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The research fund of the Ministry of Health and European research funds allocate 8.5 million for research in the field of the genome

The research fund of the Ministry of Health is a partner of a group of European research funds that will allocate up to 8.5 million euros for medical research in the field of the genome of disease-causing bacteria and fungi

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The Scientist Office of the Ministry of Health, as part of its activity in the ERA-NET PathoGenoMics organization, published a third call for joint research on human diseases caused by bacteria or fungi. ERA-NET PathoGenoMics is an EU initiative to encourage collaborative research across Europe on the genomes of bacteria and fungi and use this knowledge to develop new ways to fight diseases caused by these agents. The third reading voice allocates 8.5 million euros for research in these fields over three years, which originates from the research funds that are partners in the project from the following countries: Austria, Germany, France, Hungary, Israel, Slovenia, Portugal and Spain.

The purpose of the Calling Voice is to encourage collaborative research and development activity in Europe on the genomes of pathogenic bacteria and fungi by funding joint research linking scientists from at least three member countries of the ERA-NET organization. The joint projects will combine academic researchers with clinicians or industry professionals. Part of the funding will be allocated to support the projects of young scientists. The projects must focus on the development of new diagnostic methods, vaccines and treatments against infectious diseases, and on advancing the scientific understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying the infection process. More details can be found at:

The ERA-NET PathoGenoMics organization previously carried out two funding rounds, each amounting to over 16 million euros, the first in 2006 and the second in 2008. The first call focused on strengthening basic research in the field, and led to the funding of 12 collaborative research projects. To encourage the translation of basic research results into clinical and industrial applications, the PathoGenoMics organization announced the second call, which led to the funding of 13 collaborative research projects. Six researchers from Israel were partners in these studies and some of the joint studies were funded by the research fund of the Ministry of Health.

"Despite the great medical progress in recent years, infectious diseases still pose a serious and even increasing threat to public health, both because of the development of resistance to antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs, and because of the rapid spread of pathogens due to today's high human mobility. Pathogenomics, the study of the genomes of disease-causing bacteria and fungi, can make a significant contribution in our fight to eradicate the threat," said Dr. Benny Leshem, Director of the Medical Research Administration at the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry's representative in ERA-Net. "Based on the success of the previous funding rounds, the ERA-NET PathoGenoMics organization decided to publish a third call, which aims to connect basic research with applied research and technological approaches in genomics to investigate the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of infectious diseases."

About ERA-NET PathoGenomics

ERA-NET PathoGenomics, funded by the European Union, was established in 2004 to promote research in the genomes of bacteria and fungi that cause human diseases. The goal of the organization is to promote the exchange of information, build research projects in the field and create the organizational infrastructure for collaborations between researchers in Europe. The member countries of the organization are: Austria, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal, Finland and France. For more information:

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