be able to cure those children even at the stage when they are formed inside the womb.

Biologist Erhat Abzanov decided to pick up the gauntlet and play the god of chicks. He developed a gel containing substances that paralyze the growth factors. These substances adhere to specific growth factors and prevent them from affecting the body. He cut a small hole in the shell of chick eggs, and implanted the gel in the central area of ​​the developing embryo's face. The growth factors in the center of the face became paralyzed - and the chicks developed an elongated mouth resembling that of a crocodile and consisting of two separate bones, instead of a complete beak. The results of his research were presented last month at a meeting at Jackson Laboratories in Maine.

deterrent? Scary? It doesn't have to be that way. Abzanov just turned the dials of evolution backwards. Birds evolved from crocodile-like reptiles, and the growth factors that shaped the faces of dinosaurs are the same growth factors that shape the faces of birds today. The difference is mainly in the location of the growth factors in the facial area.

This means that Abzanov did no more (or less) than undo some of the steps that evolution and natural selection imposed on birds. And he is neither the first nor the last. Other scientists are currently working on deciphering the mechanisms that are responsible for the lengthening of the tail in the chicken embryo, or for the growth of teeth instead of a smooth beak. The success is still partial, but there is a real effort to reproduce the evolution that the chickens went through in the last millions of years, and to return them in the laboratory to the state of maniraptora - small dinosaurs that were the ancestors of the birds alive today.

And what about the regulation and ethics laws? These do not prevent Abzanov's experiments, but they prohibit him from allowing the reshaped chicks to emerge from the eggs. Like Aristotle, Abzanov also had to break the eggs in the days before the chicks hatched, and see how successful his handiwork was.

As with any technology that has potential, this too can be frightening on the one hand - but uplift the spirit and opinion on the other. If we succeed in gaining control of the reins of the body of the fetus, and if we succeed in deciphering all the secrets of the growth factors, then we will have a powerful tool in our hands to create animals that can serve man better. In the short term we may choose to design particularly muscular calves endowed with plenty of meat, or cows with ten or more udders. In the most far-reaching visions one can dream of a conscious creation of animal allies endowed with larger minds and capable of developing basic intelligence.

The technology could also be used to heal human embryos while still in the womb. No more cleft-tongued children who have difficulty speaking will be born. Cyclops - those rare embryonic cases in which the two eyes merge into one eye in the center of the face as a result of a disruption in the activity of the growth factors - will be corrected in the first stages of their development. This technology could also help some of the dwarfism phenomena, in which the bones of the limbs do not lengthen... you guessed it right - again due to a disturbance in the growth factors.

It cannot be denied that this is a powerful force, which can be directed to various purposes. The people of science and morality are also beginning to understand how much the science of biology can change the character of man and the entire world in the coming decades. In the coming year, the European Union is launching a large-scale research project that will try to determine the limits of research and ethics in the field of synthetic biology, and it is possible that the Interdisciplinary Center for Analysis and Technological Forecasting at Tel Aviv University will also participate in the project (under whose wings I have the honor and privilege) and will represent the positions of the State of Israel, About the religious people and the morality in it. Together, as part of a project in which many countries from around the world will participate, we may decide what life will look like in the next generation.

If only we had the wisdom to make the right decisions.

For news on the subject in New Scientist

18 תגובות

  1. Petty, human beings, wherever they are, are exposed to what is called brainwashing, from the moment we are born and aware, the knowledge we acquire is largely absorbed and assimilated into us. When we don't have the tools, especially in our youth, to verify or clarify.
    You can easily find people of the same intellectual level with completely different views, some of whom have extreme beliefs
    The truth of creation is in the hands of God and the other part passionately advocates the theory of evolution.

    In nature, everything is designed and operated by something related to existence and survival, of course this includes knowledge and experience, which is an extremely important tool to fight, hunt, reproduce, etc. Perhaps that is why man guards his perceptions and opinions with extreme zeal, they are an important part of the process of evolution and survival.

    The opinions and perceptions are not created and exist out of some need for logic or truth but from the need to be alive.

