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"The diversity of human races also stems from aesthetic preferences"

Says Prof. Yoel Rak, a member of the Academy of Sciences and one of the lecturers at the online conference "Origin of Homo Sapiens" which will be held on Darwin Day - 11/2 at Zoom. He is aware of the explosiveness of the term races, but also says that there is no one race superior to the other and we are all similar in face. The study of this diversity can help reconstruct the journey of the human race after its departure from Africa

Prof. Yoel Rak. Courtesy of the Israeli National Academy of Sciences
Prof. Yoel Rak. Courtesy of the Israeli National Academy of Sciences

"The diversity of human races can teach us a lot about the migration of Homo sapiens from Africa" ​​says Prof. Yoel Rak, a member of the Academy of Sciences and one of the lecturers at the online conference "Origin of the species Homo Sapiens" which will be held on Darwin Day - 11/2 at 17:30 on Zoom free of charge. Prof. Arala Hobars and Dr. Assaf Marom will also participate in the meeting.

The event will be broadcast on Zoom free of charge. You must register in advance on the Israel National Academy of Sciences website

Prof. Rak, from Tel Aviv University and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, is the most famous Israeli expert who studies human origins. He explored a lot in Ethiopia and also discovered skeletons of ancient human species and the first homo sapiens around the world.

"In the lecture at the conference, I will tell what the geneticists tell us on the subject, what the fossils tell us on the subject, and the main part of the lecture will be devoted to referring to the fantastic diversity of the human races today, what it stems from and what it means."

In a conversation with the "Hidan" website, he explains that even if it is difficult to use the sensitive word "races", what is more, that there is not only a fixed and limited number of races, the investigation of the evolution of these differences can tell the story of human settlement from Africa around the world.

"I try to avoid political correctness. Races are a biological reality, you can call them subspecies. I am well aware of this loaded concept but in any case the reality is that we are divided into subspecies that are very different from each other in terms of their anatomical appearance despite the high similarity in every other respect and of course one race does not have superiority over another race. The big question is what this thing means."

"First I will start with the very common anatomical definition of Homo sapiens, as it is reflected in his skeleton because we find mostly skeletons and only a little DNA. The accepted definition of Homo sapiens is: a creature that walks on two legs with a very large brain volume of 1,300-1,400 cc. Such a large brain volume results in the very round appearance of the brain box. Not only is the appearance of the brain box round but the volume of this brain means that the forehead is very upright. The volume of the brain pushes the forehead forward and raises the primitive eye-brow ridges that characterize other creatures, including the human species we know as fossils."

"In addition, the chewing system of Homo sapiens has shrunk to the most miniature dimensions we know in the animal world. This contraction leaves our face, and only ours, with two prominent structures - one is the chin at the front of the jaw and the other is the bony nose at the top. These two structures are a byproduct of the contraction of that part of the face that is between these two structures. This contraction leaves these two structures as something prominent and this is characteristic only of us."

Africa has the greatest genetic diversity

"Now regarding the origin of Homo sapiens" Prof. Rek explains: "The geneticists are the ones who solved the problem for us. The genetic diversity of Homo sapiens in Africa is so great, contrary to the stereotype we grew up with. Greater than the diversity that characterizes all other human races across the globe. Because we know that variation in evolution is an expression of time behind the ever-evolving creature. As time goes by, the variation naturally increases."

"It turns out that the Africans are the source of all the other races, we all actually come from Africa and indeed the fossils help us a lot in confirming that claim. The earliest Homo sapiens fossils we know were discovered in Africa. As mentioned, we recognize them by their chin. When I was a student at Berkeley, my teachers Prof. Vincent Sarich and Prof. Alan Wilson, are the ones who proposed what is called the molecular clock. At the time, they dealt with the point of division between us and the chimpanzees, but one of the students, Becky Kahan, who is now a well-known professor, also dealt with the mitochondrial molecular clock of modern humans."

"Cohan and her supervisor came to the conclusion at the time that the age of Homo sapiens is about 160-200 thousand years. This is actually the framework within which we exist today. Everything seems appropriate, both the genetic finding, and the morphological finding, that is, the finding of the fossils. The very intriguing question is how such a small genetic difference results in such a large external difference?

