The Webb Space Telescope Discovered Galaxies 33 Billion Light Years Away That Challenge Astronomical Theories

Unlike other distant galaxies that have been discovered, which appear as small red dots, the two new galaxies are large and have an unusual appearance - one resembles a peanut and the other a fluffy ball, which indicates the variety of galaxies in the early universe. The reason why they can be seen is because of the accelerating expansion of the universe

The image shows a deep image of the Pandora galaxy cluster, or Abell 2744, using data from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. Following the image, an international team led by Penn State University researchers confirmed the distance of these ancient galaxies and inferred their properties using new spectroscopic data from the James B. Telescope - information on light emitted across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. About 33 billion light-years away, these particularly distant galaxies provide insights into how primordial galaxies could have formed. The image shows a deep snapshot of the Pandora galaxy cluster, or Abell 2744 , using data from NASA's James B. Space Telescope. Following the image, an international team led by researchers from Penn State University confirmed the distance of these ancient galaxies and inferred their properties using new spectroscopic data from the James telescope and information about light emitted across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. About 33 billion light-years away, these particularly distant galaxies provide insights into how primordial galaxies could have formed. Cluster image: NASA, UNCOVER (Bezanson et al., DIO: 10.48550/arXiv.2212.04026) Insets: NASA, UNCOVER (Wang et al., 2023) Composition: Dani Zemba/Penn State
The image shows a deep image of the Pandora galaxy cluster, or Abell 2744, using data from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. Following the image, an international team led by Penn State University researchers confirmed the distance of these ancient galaxies and inferred their properties using new spectroscopic data From the James B telescope - information on light emitted across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, at a distance of about 33 billion years light, these distant galaxies in particular provide insights into how primordial galaxies could have formed. This image shows a deep image of the Pandora galaxy cluster, or Abell 2744, using data from NASA's James and Webb Space Telescope. Following the image, an international team led by researchers from Penn State University confirmed the distance of these ancient galaxies and deduced their properties using new spectroscopic data from the James and B telescope - information about light emitted across the entire width of the electromagnetic spectrum. About 33 billion light-years away, these particularly distant galaxies provide insights into how primordial galaxies could have formed. Cluster image: NASA, UNCOVER (Bezanson et al., DIO: 10.48550/arXiv.2212.04026) Insets: NASA, UNCOVER (Wang et al., 2023) Composition: Dani Zemba/Penn State

The James Webb Space Telescope has confirmed the existence of the two most distant galaxies ever observed, in a region of space known as the Pandora cluster. The galaxies, which are located about 33 billion light-years from Earth, are large and have a much different appearance than other galaxies discovered at such great distances.

The discovery was made using data obtained from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. An international team led by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania confirmed the distance of these ancient galaxies, and inferred their properties using new spectroscopy data obtained from the telescope. These distant galaxies can provide important insights into how they formed. of the first galaxies.

Unlike other distant galaxies that have been discovered, which appear as small red dots, the two new galaxies are large and have an unusual appearance - one resembles a peanut and the other a fluffy ball. The study of these new galaxies and their properties revealed the great variety of galaxies that existed in the early universe, and teaches about the great potential that lies in the study of galaxies of this type.

The light that reached us from the galaxies was emitted from them about 13.4 billion years ago, when the universe was only about 330 million years young. Because the universe is constantly expanding, today the galaxies are about 33 billion light years away from Earth. The find allows us a glimpse into a very early period of the universe, which is still surrounded by a lot of mystery.

The researchers used the models to infer the properties of the galaxies as they emitted the light received by the James Webb Space Telescope. As expected, it turned out that these are young and active galaxies, with few metals and a high rate of new star formation. These discoveries are in good agreement with the accepted models of the formation of the first galaxies after the Big Bang.

However, significant differences are already evident between the two galaxies, even though they were apparently formed from similar materials. This finding raises questions about the processes of galaxy formation and their development in the young universe. The researchers hope that in the future more galaxies will be discovered at these vast distances, and thus a deeper understanding of the beginning of the universe will be possible.

These galaxies were first discovered in one of the first images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope in 2022, in an area specifically chosen for a strong gravitational pull effect created by galaxy clusters. This effect magnifies and focuses distant light that passes nearby, thus allowing for improved observation.

From about 60,000 light sources identified in the image, the team quickly narrowed the list down to about 700 potential candidates for extremely distant galaxies. The James Webb Space Telescope then targeted the same area again and collected spectroscopy data on the same candidates. The data analysis confirmed that two of the galaxies are indeed at a record distance, and thus their unique size and shape became clear.

