You will be surprised to find out how moving affects your mental health

Moving. Image by FABIANNE SIBBIO from Pixabay
Moving. Photo: Pixabay. FABIANNE SIBBIO

If you've moved in the past you probably already know how it feels; At first you feel that everything is under control - after all, you have already gone through the difficult part of finding an apartment - but very quickly the considerations and logistical problems begin that turn the move into a nightmare. When do you start packing the house? When and how do you inform the multitude of different bodies that our address has changed and how do you prepare the children for the huge change that is going to take place in their lives? These are just some of the questions that concern those who move, and in fact it is such a stressful process that quite a few studies have been done on it, focusing on the psychology of moving and relocation. So what is the mental effect of moving and what did the researchers discover about the human brain that moves to another place? Let's look at some things that happen to your and your children's mental well-being when you move.

1. Moving puts a lot of pressure on you at any age

This is known to some of you, but if it wasn't already clear, Moving It's a stressful process. While packing the house, it is very difficult to decide what is coming with us and what is left behind, and sometimes you have to say goodbye to certain items, which may make your children scream, but of course you too. In general, the entire packing process itself is difficult, and there is a period of a few days before and after the transport where you live in a house packed in boxes, which is not always easy or pleasant.

But the stressful effect sometimes continues even after the transport is over, and in fact women are after it. In a study conducted in 2012 It was found that there is a connection between frequent house moves in youth and stress and exhaustion at older ages - in people aged 32-42. In another study from 2014, it was suggested that this is a very high level stressful event, the level of stress in which can even be compared to that in the process of divorce.

2. Moving can make you less happy

As we have already described in the previous section, moving significantly affects children and teenagers, and in fact it may have negative consequences that even affect the children's behavior at school. In a study published in 2014 They proved this, and it was found that moving between schools may increase symptoms reminiscent of those of psychosis in 12-year-old children, thereby actually increasing the chance that they will become bullies at the new school.

Moreover, In a 2010 study It was found that children who moved more times reported a poorer quality of life as adults, but it is important to note that those who reported this were mainly introverted children, while extroverted children were not affected by moving to the same extent. Apparently the reason for this is the difficulty of the referred children to make new friends in a new environment to which they have moved.

3. Moving teaches you to become less attached to people

The truth is that it is very difficult to determine whether people who move house more often are in the first place people who find it easier to say "hello and not goodbye", or whether it is actually the move that leads them to treat relationships with others lightly. either way, A study published in 2016 Showed that people who move house more often are indeed less attached to people and objects.

How did they prove it? In an experiment conducted on the subject, the researchers found that participants who were less attached to their belongings were also more likely to let go of their relationships, and in another experiment it was found that the people who were less attached to their belongings tended to stay less in one place and move from place to place more. It turns out that people who find it easier to let go of relationships are also people who move more from place to place. In a recent experiment on the subject, participants who were asked to imagine a future in which they moved more often said it would be easier for them to end relationships than those who were asked to imagine a future in which they lived in one place. Thus it was actually proven that it is not necessarily a matter of character, but more of circumstances.

4. Moving helps you improve your memory (sort of)

According to a study published in 2016, You are more likely to remember events happening around you if you have moved than if you have stayed in the same place. During the study, the participants were asked to tell about their most memorable experiences, and it was found that a little more than a quarter of the people's memories are related to times that are adjacent to their moving apartment - before or after it. The authors of the study called it the "relocation jump", and described it this way: we remember things more clearly when there is a clear reference point for them, such as moving house.

Of course, in the end a lot also depends on the experience itself

It is very important to note that all the studies described here were done on moving houses in countries where relocation is very significant, while here in Israel moving house does not necessarily mean the need to end relationships, for example, because the distances between the places of residence are short. However, the process definitely affects children and boys in the way described here, so it is important to be aware of this.

Moreover, the moving process itself can also be stressful - as we described at the beginning, due to questions and logistical problems - but for this there is a simple solution, and that is to find a mover who will do the hard work for you. Today, you can avoid the stress of moving with the help of moving services that take care of everything - from A to Z - including packing, unloading and arrangement in the new home. While this will not affect your or your children's mental well-being in the long run (if it is prone to harm), it can certainly make the experience itself more pleasant in the short term, which is just as important.

Moving soon? Need a moving company? Contact the team of the leading carriers in Israel:

This article is promoted content in cooperation with the leading company in Israel to serve the surfers of the knowledge site.

2 תגובות

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