The expression space/time includes two concepts that require a different reference to each of them when trying to perceive them with the help of the senses. The physical space refers to length, width and depth
The expression space/time includes two concepts that require a different reference to each of them when trying to perceive them with the help of the senses. The physical space refers to length, width and depth. Their translation into a Cartesian axis system allows the exact location of each and every point. If it is a spatial body, its dimensions can be determined using the system of axes, and if it is in motion, its passage from one place to another can be followed. The axis system by its nature is one that has a reference point, to which every point or body is measured in relation to. Their position according to this point is what determines whether they will receive positive or negative values. Movement from this point in a certain direction across each of these axes is considered forward movement and movement in the opposite direction is considered backward movement. The tracking of this movement is done through the sense of sight and sometimes also through the sense of hearing (for example the sound of a car approaching or moving away) and through tracking devices.
The concept of time requires a different approach. With the help of the eye it is possible to see that a point or body is in one place at a certain moment and in another place at a second moment, but it is not possible to see the timeline itself and its units of measurement on the axis system as it is done in the Cartesian axis system. In addition, no point or body can move backwards on this axis. A good way to illustrate this is by looking at what happens in the bodies of animals and machines. The body of animals on the timeline changes without stopping - puberty and aging. The meaning of backward movement is their rejuvenation. In the same way, the backward movement of a machine means the disappearance of wear and tear and the receipt of a new machine that has come off the production line. The timeline describes process situations in which changes occur in bodies located in the three-dimensional space.
Between any two points in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space it is possible to draw a continuous line on which bodies move. This line can take different geometric shapes such as a linear shape or a curved shape. Combining this system of axes with the timeline will show what will happen to different bodies as they move along the geometric continuum lines. For example, it is possible to follow the process of a person's development from the moment of his birth until his death. It is equally possible to follow the course of the production of a machine, for
Using it and ending with throwing it in the scrap yard. These processes cannot but be unidirectional. It is possible to monitor what is happening from the outside as well as inside them using appropriate sensing devices. Bergson gave the sequence of time an appropriate name - continuation (Bergson 1977: 68-74). The interval between one time point and another within which a certain change occurs.
If the perception that the universe is closed is correct, then it also has a developmental process starting from the moment of the big bang until the convergence of all matter into the main point. In theory, the following question can be asked: if during the evolution of the universe up to the peak point where the collapse process occurred again, time moves forward, does time move backward from the point of collapse onwards? An example of what this is similar to is a clock whose hands move forward until a certain moment and from that moment on the hands will start moving backwards. But he is not. For an observer of what is happening in the universe when he is outside it, the hands of the clock move forward. The same will be the case for an observer located at any point inside the universe.
Every moment a certain event occurs, whether the universe expands or contracts (the assumption regarding the observer is that he will survive the entire collapse of the universe). The material in its movement during the life of the universe can change the direction of its movement. Time cannot change the direction of its movement. From a mathematical point of view time will always have a positive value. A negative value is physically meaningless. If the universe expands to infinity, the possibility of moving backwards in time does not even exist in law.
In our reference to the observer examining the collapse of the universe we are actually saying that he is in another dimension or dimensions. What this implies is that even in this high order there is time. This is a time outside of time. What this means is still difficult to know precisely, but even at this time there is a duration that is used as a scale for those who watch different happenings whether they are in the three-dimensional universe or in its one-dimensional environment and also for him the direction of the arrow of time is one, forward. The same will be true for a viewer
after the viewer of this viewer. From this it is possible to derive a universal claim that the arrow of time will only have a husband
A positive value in every dimension observed and tested.
A particularly popular time paradox among time travel enthusiasts is that of the person who travels back in time with the goal of killing his father or grandfather. On his face this time traveler moves on the same section of the timeline that has the negative values. Really? Are the hands of his clock moving backwards? From the point of view of this passenger, there is a goal that he has set for himself, and every setting of a goal as a fulfillment goal is a future goal, therefore, in terms of his plan of action, he is moving forward and the hands of his clock are also moving forward.
What happens at the scene? Where did he actually go? If we accept the assumption that each point in time is a crossroads where the future possibilities of that given moment diverge and each possibility materializes and stands on its own, then we have received several futures moving forward on their own timeline and also in which the hands move forward. We got parallel universes and our friend the murderer arrives in a universe parallel to his own, carries out his plan and returns to the universe he lives in. In the parallel universe a new event takes place that did not happen before and for those who live in this universe this event can have a great impact. For a certain period of time the killer left the universe, was absent from it for a certain period and returned to it. We then have a sequence of successive actions in which the hands of the clock move forward.
The obvious conclusion from this discussion is that the arrow of time in all dimensions is a one-way ticket.
Bergson A. - Essay on the unmediated data of consciousness, published by Magnes 1977