This impressive discovery is made possible thanks to the advanced capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope in the field of observation in infrared frequencies. It is possible that in the future even more distant galaxies will be located with the help of this instrument. This is only the telescope's first year of science, but already at this stage it is clear that it will allow us to penetrate deeper than ever into the early past of the universe.

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36 תגובות

  1. The light that reached us from the galaxies was emitted from them about 13.4 billion years ago, when the universe was only about 330 million years young. Because the universe is constantly expanding, today the galaxies are about 33 billion light years away from Earth. The find allows us a glimpse into a very early period of the universe, which is still surrounded by a lot of mystery. Another possible explanation for the discrepancy between 13.4 and 33 billion is that the speed of light is greater than light in the past.

  2. The neural theory and the stars of the universe.

    The stars in the neural universe do not move in a straight line, nor do they move in a closed circular line.
    The stars in the neural universe move in a line that can be seen in any simple screw.
    The Borgi line has two data: the diameter of the line track, and the angle of advancement of this line.
    An ant that will move in the slot of a screw, will surround the screw, and will also move along it.
    This is how the stars move - they circle at a certain speed and at a certain angle of advancement,
    An imaginary cylinder of a certain diameter, so they are both encompassing and progressive.

    The moon both orbits the earth, and moves forward with the earth.
    The earth both revolves around the sun and moves forward with it.
    The sun also orbits another star, and moves forward with it.
    All the stars of the universe are integrated in the method of "comprehensive and also progressive" when for movement
    The stars have 3 data - speed, circle diameter, and angle of advancement.

    The universe is made up of hyphens
    The compass of the earth contains only the moon that circles the earth and also moves forward.
    The solar compass contains the Earth compass, the Mars compass, the Jupiter compass, and more
    The Kastina compass contains the solar compass
    The Prometheus compass contains the Castine compass
    A sweet potato mash contains the Prometheus mash
    And so on

    The whole universe is a huge circle, moving in infinite space full of passive time and energy
    in a straight line and at a speed of C12
    The image of the entire universe can only be seen by an imaginary viewer who is completely at rest.
    A casual observer can also measure the speed of the universe.
    Every human observer is always moving, so he will never see the picture of the universe, nor will he
    will be able to measure the speed of the universe.
    A human observer has no explanation for the very existence of such a universe, except for the explanation of creation
    There is no explanation for this, that the infinite space is full of passive time and energy.
    Passive time, hyphens, spiral orbits of stars, are part of the theory
    The neural theory that came to replace the physical theories that preceded it.

    A. Asbar

  3. It's a shame that people without proper education talk a lot of nonsense about you.
    The age of our universe is about 13.7 billion years.
    The radius of the visible universe is about 46.5 billion years.

    You don't need to listen to the idolaters, or to the hypocritically challenged who respond here (I'm looking at you aetzbar) - you need to listen to people who understand the world, or at least open an encyclopedia....

  4. The speed of light as the absolute limit of speed is a law that exists in the universe itself. The galaxies are moving away from each other because the universe is expanding, like dots drawn on a balloon, which when inflated move away from each other. Not because they move but because the surface of the balloon expands. The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, but it is the universe itself. The rule of the speed of light as an upper limit applies within the universe but apparently does not apply to the universe itself. Therefore the universe can be much bigger than its age.
    The laws of relativity apply to objects as they move through space, not to space itself.

    In other words, when we say "nothing can travel faster than light", we mean "nothing can travel faster than light through space", but the movement of objects through space tells us nothing about how space itself will evolve.

  5. The speed of light as the absolute limit of speed is a law that exists in the universe itself. The galaxies are moving away from each other because the universe is expanding, like dots drawn on a balloon, which when inflated move away from each other. Not because they move but because the surface of the balloon expands. The universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, but it is the universe itself. The rule of the speed of light as an upper limit applies within the universe but apparently does not apply to the universe itself. Therefore the universe can be much bigger than its age.
    The laws of relativity apply to objects as they move through space, not to space itself.

    In other words, when we say "nothing can travel faster than light", we mean "nothing can travel faster than light through space", but the movement of objects through space tells us nothing about how space itself will evolve.

  6. The neural universe and neural physics.

    The neural universe is an infinite space, full of passive time.
    Passive time is a completely different time from the active time we all know, which disappears as soon as you think about it. The active time is a fruit of human invention, the purpose of which is to help people function better in a social framework.
    Active time exists only in human consciousness, and does not exist in physical reality.
    In contrast, passive time exists right in physical reality.
    As it is impossible to explain in words what is active time? Thus it is impossible to explain in words what passive tense is. You can imagine the passive time as a thin transparent cloud, standing in its place without movement, and it fills the infinite space.
    Space is not empty, and is full of passive time, which is absolute rest and absolute cold.

