
The study accompanied more than 1,000 soldiers from the moment of recruitment until after the operational activity. Soldiers perform communication tasks on the computer during service. Photo: Ilan Veld, Tel Aviv University

Take the fight out of shock

Raven's matrix, a common question in an intelligence test. From Wikipedia

Intelligence - to wait forever? / Tim Folger

Dr. Hillel Aviezer, Hebrew University. Self-portrait

Recognition of expressions - on the face

From the right: Uri Livna, Oded Kluyer and Dr. Roni Paz. Full support. Photo: Weizman Institute

remember and forget

Hospital Healing Garden in Celebration_Health, Florida. From Wikipedia

Health Sciences - Medicinal Gardens / Deborah Franklin

Shaul Mofaz. From Wikipedia

Save your enemy

The cover of the book "The Medici Effect", by Frans Johansson, Harvard Business Press Books, 2004

Reflections - The Medici Effect / Bracha Reger and Meir Pershtman

The Thinking Man, Auguste Rodin's statue. From Wikipedia

Has a way been found to stop believing in God?

Prof. Uri Alon and Yael Ben-Ari. Wonderful coordination. Photo: Weizmann Institute

The liberation movement

Musica at Stanford Church. From Wikipedia

Are homophobic clerics homosexual themselves?

The cover of the game Starcraft 2. From Wikipedia

What happens in the gamer's mind?

Volunteers distribute soup to the needy during the economic depression of the thirties in the USA. From WIKIMEDIA

The Science of Economic Bubbles and Their Expiration / Gary Stix

Apple logo from the XNUMXs "Think Different"

The trap of positive thinking / Ella Katznelson

Steve Jobs announcing the iPhone 4 in 2010. From Wikipedia

Face of a leader

Teenagers play computer games and kill aliens at a conference at Haifa University, 7/2/2012. Photo: Haifa University

Writing a blog helps teenagers deal with emotional-social distress

A woman from the Mombutu tribe in Africa. Illustration from the 19s, Dr. George Schweinforth. Public domain image

A voice in a pubic woman - a neuropsychological observation

But what determines what turns us on sexually? This is the question in God's knowledge, because sexual arousal has many psychological and physiological levels. There is no clear answer here. But two different psychological theories that try to explain
Abraham Lincoln

Prophetic dreams - was it, or did I dream a dream?

From the right: Elad Ganmore, Dr. Ronan Segev and Dr. Elad Schneidman. Foreign language


The two parts of the brain (right and left) and the canal that separates them. From Wikipedia

The road to wealth: the future belongs to the right-brained

Jewish religious customs - the four species. Free image, Wikimedia Foundation

Mild to severe

Menachem Begin speaking after his exit from the underground, on August 14, 1948, in Tel Aviv. Haim Landau sits next to him. In front of it is the inscription "Homeland and Freedom" and the Etzel symbol. From Wikipedia

Not just hypnosis: how to influence others?

A picture illustrating the perception of size. Illustration: Ben-Gurion University

Who knows how much?

From Nadav Harel's film "The Electric Mind"

About anxiety and lack of sensitivity

elders. From Wikipedia

with a good pull

The penalty for making a forbidden choice

Free will: everything is expected and permission is given.

baby playing From WIKIMEDIA COMMONS CC license

Do babies really look more like dad?

Dr. Roni Paz and Jennifer Resnick. Discernment

The evolution of danger perception

Family psychology - taming the tiger in you / Charles K. Choi

The dopamine pathways in the brain and between them the striatum

Loneliness is (also) in the eye of the beholder

I control you

A position of strength, a position of weakness

brawl. From Wikishare.

Violence in a closed circle

baby playing From WIKIMEDIA COMMONS CC license

Money = mental ability?

Justin Bieber: From YouTube videos at the age of 13 to a hot pop star three years later. Photo: See link to the source of the photo at the end of the article

The powerful network

It's not worth being judged by him in the next few hours

Bad taste and moral judgment

The Ames room - Adelbert Ames Jr. was invented in 1946 according to an idea conceived by Helmholtz. The three people are equal in size. The shape of the room is distorted. The source Wittereich, WJ (1959). Visual perception and personality, Scientific American, 200(4) ), 56-60. Photograph courtesy of William Vandivert.

Our twisted mind

Paul Newman's face is probably suitable for the whole month

The female choice

There are plenty of fish in the sea - no matter how you look at it

What a cliché!

Robert Flood's Description of the Perception (1619).

What do you understand from what is written here?

The laboratory of Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), who founded the first psychological research laboratory in Heidelberg, where he used introspection as a research method. Wundt's research laboratory, one of the fathers of psychology
