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"The quantum computer will allow the computing industry to grow even after Moore's Law is stopped"

Says Itamar Sion, CEO of Quantum Machines, which develops programming languages ​​and compilers that allow classical chips to run algorithms on quantum computers. Sion lectured at the ChipEX2020 Digital conference that took place on September 16, 2020 in the digital space

Itamar Sion, CEO of Quantum Machines. Public relations photo
Itamar Sion, CEO of Quantum Machines. PR photo

"The quantum computer will allow the computing industry to grow even after Moore's Law is stopped." This is what Itamar Sion, CEO of Quantum Machines says in an interview with CHIPORTAL, which develops programming languages ​​and compilers that allow classical chips to manage running algorithms on quantum computers. Sion lectured at the ChipEX2020 Digital conference that took place on September 16 in the digital space about quantum computing, and the tremendous potential that is inherent in it."

"Quantum computing is not a new field. We have been studying it in academia for decades. In recent years, it has begun to gain significant momentum in the industry as well, with dramatic leadership in the field by all the major computing companies, IBM, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Amazon, and also a lot of government resources."

"The interest of the giant companies and the governments and the academy stems from one thing - a promise of very large computational power that we can get from quantum computers, tremendous computational power compared to everything we know in classical computing. There are problems that would take a normal computer 100 years to solve in minutes. This is the field we are engaged in."

"Quantum computing is the next generation of computing for all of humanity. After all, computational power is the main engine of human progress. The driving force behind everything we have seen in the last decades is the development of computing following Moore's Law, humanity thirsts for more and more computing power, and quantum computing gives us the promise of tremendous computing power that on the one hand will come as an answer to humanity's unceasing thirst for more computing power, and on the other hand, to the expected slowdown in the rate The development of the classical computational power as a result of its future and expected halt."

"Quantum computing is no longer an incremental improvement of technology as we know it. This is a real leap of technology into a new era of computing. For the first time we are building computers that are not a development of the previous generation but are completely new. They are completely new in the sense that they are literally based on different laws of physics. These laws of physics - the laws of quantum physics open the door to a new world of exponentially greater computational power than we have ever known."

"Of course, there are a lot of little asterisks and ethics that need to be talked about and it's important to talk about them, such as when this thing will happen and what problems this thing will solve. Not every algorithm will run exponentially faster, but those that do are interesting and important algorithms, the field is still engaged in research, and many more are expected Surprises in the future.”

"We at Quantum Machines develop the control and operation systems of the quantum computers, what we call the orchestration systems (orchestration) of the quantum computers. It can be thought of as the systems that enable quantum processors to be operated optimally, and to exploit their potential."

"At the core of our systems are our processors which are classical processors that operate quantum processors. The quantum processors are physically found in cloud infrastructures, at the big companies and in research laboratories.
Our processors know how to run the most advanced quantum algorithms on any quantum processor. IBM, Google, etc."

"Beyond that, it's hard to tell because it lies in our complex and advanced core architecture, which we developed for this purpose. Among other things, we developed a basic standardized programming language for quantum computers called QUA and a compiler that compiles quantum algorithms in the QUA language into the assembly of our processor."

"The need for this arises from the fact that every company that develops does so from the beginning, and therefore today there are many types of quantum processors that are completely different from each other, based on completely different technologies, and our system constitutes the physical cloud infrastructure of quantum computing required to operate a quantum processor. When you have our systems in the data center, you can perform work on any quantum processor, connect it and use its potential."

"My message is that we are on the verge of a dramatic turning point of the transition to a world based on quantum computers and when we have full-scale quantum computers, the world will look different."

More of the topic in Hayadan:


  1. My name is Menashe as well, this is not a response, just a question.
    Is there a basic textbook in the Hebrew language, on the topic of the Torah relevant for upper elementary students.

  2. The information bottleneck theory, which explains why Bina learns, is the most dominant today and it is
    Developed by Professor Naftali Tashvi, his mother at the time was Noga Zaslavsky, and Ravid Schwartz Ziv.
    Noga Zaslavsky is a postdoctoral student or already a research fellow at MIT today - last time I sampled.

    The theory explains through the physical entropy of information this time, how the mind learns. Today's physics maintains research tracks in quantum computing algorithms and hardware, and in the development of nuclear fusion reactors until 2025, and a trip to Mars - which is currently estimated at about 10 trillion dollars.
    Its specific weight is increasing again, if it was decreasing in the past due to the increase in the weight of genetics. Physicists are in areas of additional content, what is called interdisciplinary. in artificial intelligence for example.
    Since both quantum computing and cold nuclear fusion are necessities for the survival of the species, and some claim that fusion is within reach until 2025, in my estimation the radiation of physics today is high.

    But unlike the founding fathers, she does not only deal with physics, but also with physics.
    She is engaged in the field of brain research, quantum computing, artificial intelligence and alternative energy sources (which is her old field).

  3. The quantum computer evolves every year.
    A. Each additional QBIT doubles the calculation speed by about 2 times.
    B. Talk about quantum on a chip.

    It is also intended at this point for oligarchs only.
    And it will allow governments and corporations to control every step of our lives.

    We have evolved several million years if we take from the chimpanzee
    And a billion and a half if you take the amoeba.
    The growth gradient of a quantum computer is much sharper than ours.
    Two straight lines that one starts before the other is us and the quantum, but the slope of the second is sharper is the quantum, the second straight will cross the height of the first.

    Already today there is a physical theory of consciousness - the information theory of Guglio Tononi.
    And there is a theory of artificial intelligence which is purely physical which is the information bottleneck of Naftali Tashvi.
    I said a long time ago that whoever thinks it is very far is not so right in my opinion only - I qualify myself.

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