Mass show - thousands came to watch the meteor shower at Mitzpe Ramon

The event was organized by the Israel Space Agency at the Ministry of Science and the Israel Astronomical Society * A video is attached with photos of 81 of the bright meteors as observed in Ohio

The white stripes stretching across are stars that have moved from their position during the long exposure due to the movement of the Earth. The meteors are the vertical lines. Archive photo: Einat Zbirin
The white stripes stretching across are stars that have moved from their position during the long exposure due to the movement of the Earth. The meteors are the vertical lines. Archive photo: Einat Zbirin


More than 6000 people came to Mitzpe Ramon tonight to watch a live performance of "shooting stars" - the meteor shower reached its peak last night and crowds of families, astronomy enthusiasts, romantic couples and travelers came to an event of the Israel Space Agency at the Ministry of Science and the Israel Astronomical Society to witness nature in its glory. At the event, trainings and observations were given using lasers and telescopes, including the largest portable telescope in Israel for those who were interested in observing other objects in the sky as well, since meteors do not need any equipment.

The Israeli Astronomical Society reports a rate of 100 meteors per hour, a rate that is considered high.

A meteor is the phenomenon seen when a grain of dust enters the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of several tens of kilometers per second. At such a speed, the dust grain (also called a meteorite) collides with the air molecules, heats up and burns at an altitude of about 100 km. This violent event causes the electrons to be torn from the air molecules, a phenomenon called ionization. The result is that the ionized air emits light in a process similar to that of a fluorescent lamp. The emission of light appears to us as a meteor (also called a falling star, but as mentioned it has nothing to do with the stars).

Science Minister Danny Danon said on the occasion of the event, "Space exploration is an exciting way through which it is possible to create a common dialogue between Israeli citizens from all over the country and bring science in an experiential way to children and youth. The arrival of thousands to Mitzpe Ramon indicates that the interest in the subject is growing. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Space will continue to make accessible and develop programs in order to expose the entire Israeli public to the field of space.'

The Universe Today website provides Great photo gallery of the meteors from astronomy photographers, according to site editor Nancy Atkinson, the show was spectacular in a place where the sky was dark and the moon had set and cleared the stage before the meteor peak.

Astronomy photographer John Chumack watched the impressive meteor shower from Dayton, Ohio yesterday and uploaded 81 photographs of exceptionally bright meteors to video.


Thousands came on August 12 to watch the Perseid shower at Mitzpe Ramon. Photo meteor- Ran, p. Courtesy of the Israeli Space Agency
Thousands came on August 12 to watch the Perseid shower at Mitzpe Ramon. Photo meteor- Ran, p. Courtesy of the Israeli Space Agency

Taking advantage of the dark sky during the meteor observation at the Mitzpe Ramon Observatory, August 12, 2015. Photo: L.A.M., courtesy of the Israel Space Agency

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