The experiment that challenges dark energy

A group of researchers from Nanjing University and the University of Science and Technology of China developed an experiment that tested a model for dark energy. The results of the experiment ruled out the model in question that predicted a fundamental fifth force in nature

Dark energy causes the universe to expand. Credit: StockVault

Dark energy surrounds quite a bit of mystery. It is simple to describe but full of question marks. Its nature has been discussed by many, and it is likely that more will be discussed in the future. The study of dark energy began with the discovery of Einstein's equation and observations of the expanding universe. Broadly speaking, this is energy that fills the universe and generates negative pressure, that is, it creates expansion and not contraction, unlike the other known gravitational sources. This is an explanation that can satisfy the appetite of many, but physicists do not stop there. They continue to wonder about the source of dark energy and its repulsion mechanism. They know that physical objects with defined energy are gravitationally attracted to each other and do not repel each other. In quantum language, objects are described as fields and energy as an excitation of the field. For example, the light particles are nothing more than excitation, or waves on the electromagnetic field. Similarly, the electrons and quarks appear as waves on the matter fields.

This principle has led physicists around the world to discuss the possibility that the source of dark energy is a quantum field that creates gravitational repulsion. The next question is of course which field, and what are its properties.
Over the years, a number of more or less plausible options have been put forward, the most prominent of which is the chameleon theory. This theory takes into account that dark energy is more significant when the density of matter is low. The reason for this is, of course, observational, after all, dark energy is able to repel entire galaxies but is not able to break them up. The chameleon model is so named because the mass of the particle associated with the chameleon field changes as a function of the density of the normal matter in its environment. This may sound like an extreme assumption that breaks the principle of equivalence, but thanks to it it is possible to calibrate the medium of interaction between the chameleon field and the rest of the matter in the universe. If the chameleon field is massive, the interaction range is very short, similar to the weak and strong nuclear forces. If the mass of the chameleon is negligible, range

Its interaction is very long, similar to photons that can mediate electromagnetic forces even over long distances. Therefore, the gravitational repulsion in our environment is very weak because the mass of the chameleon is large and its range of influence is low. On the other hand, in sparse areas, the chameleon field is not massive and its effect is mediated over large distances.

Illustration of the experimental setup. of The scientific article of the researchers.

In order to test the chameleon model, researchers from China developed an experiment that should be sensitive to the force exerted by this field on bodies with mass. Using a rotating gear and a floating test mass, the researchers hoped to observe a cyclic force resulting from the approach and distance of the mass on the gear relative to the test mass. After they removed the influence of the external forces, including the gravitational and electromagnetic forces, no indication of a fifth force was observed from the hypothesized chameleon field. You The results of the experiment The researchers published in the prestigious journal Nature Physics a few days ago. According to the researchers, the experimental system should be sensitive to the range of strengths of the chameleon field if it does explain the effect of dark energy on the universe. Since the field effect was not observed as predicted, the researchers believe that this explanation is completely ruled out. At the same time, they think that the experimental system can be used in the future for the benefit of examining additional models of dark energy and for the benefit of sensitive gravitational measurements.  

Although this experiment joins the collection of "failed" experiments that did not yield positive results, the advantage of the chameleon model was that it could be tested experimentally. Let's hope that in the future efforts will continue to rule out or verify such models, similar to the chameleon model and the symmetron.

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31 תגובות

  1. A. Asbar,

    The errors in this article are fairly basic but very, very embarrassing. It is recommended that you stop, but if you insist on embarrassing yourself, feel free to do just that.

  2. Answer what you are asked.

    If a certain amount of energy is required to raise a stone a given distance from a given body, why would we need double the amount of energy if there are two bodies in one place (the mass of the body is doubled), if there is no gravitational force.
    And why in space energy is not needed to raise the stone.

    Answer the questions, don't start dodging and squirming and babbling like always.

  3. The law of conservation of energy was discovered many years after Newton's time.
    If Newton had known the law of conservation of energy, he would not have invented the concept of gravity.
    Physics is supposed to develop from Galili and Kepler, straight to neural physics.
    And so it will be.
    The article you already know "A Marvelous Universe Built of Passive Time and Energy" describes it.
    A. Asbar

  4. And why is the experiment on Earth more tiring if there is no gravity? Why won't the experiment on the moon tire more? And what happens in space where the experiment is not tiring at all?

    Which pages to read, 56-78?