    Before us is a primordial description of the neural universe.
    The neural universe is an infinite space full of passive time, which is completely at rest and completely cold. The neural universe requires recognizing the primordial wonder of the creation of Yesh Mayen
    In the beginning passive time was created and it filled the infinite space.
    After the passive time the energy was created, and it also filled the infinite space.

    This is how neural physics begins, with a miraculous creation of passive time and energy, and these filled the infinite space. Passive time is a measured physical quantitative concept, and energy is also a measured physical quantitative concept.

    This infinite space, which is full of passive time and energy - produced stars, when
    The matter of the stars is formed by combining amounts of passive time and energy. Star matter is continuous, because it is created from continuous passive time, and from continuous energy.

    The material elements iron, gold, carbon, etc. are physical forms.
    Just as a geometric form is created from a combination of quantities of space, which contains an area, so a physical form is created from a combination of quantities of passive time and energy.

    The full infinite space is the source of the birth of the stars, and is also their resting place.
    The stars move forever by nature, and Noah's star does not exist in reality.
    The stars always move in a screw-shaped orbit, and this orbit shape requires all the created stars to move together as one dynamic division.

    This is the neural universe,
    A finite cluster of stars, forever moving through space full of passive time and energy,

    In this universe, neural physics developed, which has the law of conservation of energy, which guarantees the eternity of the universe.

    In the neural universe there is no gravity, and matter is continuous and not particulate.

    A more detailed description appears in the book
    "Esbar's magic journey on the wings of natural knowledge"

    A. Asbar

  7. Enough lol I can't with these articles, from sentence to sentence within a sentence they contradict themselves.

    The light has reached us, billions of light years, in total they saw a star now they are writing about books and scrambling to sell the blueprint called NASA for billions to the world.

    Isn't it easier to open the Genesis Pentateuch?

  8. A summary of the history of the science of quantitative physics in simple language suitable for everyone.

    There is literary physical science based on words (story) and there is practical physical science based on quantitative practical experiments. The science of quantitative physics was created by two wonderful people, Galileo and Kepler.
    Quantitative physical science must use words to present itself, but to present itself "accurately", it must use numbers.

    Galileo and Kepler are the pioneers of the science of practical physics that involves experiments.
    Galileo studied the movements of actual bodies on the earth, and Kepler studied the movements of the stars moving around the sun. These are two quantitative physical studies that were conducted for the first time in history, and the science of physics rests on them.

    Newton who came after them was a theoretical scientist of the science of physics, and he
    who invented Newtonian physics that flourished for 200 years. The neural physics that appeared in 1970 presented Newtonian physics as a failure, because the idea of ​​gravity does not exist at all in physical reality.
    Newtonian physics also failed because of the adoption of the idea that matter is a quantitative concept. (a lot of material - a lot of gravity)

    After Newton, Einstein appeared, and his physics failed because the time of this physics does not exist at all in physical reality - and it only exists in the mind of man. This time deserves the name active time, because it disappears as soon as you think about it. Einstein's physics also failed because the idea of ​​the curvature of space was created due to Newtonian gravity which does not exist at all.

    After Newton and Einstein, strange physical theories appeared in which the actual matter is made up of many particles of nothing. And these theories have all the shortcomings that exist in the physics of Newton and Einstein.

    Then the physics of Asbar appeared, with an amazing new concept and that is passive time.
    Passive time exists right in physical reality, and it fills infinite space. Passive time is absolute rest and absolute cold, and is a natural medium that transmits the light, with the help of waves of passive time.
    In Asbar's physics, matter is not a quantitative concept, but a physical form.
    This physical form is created by combining amounts of passive time and energy.
    In Asbar's physics, matter is continuous and is not made up of particles of nothing.
    In Asbar's physics, continuous matter is made up of continuous matter.
    In neurophysics, the law of conservation of energy is fulfilled, and the stars move by themselves, because the movement is inherent in them.

    Neural physics appears in full in the book "Esbar's Magical Journey on the Wings of Natural Knowledge"

    A. Asbar

  9. The age of the universe is 13.8 billion years but that's not its size its size according to NASA is 97 billion light years
    Age: 13.7 billion years
    Size: 94 Billion Light Years
    The most distant objects in the Universe are 47 billion light years away, making the size of the observable Universe 94 billion light years across. How can the observable universe be larger than the time it takes light to travel over the age of the Universe? This is because the universe has been expanding during this time. This causes very distant objects to be further away from us than their light travel time. For additional information, see Ned Wright's Cosmology FAQ.

