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Podcast: The Great Mysteries of Science Episode 1 - The Origin of Life

Tel Aviv 360 podcast of Tel Aviv University (Hebrew only)

The scientific and technological development is without a doubt the greatest achievement of humanity, the beautiful side of the human race. We have made tremendous progress - we have seen billions of light years away and gone down to resolutions of billionths of a millimeter, we invented the wheel, tamed fire, discovered worlds, cured diseases, cracked the atom, built wonderful machines, thought thoughts and answered many questions - and yet with all the progress, We still have quite a few unsolved scientific questions and mysteries left.
Will we solve them? Maybe the really big questions are too big even for science?
In this series of "Tel Aviv 360" we will discuss some of these questions, and if we do not manage to answer them,
At least we will try to better understand what we are asking.

In this episode - a particularly big question: the question of the origin of life. How (and when) did life form from inanimate matter? One moment there was no life on Earth - then, suddenly, there was. It is without a doubt the biggest thing that has happened and will happen on our planet, and it is still a great mystery.
To try to answer this question, Professor Adi Stern, an evolution researcher from the Shemunis School of Biomedical Research and Cancer Research in the Faculty of Life Sciences, comes to the Tel Aviv 360 studio
At Tel Aviv University.
We talked about what life is, what are the leading theories today that explain its formation and we explained some of the huge mysteries that accompany the question of life.

Hosted by journalist Dror Foyer

The development of life. Illustration:
The development of life. Illustration:


  1. previous
    How was the thought created then if there is no thought there is no mind.
    Even without the Tanach it is possible to understand another possibility besides evolution which is a later stage.
    Why should we bet on one option? Any other direction is possible except evolution.

  2. Say you are not tired
    For more than 100 years you have been trying to produce life from non-life in laboratories
    (that the inanimate became alive, which you also call "evolution") and you do not succeed
    The time has come after 100 years of unsuccessful attempts to perhaps switch to something completely different
    I think it's time to switch to "Creator"

  3. Does a fictional plot that "it just happened by itself" give the professor a sense of certainty and satisfaction that she understood the process by which they were created
    Life? Can guesswork be called science? Even science fiction is trying harder. The basis of science and rational analytical thinking is first to know what you don't know, and to distinguish absolutely between a proven fact and a hypothesis that can be tested and between a theory that cannot be tested.

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