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Evolution and nature
- Avi Blizovsky
- 4 תגובות
Researchers from the Hebrew University and their partners around the world have discovered that parents repeat words more often when talking to young babies, and use a more varied vocabulary as the children get older
- Ben-Gurion University
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The 'pipe builder' snail was awarded the title of 'environmental engineer', in light of its contribution to the construction of rocky surfaces on the coastline and reducing their rate of weathering in an effective way. It came to the brink of extinction, but researchers from Ben Gurion University succeeded
- The Technion
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The researchers of the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the Technion show in their article in Nature how the immune system has developed a "developmental space" that allows it to quickly adapt to changes in the environment
- Avi Blizovsky
- 2 תגובות
Research shows that crows can intentionally produce up to four vocalizations in response to specific cues, indicating a non-symbolic number system and vocal control similar to that of human infants. This ability offers a foundation
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
Researchers found that caves inhabited by fruit bats were characterized by longer food chains than caves inhabited by insect bats or caves without bats
- Science site The Conversation
- 4 תגובות
Some problematic trends can be understood from a mismatched evolutionary fit. For example, competition and anxiety about social status have been linked to obsessions with studies, competing for prestigious positions and materialism. There is a growing trend of "being poor longer".
- Avi Blizovsky
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The researchers examined the relationship between sediment mixing caused, in part, by burrowing worms with a mineral called pyrite, which plays a key role in oxygen accumulation. As more pyrite is formed and buried under the mud, sand or
- The Hebrew University
- 4 תגובות
A study by Hebrew University researchers opens innovative avenues in understanding the influence of sex cells on life expectancy and sheds light on the central role of sex cells and fertility on longevity
- Weizmann Institute
Weizmann Institute of Science scientists made bacterial cells mimic processes characteristic of multicellular organisms, and discovered a possible defense mechanism against cancer
- Tel Aviv University
A new study by Tel Aviv University reveals: in the areas of the Samaria Mountains, east of Jaljulia and Merat Kesem, special stone tools appeared for the first time in the world, which were used about 400 thousand years ago to hunt donkeys
- Angle - a news agency for science and the environment
We depend on them, and not just for the honey. International Bee Day is a great opportunity to make some buzz for bees, one of the most important animals on the planet
- Tel Aviv University
The plague that destroyed the sea urchins in Eilat has spread to the Indian Ocean and threatens to destroy sea urchin populations all over the world
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
Carbon nanoparticles stick to bacterial membranes and puncture them. On new type of antibiotic tools
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
Researchers have discovered an ancient variety of olive tree that has existed in Israel much longer than the Syrian variety and are now trying to attribute it to a certain period and understand when and where it began to grow
- The science service
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As part of the Teva-Biz project shared by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Society for the Protection of Nature, a nature survey was conducted for the first time in Naot Smadar where the new dragonfly was discovered
- The Hebrew University
- 3 תגובות
Hebrew University researchers have revealed new findings regarding the connection between the increase in oxygen in the atmosphere and oceans on Earth, and the development of complex life. The study indicates that the rise of oxygen occurred after the development of life
- Davidson Institute
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- The Technion
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The intestine is a very dynamic organ that is constantly changing structurally, mechanically and chemically, and the intestinal bacteria are required to cope with this dynamism. One of the qualities that may help them in this is plasticity - the ability
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
- One response
Prof. Oren Levy researches the timing of the reproduction of corals around the world and is surprised by Dioc. However the biological clock of the corals is not adapted to the volume lights
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
Researchers analyze the DNA and hormonal profile of the green turtles to understand their physiology, development and reproduction and ensure their survival
- Dr.Roey Tsezana
The Cow of Heaven project aims to find a way to produce milk protein from bacteria that feed on carbon dioxide and hydrogen
- Tel Aviv University
The research team: "We must act quickly to continue to protect our coral reefs" * The article is dedicated to the memory of Tal Ilon, a man of the sea, commander of the Kfar Gaza alert squad who was murdered on the 7
- The Voice of Science website - the Israel National Science Foundation
Researchers have characterized genes and proteins that are involved in the splicing process in the mitochondria of plants and are essential for cellular respiration and growth
- Tel Aviv University
Fish that change their distribution towards the poles due to climate change are declining in abundance
- Avi Blizovsky
- 2 תגובות
Unlike the 2017 eclipse that occurred in August, this eclipse occurs when the spring migration is already underway. And since most birds fly at night, a solar eclipse may affect them significantly