People migrated to the north, whitened, descendants who moved to India darkened back

This, by the way, was an issue that challenged what is known as classical anthropology, what is the meaning of slanted eyes, or white hair or other common features.

It is clear that some of the traits are the product of adaptation to certain conditions, such as the white skin that characterizes the races found in the north (and there is more than one white race AB), because the trait has a very large adaptive advantage. Loss of skin pigment in a place where the sun's rays are rare, but they are important to allow the body to synthesize the vitamins.

"Here we have a very logical and reasonable explanation for why the more we code, the skin becomes more and more white, and as we go further and further during human evolution, the skin turns dark again - in India, for example. In all areas where the sun burns, the protection provided by the pigment against the sun's rays is important."

As mentioned, evolution does not mean that such a change occurs in a single human life. Simply over time, descendants who had an advantage relevant to where they are, survived better than those who carried the advantages of the previous area from which their parents came. There are also traits that were created randomly as a result of the wanderings of a small group of humans from which a large group later evolved. Prof. Mere explains that in that classical period there were attempts, some of them completely delusional, to explain each of the traits that characterize us through a certain survival advantage, things that reached the point of ridiculousness - why are the eyes of the people of East Asia slanted? Because of the sun's rays, because of the moon's rays or all kinds of other ridiculous arguments.

cultural influence

According to Prof. Rak, human evolution is also influenced by cultural factors. "During my many wanderings in Africa, I worked near the Omo River in Ethiopia. You see that on one side of the river live tall, thin and very black Sudanese, and on the other side you see the Ethiopians who are much lighter and have a completely different physique. It is difficult to attribute these differences between the two banks of the same river to the environment. A local resident told me that when she was a child, when a child was born to the Sudanese who was a little lighter than the standard that is valued as aesthetic, they would drown him in the river. Natural selection can also be allowed to work in much less cruel ways. If there is a group whose standard of beauty is slanted eyes, those who have this feature will have an easier time producing offspring. We selected our groups in a similar way as we selected the different breeds of dogs, albeit subconsciously. This is the reason that for genetic reasons we all belong to the same species, mate willingly and produce fertile offspring, but in terms of our appearance we are very different from each other."

"Surprisingly, the geneticists, including Murray, were the pioneers and said that this phenomenon of splitting into races is a relatively new phenomenon. If we see a skull in China that is 30 years old, we cannot say that it is a Chinese skull, and the same is true in Africa and Europe. Even the fossils indicate that this phenomenon is relatively young and the interesting thing is that at about the same time - 30-40 thousand years, another expression of the same aesthetic also appears - the fantastic art that characterizes Homo sapiens - cave paintings, figurines, beads of all kinds. There are rhymes many years ago but at the same time this is a very dramatic expression of the phenomenon. There are things that depend on each other: the aesthetics of the group and the art."

Refuting the myths of the three races and the separate development from Homo erectus in different places

"In the past, the accepted explanation was that there were three races that represent what you see in Africa, Europe and Asia, but when Western expeditions began to tour the ancient world - they increased the number to five. Today it can be said that there are an infinite number of races and there is no clear boundary between them, this still does not prevent us from stating that one is different from the other."

"Today we know that Homo sapiens came out of Africa in several waves. He was preceded by waves of hominids (ancient human species) that came out of Africa, including Homo habilis whose skull we recently found in Georgia, and possibly Homo arctus and finally Homo sapiens. All the human diversity that exists today came out of Africa about sixty thousand years ago, to teach us that the differentiation between them was rapid."

"There was a theory at the time called 'regional continuity', according to which Homo sapiens developed simultaneously in several places from Homo erectus that spread around the world from the previous wave that left Africa. There is no reason to expect that one species will become one species in one place and the same species in another. This theory is completely invalid today.”

"The script as I see it today: Homo erectus came out of Africa, he is our ancestor, but he came out of Africa and spread over the whole old world and eventually became extinct in all kinds of places in the world. In Africa, one of his groups evolved into Homo Sapiens, Homo Sapiens went out into the wider world and thus reached the places where Homo Eractus used to live and replaced them."