  5. Maybe Israel Shapira will understand now
    On the surface of the earth and on the surface of the moon, a free fall experiment was conducted, with the same stone placed on the surface of the earth.
    The experimenter raised the stone to a height of 1 meter and let go of it.
    The stone reached the surface of the earth, in a shorter time.

    In both experiments, the law of conservation of energy was observed, the one invested in lifting the stone to a height of 1 meter, and the one received from the impact of the stone on the ground.

    Any physical question you ask about these two experiments will be answered by this conservation law.
    Why is the test time shorter on Earth? So that this law of conservation is fulfilled.
    Why is the experiment time on the surface of the moon longer? So that this law of conservation is fulfilled.
    Why is the experiment on Earth more tiring? So that this law of conservation is fulfilled.

    A question about gravity belongs to poetic literature, and does not belong to physics.
    Did you understand Israel Shapira? There is no place for your question.
    Your question is incomprehensible to you, it is also incomprehensible to the person hearing it, and the combination of the letters as if they were strong, is an expression of science fiction.
    The physics and geometry of the last 300 years have come to an end, and the neural universe is beginning to unfold, with the help of the passive time that fills the infinite space.
    The law of conservation of quantity of matter has also come to an end, because matter is a physical form, and is not a quantitative concept.

    A. Asbar

  6. "The answer on pages 25-26 of the article".

    There is no answer to the question there, you pathetic scumbag.

    So come and explain: why does it take more energy to raise a stone to the same height on Earth than on the moon if there is no gravity.

    And if you are unable to explain, go back to the institution you escaped from and lecture your friends there about the wonderful neural universe.

  7. Avi Blizovsky welcome.
    If you ask me to stop responding knowingly I will respect your request and stop,, you are the owner here.
    I have been spreading my theory everywhere on the net for the past 20 years.
    Many know her, but very few (if any) agree with you.
    My book will soon be published by a well-known and respected publishing house, "The Magical Journey of Asbar on the Wings of Natural Knowledge"
    The scientist is invited to present a review of the book.

    Best regards
    A. Asbar

  8. Be annoyed, you succeeded in annoying, sorry for annoying all of us. The science site is a science site - and science by definition is a body of peer review. Not everyone can come up with a theory and this is certainly not the place to flatten it. You can do this, for example, on Facebook.

  9. The one who lifted the same stone to a height of 2 meters, invested twice as much energy.

    But why on the moon does it take only one-sixth of the energy to lift the stone to the same height as on the earth if there is no gravity?

    And why is Asbar, the smasher of Newton's and Einstein's theories, never going to answer this question?

    Maybe because he is a perfect fool?

  10. The one who lifted the same stone to a height of 2 meters, invested twice as much energy.
    Therefore, a stone falls with increasing speed, so that the energy of the blow hitting the ground will be doubled.
    The important question in free fall experiments is why free fall occurs at an increasing speed.
    The answer is clear beyond any doubt—to comply with the law of conservation of energy.

    The unimportant question is……who drops the stone with increasing speed
    who will ? A green dwarf that you don't see ………….a mysterious force that emanates from the ground and you don't see it….
    This unimportant question occupied physics for 400 years, and no physicist paid attention to it, because the physics of forces is the physics of superstitions.
    The physics that relies on the idea of ​​energy changing form, but its quantity always being preserved, is a physics of natural knowledge
    that physical reality confirms it.

    A. Asbar

  11. "The one who lifted a stone from the surface of the earth to a height of 1 meter invested an amount of energy in this action.
    The impact of the falling stone on the ground contains the same amount of energy that was invested in lifting the stone to a height of 1 meter.

    Hello First Grade'.

  12. There is no mysterious force in the universe.
    Newton's concept of force is a literary concept and not a physical concept.
    Why does a stone that is released from it fall down with accelerated motion? The simple and correct answer is …… comply with the law of conservation of energy.
    The one who lifted a stone from the surface of the earth to a height of 1 meter, invested an amount of energy in this action.
    The impact of the falling stone on the ground contains the same amount of energy that was invested in lifting the stone to a height of 1 meter.

    Whoever says that there is a mysterious force emanating from the earth, and it is he who drops the stone down in an accelerated motion, believes that the law of conservation of energy does not exist in reality.
    Since the law of conservation of energy exists in reality, then Newton's mysterious force does not exist in reality.

    It must be emphasized that the law of conservation of energy was discovered many years after Newton's time.
    If Newton knew the law of conservation of energy, he would not have invented gravity.