  2. There is a very strange quality to humanity, although it has never been able to stop the development of innovative science
    If it's for good or if it's for bad. Like drugs, crime, art, science, war, and more and more,
    And yet, throughout history, there are always groups of people who try again and again to stop ruling
    Even if their intentions are pure. Without success .
    Science will always develop and develop tools for destruction and next to them tools for medicine. It has dynamics and inertia without any logic
    No planning..

  3. Let him do it to his own nose if he is so curious, leave the animals alone.
    It is a living and autonomous being.

  4. Roy,

    Fascinating research.

    Just a small note - dinosaurs (and their avian descendants), crocodilians and pterosaurs (flying, not dinosaurs) all belong to one group, Archosauria, but the dinosaurs and crocodilians separated before the evolutionary "spread" of dinosaurs and the formation of birds.

  5. Roy,
    As Beelzebub said, the dinosaurs evolved from reptiles and from there to birds. The crocodiles are also reptiles that lived at the same time as the dinosaurs (a parallel tree with a common origin) - they are not the ancestors of the dinosaurs or the birds. The dinosaurs and crocodiles are the equivalent of humans and chimpanzees - but to a more drastic degree, because while the crocodiles remained reptiles, the dinosaurs had already begun to be a separate species with a tree different from its own. The claim of many researchers is that the transition from cold-blooded reptiles (such as crocodiles) to birds (warm-blooded - like mammals) already occurred in dinosaurs, and they were already a completely separate species, and they have "blood" (a method of temperature regulation, to be more precise) which is an intermediate stage between cold-blooded and warm-blooded (and other physiological differences).
    I found a quote on Wiki:
    "The current consensus view suggests that dinosaur metabolism did not closely match any found in living vertebrates, and, consequently, that they cannot be categorized as either "warm" or "cold-blooded." Rather, they lie somewhere on the spectrum between poikilothermy and homeothermy. Consequently, current research focuses on mechanisms of metabolism and temperature regulation, and the similarities between dinosaurian, avian and mammalian metabolisms."

    But again - the birds (and the chickens) originated from relatively small dinosaurs that began to develop feathers on their bodies - probably at first to help maintain body heat, attract mates and much later in the daya (and yes - there is evidence and many "missing vertebrae" found that testify to this - Ggelo And you will find - evidence of feathers in dinosaurs). Therefore, it makes sense that a certain change in growth factors would manifest "in mutants" with a configuration similar to the proboscis of their ancestors instead of a source.

  6. Nice research

    The beak of the bird and our mouth did indeed evolve from the mouth of the reptile, but the alligators are older than the dinosaurs

  7. Lior,
    I do not know. We'll see how the project progresses.

    Birds are an evolutionary descendant of the dinosaurs, who are also the ancestors of the crocodiles. This means that the bird's beak also rolled out of the reptile's mouth. When we turn the beak back into the mouth, we are actually going backwards in evolution.

  8. It seems that the real challenge is to remove all the barriers to the acceptance of the technology (the Halacha-life rights organizations) In my humble opinion, after all the living cells of the fetus have been woven, God's work will be finished, and we can correct biological distortions just as we correct injustice and racism that originates from belief in Him.

  9. I didn't understand the connection to evolution
    The scientist did not return the chicken to the crocodile, he just
    Changed the structure of her mouth
    Is it called finally bringing back the "wheels of evolution"

    I wonder

  10. Correcting defects while still in the uterus is great, but how will they ensure that those growth factors do not damage the walls of the uterus, and turn into tumors, benign or malignant. A condition that will be followed by the need for a hysterectomy. Some women will have to suffer, or worse - fall victim to the whims of biological experimenters without being told about the risks. Doctors are not God - and it has already happened that drugs and the like, which were considered safe, created new deformities.

  11. Peace and blessings to you Roy, I read the honorable discovery, but as a person of faith I was interested in knowing how the positions of the State of Israel would be presented on the clergy and its morality, and I would even be happy to hear your opinion.

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