"In the last hundreds of years, this diversity is getting more and more mixed. North America and especially South America have become one big melting pot. In the non-modern reality, the natives of Australia for example would have transformed into other species. This will not happen because the merger is so great and the exchange of genes is already disrupting the uniqueness of all these populations."

"There are no three races, mixing changes the composition of the human race and all that remains is to explore the differences between us only out of intellectual curiosity - to retrace the journey of modern man and his spread throughout the world."

The professor just emphasizes at the end: "No one is talking here about the superiority or the backwardness of these or other races. We are all of the same species. There is no question at all about this thing.”

More of the topic in Hayadan:


  1. Thanks to the system (Avi Blizovsky)
    I have been following for several years
    The effort to present the materials here
    The latest, high-quality and relevant
    In the spirit of the site…..
    I am uploading here
    The effort on the part of the system and on their part
    who are willing to give their best
    of the best of the essence of knowledge and experience
    theirs in life, expertise and skill.
    It is easy to damage and destroy a refined world
    Roughly speaking, it's been happening a lot lately.
    That's why I took a firm stand against a commenter
    His whole purpose is to sow rudely
    Racist and offensive statements...
    I'm definitely not "pretty and gentle"
    But enough is enough.
    It is important to stop such things and not
    let them pass unanswered
    Again and again about trying to quit
    the offensive statements that were here.
    excellent week

  2. Thanks for the feedback
    It is important to keep sanity in a world that is going
    and deteriorates into dangerous negative beliefs
    The site is here and the interfaces you choose
    present are valuable and nutritious in a degree of cleanliness

  3. What exactly do I have to do with the rating? Even thousands of hits cannot be translated into more than a few pennies. I responded to him.
    I will consider anyway.
    my father

  4. I am asking Avi Helizovsky to block you
    Responding Nostradamus for his dangerous words
    The offensive, the racist, …
    Is it true that Nostradamus and others like him "inflate ratings"
    And with the help of "freedom of speech" you give a platform
    Also networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
    such blockers
    They have no place in the public discourse...
    I ask for responsibility on your part and block it
    And like him...

  5. Miracles I have an IQ of 132 and you? And my offspring have an IQ over 100 for sure because I don't lower my intelligence by breeding with primitives, because I am responsible and think with my head up

  6. Nostradamus
    Let's put it this way - if your partner is born in Australia, then the IQ of your common children will be much lower than her IQ.

    Ask an adult to explain to you…

  7. Nostradamus
    You are proof that skin color does not indicate intelligence.
    And here - you proved it again...
    In Australia there is a different test for the local peoples, and they show what I said.

  8. It is interesting that the test that was "invented by Europeans" and does not include language but only logic and geometric shapes does not prevent East Asians from defeating the Europeans. This is a well-known, well-worn and old claim and excuse of leftists that was disproved a long time ago. Let the blacks come and invent any test they want, they had over 100 years to do so. But you don't need a test to see the achievements of blacks in Africa, South America, the Caribbean, Israel and the West compared to the achievements of Asians, Ashkenazi Jews and whites. And let's not get down to personal lines, this is not Facebook or Twitter here. It is interesting that no leftist complains about the number of blacks in basketball, running, boxing...

  9. Miracles, of course let's hide the truth and block freedom of expression (1984).
    The intelligence quotient (IQ) of the native aborigines in Australia is among the lowest in the world at about 65, the colonial Europeans in Australia have an average European IQ of about 100 and the Chinese in Australia are about 105

  10. Nostradamus, you are a classic fake intellectual, well mixing bits of facts that suit you with your own agenda and heart's desires.
    You are a racist, and build the theory around it. tying intelligence to skin color instead of environmental conditions for example, not to mention that since the Nazis have been talking about many types of intelligence, get updated, talking about averages, let's assume yes, let's go, let's say, then there are a lot of exceptions, right? That's how averages are. And the father of evolution is mixing as much genetics as possible to improve the chances and not isolation. You are ignorant of history, especially of Africa, go read a little instead of discrediting thousands of years of culture.
    As a person of the right color genetically according to your opinion, I am a disgrace. Go marry within your dear enlightened and genetically superior family, that's fine, nature will have its say in a few generations. Genetics and evolution, that's how it really works...