    But mistakes can always be corrected in science.
    Look at the publications of A. Asbar in the science, the most prominent opponent of which is an active participant in the science named Israel Shapira.

    A. Asbar

  13. "Esbar's universe is completely new, and it operates without gravity"
    True and stable - this nerve only expresses itself in a repulsive way, but some mysterious force nevertheless draws it here again and again. I hope for him that the depression he is experiencing is not as strong as the mania.

  14. Reply to Mishu:
    Suppose there is a high concentration of matter around the visible universe.
    For simplicity we will assume a dense symmetric count.
    A simple classical calculation shows that the gravitational force of this sphere will be zero at every point within it. This can be easily obtained using Gauss's theorem, who knows.
    And if the count is not symmetrical, then there will be deviations from symmetry, still approximately we will get zero.
    Apart from the fact that such counting will damage the symmetry of the space, it will single out a certain point which is the center of the counting.

  15. If we assume that the total energy in the universe is zero. And in between the mass concentrations there is a very thin negative mass. We will both add symmetry to the universe and create repulsion in the empty regions with a cosmological constant that is identity zero.
    Can it work?

  16. Davilon, you have no idea what a hedu'a even is, you don't know what it is a derivative and what an integral is, as always you invent new mathematics because you are unable to deal with the existing one..

  17. Relax, relax, Israel Shapira, join the song that should calm those who suffer from math anxiety.

    A happy song, but it's really a sad song.

    Khado'a are the initials of differential and integral calculus, which are used in the geometric field.
    This account is riddled with errors and makes no sense.
    From this calculation arises the phenomenon known as "math anxiety".
    It should be noted that the students are fine, Hadova's math is not fine.

    Oh my, my, what happened to me, the mess is really total.
    Ini-fini-tsi meli, differential and integral.
    There is no refuge and no escape, around the calculus bracket.

    The border escaped a derivative jump, I didn't understand what that meant.
    Endless rows on the ladder, everyone gathered here.
    Pushed in the flood of continuity, they are looking for the continuity.

    and tangents so delicate, looking for circles,
    Pick up after the depth path, of the launch point.
    And the function moves and twists, waiting for a slightly different analysis.

    Archimedes gave tone here, followed by Newton,
    And whoever is on the horizon there peeking, maybe maybe it's Leibniz too.
    The path of history has already been laid out, here Pythagoras is walking.

    Oh my, my, what happened to me, the mess is really total.
    Ini-fini-tsi meli, differential and integral.
    There is no refuge and no escape, around the calculus bracket.

    A. Asbar

  18. It's easier for me to talk about myself in the third person, and that's why you invented Asbar, who has been starring in the network for 20 years.
    The book "Esbar's Magical Journey on the Wings of Natural Knowledge" will soon appear and it includes a linguistic revolution, a geometric revolution, and a triple physical revolution bypassing Newton and Einstein.
    My real name and my photo, appear in the video,,,,,,,,, Aetzbar proves
    A. Asbar

  19. The burning failure of physics is in understanding the concept of matter.
    It was clear to all physicists that gold is matter, and carbon is matter, and lead is matter, and every element is matter.
    But it was not clear to the physicists that gold is made up of two ethereal quantitative things, and they are passive time and energy.
    Each element is built from a "combination of certain quantities" of passive time and energy, and with 100 such combinations, it is possible to present most of the elements in reality.
    No such theory was ever presented until the neural theory appeared
    The neural theory bypasses Newton and Einstein, and no wonder conventional science simply ignores it.
    The innovative concept of neural theory is "passive time"

    Anyone who searches the net for "passive time" will know the new one that will certainly change the science of physics.

    A. Asbar

  20. For 300 years now, physicists have been reciting the phrase, "Mamelal Hasher Hasher" Matter has gravity."
    The meaningless text includes the word "material" and the combination of the words "attraction"
    The best explanation of a material is "a combination of letters with a unique sound and a unique geometric shape"
    The best explanation of "gravity" is "a combination of letters with a unique sound, and a unique geometric shape.

    If there is a better explanation, please present it.

    A. Asbar

  21. The swimmer jumping into the pool from a high jump, does not feel any force pulling him down into the pool.
    If this swimmer is curious, he will ask...why am I moving in an accelerated downward motion?
    And if the swimmer is also a spy, he will give the correct answer.
    When I climbed a few meters from the surface of the water to the jump, I invested a lot of energy in this climb..
    And what happened without my knowledge?
    The impact of my body in the water returned the same amount of energy.
    It turns out that the accelerated movement of a sensory fall is not due to the existence of gravity, but rather it is due to the existence of a law of nature - the law of conservation of energy.
    If this swimmer was also a journalist he would publish an article: Gravity does not exist, and in its place there is the law of conservation of energy.

