The intelligent design

The Grand Canyon in the service of creation? Source: Claytondodge9, Wikimedia.

The Grand Canyon in the service of creation?

Evolution versus creationism. progressed Illustration: shutterstock

What does God do in science classes?

Teaching evolution in schools. Illustration: shutterstock

Survey: 70% support evolution studies - 66% in Jewish schools, 89% in Arab schools

This valve was not 40 years ago | Photo: from an article by Anthony Herrel and his colleagues from the journal PNAS (issue 105, 12)

Evolution, creation and the school: how biology should be taught

Pope Francis visiting Korea in 2014. From Wikipedia

Pope Francis: Evolution exhausts the divine potential of every creature

Religions in crisis - not in Israel. Illustration: shutterstock

The voice of the skeptic - is God dying? / Michael Shermer

A humorous look at human evolution. Image: POSSAN - Wikimedia Commons

A process is not a theory, a fact is not an assumption

A humorous look at human evolution. Image: POSSAN - Wikimedia Commons

Evolution studies in the Holy Land

Dr.Roey Tsezana. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

About creationism and the common people

John Huntsman. A photo from when he was ambassador to China. From Wikipedia

One righteous man was found in Sodom and immediately crucified

The white moth Biston betularia that became extinct due to the soot that covered the trees during the industrial revolution and was replaced by a black moth. From Wikipedia

A few words for the skeptics

The evolution of the crustaceans. Exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada. From Wikipedia

Evolution or bievolution?

teach evolution. Image: Texas Tech University

A victory for evolution in Texas

God according to Michelangelo

Does the theory of evolution disprove the existence of God?

Alyssa Campanella, MISS USA 2011. From Wikipedia (CC license)

The Miss USA pageant and the evolution

The mythological Irish Leprechaun in a painting from the beginning of the 20th century. From Wikipedia

Why creationism is not science

A flyer describing the theme park based on the story of Noah's Ark being built in Kentucky. PR photo

The anti-science crusade in America is getting stronger

A 19th century cartoon depicting Darwin as a monkey

Einstein and Darwin: A Tale of Two Theories

The Pope blesses believers in Rome, 2008. Photo: wikimedia common. The photographer Rvin88 uploaded the photo himself according to CREATIVE COMMON 3.0

The Pope: God is behind the Big Bang

Artist's perception - the sun as a changing star that seems very fixed to us

The Age of the Sun and Darwinism

Frantisek Koepka, Anthropoids. 1902

A country haunted by demons 40: XNUMX% of Americans believe in creation according to Genesis

This is according to a survey conducted by the Gallup company. However, the proportion of those who accept evolution without intervention has increased from 9% to 16% in the last thirty years. who is to blame? Humanist websites claim that the education system and the media succumbed to the pressure
Figure 1: Phylogenetic tree.

Genetics and evolution - far beyond a reasonable doubt

The Knesset House - the center of Israeli democracy

The voice of the skeptic - The Democracy Lab