  11. Nostradamus, you are a classic fake intellectual, well mixing bits of facts that suit you with your own agenda and heart's desires.
    You are a racist, and build the theory around it. tying intelligence to skin color instead of environmental conditions for example, not to mention that since the Nazis have been talking about many types of intelligence, get updated, talking about averages, let's assume yes, let's go, let's say, then there are a lot of exceptions, right? That's how averages are. And the father of evolution is mixing as much genetics as possible to improve the chances and not isolation. You are ignorant of history, especially of Africa, go read a little instead of discrediting thousands of years of culture.
    As a person of the right color genetically according to your opinion, I am a disgrace. Go marry within your dear enlightened and genetically superior family, that's fine, nature will have its say in a few generations. Genetics and evolution, that's how it really works...

  12. Nostradamus
    On a normal site you would be blocked for racism - "It is forbidden to mix races because it will lower the global IQ and the world will degenerate into chaos"

    But regardless - the living conditions in Australia, for example, are much more difficult than almost anywhere in the world. Australians are darker than most peoples of the world - and have particularly high intelligence.

    What we call an "IQ" is a test invented by Europeans and it certainly does not show intelligence.

    Interesting - what actually shows low intelligence are your reactions.... just saying

  13. Hammurabi, they were not black but more the color of the Bedouin or the Saudis and a small part of them are half black half Egyptian in what is today North Sudan, you can see by the facial features of the mummies. And their technology and government were inferior compared to the Greeks and certainly compared to the Romans and the Chinese and they were not just conquered by the Greeks and Romans, they were roughly at the level of the Mayans and Aztecs. In black Africa there was not even writing, clothes or wheel and papyrus let alone empires or tall buildings, water systems, philosophers or mathematicians. Only half-blacks or mulattoes like the Ethiopians have signs of culture
    slightly more developed.

    The dark color is not the reason for less intelligence but only indicates the origin, the geographical origin is the reason for less intelligence. Less natural selection and competition and lack of use or evolutionary benefit in high intelligence in an easy to live area. Each race has advantages and disadvantages over another race and intelligence is just another physical difference. As terrestrial mammals do not have gills, not that it is good or bad, it simply has no use on land, as well as the degeneration of vision and pigments in animals that live in caves or in the depths of the sea. Nature does not care about emotions and evolution changes the animal according to the needs and limitations of the living area.

    And of course equality of rights and opportunities is necessary, but it is forbidden in any way to discriminate against them for the better or the whites for the worse, and it is also forbidden to encourage the mixing of races because this will lead to a decrease in humanity's IQ, the backwardness of science and in the long run to a global disaster or medieval times for tens of thousands of years until evolution corrects the actions of the progressives.

  14. Nostradamus, I also agree that there are inferior races (in terms of intelligence but not, God forbid, in terms of the human dignity they deserve). But disagree about the southern color. The Egyptian culture was one of the most developed and the first cultures we know today. And they were black Africans for all intents and purposes. While in Europe they were undeveloped animals at that time compared to the Egyptians.
    The Sumerians who preceded Egypt also had an important culture that at that time you will not find findings of a developed culture in the European regions

  15. Where did this Nostradamus come from?
    We are already in 2021…..
    Your world Nostradamus no longer exists
    Go ahead

  16. Jesus, go to Google and write "what is an average?" or bell curve. This is not my thesis but proven facts and studies by dozens of researchers. Of course, there are also many people who received affirmative action and concessions or earned degrees in third world countries and even bought degrees like many minority "doctors" in Israel. In the USA, Asians and Jews are discriminated against and the requirements are raised for them in order to bring in more of their minorities, lowering the level very much as mentioned above in Israel. I also did not write that a dark color lowers intelligence. But this color is a sign of southern origin, and the southern region is characterized by lower intelligence and higher fertility. For example, blacks have many more twins, whites less and Asians the fewest. And also the life expectancy is similar in percentages on average

  17. Dear Nostradamus, if your overarching thesis, which claims that skin color is an indication of low IQ, is correct, there can be no explanation for the success of the Obamas (President of the United States, respected lawyer) compared to the economic failure of millions of "white trash"! After all, the Obamas were predestined to have a low IQ that came together with the color of their skin and the fact is that they succeeded more than millions of white American citizens. The short lived.