    The law of conservation of energy was discovered many years after Newton's time, and he did not know that there was no need to look for a reason for the existence of free fall motion, because the reason is very simple.
    All natural phenomena obey the law of conservation of energy.

    Now it is possible to treat dark matter with gravity - as complete nonsense,
    Matter has no gravity, and this delusional story should leave science, and find a place in fairy tales.

    A. Asbar

    This experiment is enough to establish, that Newton's idea about the existence of a mysterious gravitational force of the earth, is an unthinkable idea.

  22. There is another possibility that for some reason is not discussed here, that the gravitational forces of universes outside our line of sight are simply pulling the more distant galaxies. Once they did not believe (except for Giordano Bruno who was executed in 1600..) in the possibility of other planetary systems, then they denied the possibility of different galaxies and what about other universes?

  23. The topics of dark matter and dark energy are a product of gravity, which does not exist in physical reality at all.
    Once science is freed from the erroneous Newtonian idea of ​​gravity, the science of physics will become a leading science in human development. I sent you the main points of Asbar's comprehensive theory, and it's a shame that you don't publish it.

    A. Asbar

  24. "Dark energy is shrouded in quite a bit of mystery" > Should be: Dark energy is shrouded in mystery. And better "Lota in mystery".
    Please don't translate just a literal translation, otherwise you get a funny result.

  25. The time has come to present a comprehensive physical theory, which will replace all physical theories - from Newton to the present day.

    Asbar's comprehensive theory

    Esbar's comprehensive theory is the theory of the exact sciences, which are geometry and physics. This theory is based on the natural knowledge of man.

    What is in these exact sciences?
    They have…. 5 "continuous quantitative things"
    What is a "continuous quantitative thing"? What is a quantity? And what is continuous?

    Quantity is the name of natural knowledge, which exists in every person.

    Everyone knows that the amount of length of the eraser stick is greater than the amount of length of a pencil. Everyone knows that the area of ​​the floor of the room is greater than the area of ​​the surface of the table in the room.

    Everyone knows that the volume of a football is greater than the volume of a tennis ball. Everyone also knows that the amount of surface area of ​​a tennis ball is greater than the amount of surface area of ​​a ping pong ball.

    Quantity is the name of a natural knowledge that exists in every human being, and all humans use this knowledge without any doubt.

    So far we have known 3 "continuous quantitative things" from the geometric field, and they are length, area, and volume. They will be joined by two continuous quantitative things from the physical realm, and they are time and energy.

    A continuous quantitative thing (abbreviated DKR) has a clear distinguishing mark.
    Any continuous quantity we choose - there is always one greater than it and one less than it.
    A selected continuous quantity is always between zero quantity and infinite quantity.

    Asbar's comprehensive theory opens with a statement.
    There are 5 continuous quantitative things in the world, and they are length, area, volume, time and energy. This theory has so far discussed dimensions, length, area, volume, and now it will discuss dimensions time and energy.

    Let's start on time
    The listener to his heartbeat, detects an amount of something between every two heartbeats.
    For this quantitative thing, a name of the combination of the letters זמן is chosen.
    The questioner...what is time? Get a very simple answer

    Time is an arbitrary name chosen for a "continuous quantitative thing" just as length is an arbitrary name chosen for a "continuous quantitative thing"
    Time is a completely different thing from length, but these two things are related.
    To tell the time, you have to "listen" to the heartbeat.

    The physical occupation has now begun with the continuous quantitative thing called time, but this time exists in the consciousness of man, and does not exist in physical reality like length.
    This time will be called active time, because as soon as you think about it, it disappears.
    Active time is the time familiar to all of us, and every physical theory that appeared in reality spoke about this elusive time, which disappears as soon as you think about it.

    But there is another type of time and it is the passive time.
    This kind of time actually exists in physical reality, and it fills infinite space. Passive time is absolute rest and absolute cold and is the medium that transmits the light with the help of waves of passive time.

    Passive time was first introduced by Asbar, as an innovative physical concept.
    The occupation in the physical field began with an active and passive aspect of time, and it is
    Will continue with an active side and a passive side of energy.

