With a short break for Seder Pesach, Eitan Stiva was busy all weekend with the Israeli experiments
At 14:00, another part of the experiment was carried out to measure brain activity under microgravity conditions using an advanced EEG system (used to record electrical activity in the brain) from the remote medicine field. The purpose of the experiment, which was carried out in collaboration with the brain.space company and the laboratory of Dr. Oren Shariki from Ben Gurion University, is to monitor the brain activity of astronaut Eitan Stiva and other astronauts on Earth before, after and during their stay on the International Space Station.
At 16:00, a radio communication experiment was conducted with the International Space Station. During the experiment, students from all over the country conducted radio communication independently with the International Space Station. The experiment was successful and the students had a conversation with the astronaut Eitan Stiva from the satellite communication ground station at the Science Center in Herzliya. The experiment is a joint initiative of the Herzliya Science Center, the 'Sky' mission led by the Ramon Foundation, NASA, the Radio Amateurs Association, the Israel Space Agency and ARISS (the American Radio Amateurs Association). You can listen to the conversation at the link.
At 17:00, there was a conversation between Ethan Stiva and Mark Fathy, astronauts from the Ax-1 team and students of the Space-Startup program, an educational program for 21th-XNUMXth graders and students from Canada, which uses the world of space alongside practices from the world of entrepreneurship. The program is designed to encourage young students to specialize and excel in STEAM fields and help them acquire the skills required in the XNUMXst century. The students' documentation during their conversation with Eitan:
At 18:35, there was a personal conversation between the astronaut Eitan Stiva and the artist Dana Yahami, for the sake of creating her work 'Dialogue at eight kilometers per second'. The work is based on dialogues that the artist had (and will have) with Stiva. The recording of the conversations will become an audio work consisting of the personal conversations and sounds From historical key moments from the last hundred years when humanity managed to bring man into space.
Throughout the day, several photographs were taken for the Spaceborne Observations of Lightning Elves and Other Atmospheric Electrical Phenomena (ILAN-ES) experiment at the Planetary Science Field. As part of the experiment, Eitan Stiva photographed lightning storms over New Caledonia, near Australia, then over Rwanda and finally over Papua, New Guinea. The experiment is led by Prof. Yoav Yair, dean of the School of Sustainability at Reichman University. The experiment is in collaboration with ground stations around the world. Thousands of lightning storms occur at any given moment around the globe, at an average rate of about 50 lightning strikes per second. The ILAN-ES experiment deals with observations from a station - Space on lightning storms and optical phenomena in the upper atmosphere, associated with particularly strong lightning. These phenomena are called Lightning sprites, they occur between the altitudes of 50 and 90 km and are photographed by Eitan Stiva from the International Space Station.
At 11:40 a.m., part XNUMX of the CRISPR experiment was carried out by researchers Dr. Dodo Burstein from the Shemonis School at Tel Aviv University and Dr. Gore Pines from the Volcanic Institute. In this part of the experiment, the sensitivity of the biological response was measured in microgravity conditions on the International Space Station. The success of the experiment will contribute to the fact that researchers will be able to use the CRISPR systems for accurate diagnostics of bacteria and viruses that may attack crew members in space missions and in the future even diagnose diseases in space agriculture.
At 16:35, an AstroRad experiment from the Radiation Research Field was launched. As part of the experiment, Stiva performed ergonomic tests on a protective vest against radiation which is based on selective protection and was developed to protect astronauts on their way to the Moon or Mars. In prolonged missions, the radiation in these areas may damage their function and in the long run even be fatal. Stiva provided critical feedback that will ensure that the AstroRad vest will be suitable for use on extended journeys into deep space. (In the next step, as part of the unmanned Artemis-1 mission, the effectiveness of the technology in deep space will be tested, in a unique collaboration between the German Space Agency and the Israeli Space Agency in the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology).
At 11:00 a.m., Stiva finished the experiment examining the applicability of amorphous calcium in favor of extending a human stay in space from the field of remote medicine. The experiment aims to answer the problem of bone and muscle depletion that occurs among astronauts following a long stay (6 months) in microgravity conditions. The experiment was conducted in a system called Lab-on-a-Chip, which contains human muscle cells and human bone cells. During the experiment, cell differentiation was examined with and without amorphous calcium. The experiment is led by the company SpacePharma, which specializes in biological experiments in space. In addition, Eitan finished conducting the experiment of the Aleph Farms company that develops cultured meat. The experiment is designed to test the growth and differentiation of cells that make up meat under microgravity conditions, so that in the near future it will be possible for astronauts to eat fresh steaks outside the borders of the Earth. The experimental system developed by SpacePharma automatically fed, over the course of eight days, the cow cells of Alf Pharma with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and sugars, which they need to multiply and differentiate into the cells that make up the muscle tissue. At the same time, the researchers conducted an identical experiment on Earth, with the aim of comparing the results of the process and thus minimizing the environmental footprint on Earth from the constraints imposed by space. Alf Pharmas' trial was carried out in collaboration with SpacePharma and Space Applications.
At 11:30, Eitan conducted various parts of SpaceLab experiments, which are led by groups of high school students from around the country. Among other things, parts of the microbiota experiment of male and female students of a new high school in Tel Aviv were conducted. The experiment examines the effect of microgravity in space on the microbiota bacteria found in the intestine and also the effect of antibiotics on microbiota under microgravity conditions; An experiment with nanometer cells of the Dekel Vilnai school in Ma'ale Adumim, which deals with the purpose of the cells found in all the body's organs in helping to stop the spread of infections and examines the nanometer cells under microgravity conditions; An experiment that deals with the decomposition of plastic in space by the bacterium Ideonella Sakaiensis, by the students of Shimon Ben Zvi High School, the purpose of which is to test the effect of microgravity on the rate of degradation of plastic by the bacterium and continue The experiment 'The Power of Moringa', an experiment in the field of foodtech that was conceived by the students of Safed AMI High School, the purpose of which is to test the possibility of using moringa seed powder (which absorbs the pollutants) and pieces of copper (which kill the the bacteria) to purify the water in the spacecraft.
Throughout the weekend, the daily experiments in the field of remote medicine were conducted - the Microbiome in Space experiment by researchers Dr. Ben Boursi from the Oncology Center at the Sheba Medical Center and Dr. Paul Chang at the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in the USA, an experiment for remote identification of the development of emotional distress and stressful situations led by Dr. Harel Bris from the Sheba Medical Center - the clinicians and researchers at ARC, the Center for Innovation medical at Sheba, in the psychiatry department at the Sheba Medical Center and their partners at Thomas Jefferson University in the USA and an experiment with an innovative application that provides real-time test results from the Healthy.io company.
More of the topic in Hayadan:
- The second Israeli on the way to space announced President Rivlin, the Ramon Foundation and the Ministry of Science
- Three experiments from the Technion will be launched to the International Space Station
- Leukemia treatment, a space telescope, the reconstruction of an experiment by Ilan Ramon - among the experiments that will be carried out in the sky mission
- Technology developed at Bar-Ilan University will track the vision of astronauts in space as part of a sky mission
- Historic moment: for the first time, optical components were produced in space as part of the 'Sky' mission
3 תגובות
There are no experiments or anything.
The man paid billions to get to outer space so they gave him employment and called it experiments. (nonsense in juice)
This was already reported in a previous article
Thank you! An interesting and detailed article about the experiments, definitely interesting.
I understood that Eitan also performed an experiment of an optical lens in space, but I did not see any information about this in the article.