  18. Avi Blizovsky do you believe in evolution? Or do you only believe in wishful thinking? Blacks have a lower IQ because they never underwent natural selection in harsh areas that required high intelligence to survive. Obviously, there is no direct connection to skin color, but skin color indicates the level of difficulty of the geographical area. Of course you will continue to deny that blacks have a small brain (even women compared to men) more physically (weight and volume), a small skull in relation to the body, blacks had no written language, no wheel, no cotton clothes, no agriculture, no concrete houses nothing and nothing they lived like Wild animals before colonialism. Of course, their very low level can be seen even today both in the West and in Africa. Shout racism until tomorrow will not change the facts. Your denial is the same as the climate change deniers or the harm from cigarettes, obesity, and physical inactivity.
    War is peace, black is white, man is woman... 1984

  19. Scientist, are you sure you are a scientist? The real origin of the East and South Asians is Siberia and there is snow most of the year and therefore the eyes are slanted and not like Western Europe where the snow is only for a short time, and in Northern Northern Europe there are indigenous peoples with slanted eyes and the Eskimos also have slanted eyes and also the Nepalese in the mountains...., from Siberia they dispersed The Asians and some of them darkened like the South Asians and their income decreased but the eyes remained. Some of them moved during the Ice Age to Central and South America and they also darkened and the IQ decreased and they are in fact the Indians. And yet everyone kept their eyes slanted.
    What does this have to do with Goebbels, anyone who denies scientific facts causes harm to humanity, it is forbidden to mix races because it will lower the global IQ and the world will degenerate into chaos, the progress of science will stop and nature will be further destroyed, and a heavy scientific darkness for tens of thousands of years will fall on the earth. Blacks have the lowest IQ in the world, this is proven, the blacks did not know what a wheel is, and they have no concept of future and past or awareness of time in the language, they lived in Africa like wild animals with straw and mud shelter at best, without clothes until the 20th century.

  20. The next stage is a negative and dependent development in medicine and technology, and for example you can see that in areas where eyeglasses arrived early, all the residents became dependent on them and lost their visual acuity.
    And it will continue like this until the stage of genetic engineering where we will see a real splitting of the species and quickly

  21. Nostradamus - you are wrong and misleading. The eyes are not slanted because of snow. There is no snow in most of East Asia - Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and also in places where here and there there is snow like China or Korea, it is definitely not the Siberian steppe. If there was any evolutionary drive for slanted eyes because of snow, then Northern Europeans had slanted eyes, which is known not to be the case.

    In addition, your claim about IQ being low for blacks and high for whites is also a lie and a lie. There are no scientific findings that show this to be the case. You are using arguments that were used by the Nazis and are used today by racist and anti-science groups.

  22. PS Asians have slanted eyes to protect from the glare of the snow most of the year in the Siberia region from where the East and South Asian peoples came who darkened again in the tropics. And this is the proven truth.

  23. There is definitely a physical difference between the races and the physical includes of course the brain. When the whites who became white because they migrated to very cold areas with weak solar radiation had to be smart and plan for the future, know how to build shelters from the cold and traps and also ate more protein because there were not many carbohydrates in the north, which developed the brain the most. East Asians who developed in the most difficult conditions in the Siberian region have the biggest brains and of course also the IQ, then the whites from Northern Europe and then the IQ goes down and the color gets darker as you go south when south of the Sahara in the tropical areas where there is always food available and lots of fruit, it's always hot, and not You have to plan for the future and engineer nothing. There is also the smallest brain and with it the IQ and the darkest color. So those who want to know on average if the person in front of them is smart should look at their color

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