    The active aspect of energy is known, recognized, and famous, and has many appearances that alternate with each other, when they comply with the law of conservation of energy.
    The passive aspect of energy does not participate in the law of conservation, and it appears when an actual body is placed on a spring (which rests on the surface of the earth) and this spring contracts.

    The energy in the compressed spring comes from the actual body resting on the spring.
    This view invalidates the idea of ​​Earth's gravity, and rightly so.
    Explanation: If the idea of ​​gravity exists, then the law of conservation of energy does not exist.
    Since the law of conservation of energy exists, then the idea of ​​gravity does not exist.

    The concept of energy as a continuous quantitative thing seems vague and mysterious, but the distinction between a continuous quantitative thing called energy is very simple.

    The stair climber will recognize a continuous quantitative thing, and just needs to give it a name..

    In the action of the leg muscles, we will climb one step and get a little tired.
    And if we climb 10 stairs we will get more tired,
    And if we climb 100 stairs we will get much more tired.
    The feeling of fatigue has a quantitative meaning, which translates it into an amount of energy.
    Now it is already clear that the exact sciences are perceived in a very simple way, and this
    With the help of the natural knowledge of the quantity inherent in man.

    Asbar's comprehensive theory is an innovative theory that deals with the exact sciences of geometry and physics. Geometry deals with the concepts of length, area, and volume, while physics deals with the concepts of time and energy,

    Conclusion: There is no fundamental difference between geometry and physics, and the method of investigating geometry can be adapted to the investigation of physics. And if geometry has geometric shapes, then physical shapes can be attributed to physics.

    A geometric form results from the addition of quantities of the length of a closed line containing a quantity of area, and a physical form results from the addition of quantities of passive time and energy.

    What is physical form? Gold, carbon, hydrogen, lead, are physical forms.
    Physical form is matter, but matter itself is not a continuous quantitative thing.
    Therefore, it is impossible to talk about a lot of matter or a little matter, since the concept of quantity does not apply to form.

    Geometry is similar to physics, because they are made up of continuous quantitative things that exist in the world. The geometry is visible and tangible, and the physics is unknown and mysterious. The similarity between geometry and physics helps to understand physics.

    The real connection between geometry and physics appears in the physical geometry of closed circular lines, which was discovered in a mechanical experiment involving precise measurement.
    This is the perimeter experiment, which proved that pi varies from 3.1416 to 3.164

    Here you can clearly see the comprehensive theory of Asbar.
    This theory covers many topics. It deals with the concepts of length, area, volume, time and energy, the law of conservation of energy, passive and active time, passive and active energy, the geometry of the changing pie, geometric shapes and physical shapes, and the similarity between geometry and physics.

    This theory is based on the distinction in 5 continuous quantitative things.
    The person recognized that a "continuous quantitative thing" was a very important thing, and that person knew that he had a natural knowledge of quantity.

    Therefore, it should not be surprising that man invented a "language of quantities" that is especially suitable for the exact sciences.

    It is about the language of numbers, where each number represents an ethereal quantity.
    The language of quantities was created in the beginning as a necessity of practical life that requires counting, one, two, three, four, and so on.
    In the next step, the language of quantities developed, and it was able to present with a good level of accuracy, also continuous quantities of length, area, volume, time and energy.

    This language is called mathematics, and the corresponding Hebrew name for it is kamatan.

    Now in science there is a tripartite creation that includes geometry, physics, mathematics.
    This work deals with Asbar's comprehensive theory.

    This creation eliminates the particle perception of matter, and it becomes continuous matter, because it consists of two continuous quantitative things, which are passive time and energy.

    In this work appears a new physical concept of passive time, and among its other functions it will also explain all electrical and magnetic phenomena. An electric current will be perceived as a flow of linear passive time, and between the poles of a magnet there is an eternal flow of volumetric passive time.

    Esbar's comprehensive theory has nothing to do with accepted physical theories, and is completely new. This theory is supposed to appear right after the discoveries of Galili and Kepler who established the rule "the experiment is the arbiter in science"

    Asbar's universe is also completely new, and it operates without gravity.
    The stars of the universe move in spiral orbits, and this form of orbit creates from all the stars of the universe, a single universe that moves forever in infinite space, full of passive time and energy.

    A. Asbar

  26. The title "The experiment that challenges dark energy" is misleading.

    The experiment probably weakens *one* of the possible models.

    The phenomenon of dark energy (whether it is energy or some other explanation) is certainly measurable.

  27. What external forces did they remove and how did they remove their influence? prestigious

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