    The Hubble Key Project, conducted by the Hubble Space Telescope from 1991 to 2000, nailed down the value of the Hubble Constant and hence the age of the Universe. Results from the WMAP satellite further confirmed and refined the age of the Universe to be 13.7 billion years.

  10. So the galaxies and we move at a speed 2.6 times greater than the speed of light. Even after I fell on the floor I kept laughing..

  11. The study of the universe in the last 150 years has completely failed, because at the basis of the study of physical reality, is the Newtonian idea of ​​gravity,
    In order for the study of the universe to be successful, a new study of the universe must be started, based on the law of conservation of energy that exists in physical reality,
    This research will not be conducted by physicists who studied in the conventional education system, because they are prisoners of Newton's naive conception that matter has gravity. The research can be conducted by any person interested in the study of the universe, when
    He will be convinced that in physical reality there exists a miraculous law, and it is the law of conservation of the quantity of energy - which changes appearances.
    An amount of energy can change appearances (from thermal, to mechanical, to electrical, to energy of height, to magnetic energy and more) but the amount of energy that changes its appearances is always preserved.

    This law of quantitative conservation does not allow the earth's gravity to exist, because the earth has become an infinite source of energy.
    Every object that falls to the ground is like a hammer hitting the ground, and every such blow represents an amount of energy. And who is supposed to provide this energy of hammer blows that never ends??? Earth's gravity ?????

    To Newton's credit, it will be said that he did not know the law of conservation of energy, and therefore he did not perceive that his idea of ​​gravity made the earth an infinite supply of energy. If Newton knew the law of conservation of energy, surely he would have rejected the idea that the earth has gravity.
    Now is the time for mainstream science to dismiss the idea of ​​gravity.

    A brief summary with huge impact can be offered.
    If gravity exists in physical reality - then the law of conservation of energy does not exist does not exist in physical reality.
    Since the law of conservation of energy undoubtedly exists in physical reality, then gravity does not exist in physical reality.

    A. Asbar

  12. They have already asked here before and I will repeat the questions.
    1. Since everything was at the same point 13 billion years ago, how did we manage to get so far apart?
    2. If the light reached us now does that mean it was emitted 34 billion years ago?

  13. Why does an apple that has ripened and detached from the branch fall down, and not fall to the side?
    The fall of such an apple is a natural phenomenon that occurs by itself, and such a phenomenon is subject to the laws that exist in physical reality.
    It is about the law of striving to reach a state of supreme symmetric sensitivity, and the law of conservation of energy.
    The apple growing on a branch has the energy of height, and is in a state of supreme symmetric sensitivity - a light breeze will sway it in any direction.
    When the apple detaches from the branch it will fall down, its impact on the ground will introduce an amount of mechanical energy. Compare in value to the amount of energy (fatigue) needed to lift the apple to the height it grew.
    When the apple hits the ground, it will roll and stop at the lowest point, in a state of symmetrical upper sensitivity.
    Water spilling on the ground creates a flowing puddle, which stops in a state of symmetrical upper sensitivity.
    Physical reality is dynamic and happens by itself, and there is no mysterious force acting on it and forcing it to act as it should and not otherwise.
    The force of gravity that should bring down a ripe apple does not exist in reality
    the physical. This reality operates by itself when it upholds miraculous laws of nature that characterize physical reality.
    Those who recognize the wonder of a physical reality acting on its own, will not ask the banal does the puddle of water know to flow to the lowest place, and stop in a state of supreme symmetrical sensitivity.
    Those who do not recognize a dynamic physical reality that operates by itself and upholds miraculous laws of nature, will invent demons and spirits with mysterious power, such as gravity
    or electromagnetic force, which activate the dynamic and changing physical reality.
    The dynamic physical reality that works on its own and fulfills miraculous laws of nature, appears in the revolutionary book "The Magical Journey of Asbar…………"

    A. Asbar

  14. Asbar's response is fascinating, but even so, I did not understand the conclusion regarding the lack of gravity. Why doesn't the apple fall up or to the sides and why can't I walk with flip flops on a wall.

  15. How do you know that these two galaxies that you claim are 33 billion light years away from us that the universe exists 13.4 and that these two have moved away from us so much times 100 percent of the distance that exists

    so sure of yourselves
    Everything but mourners you have no proof

  16. The problem with the funnel theory is that the light left this galaxy 13.5 million years ago. Then the distance between our galaxy and this galaxy was something relatively very close, so even if the galaxy itself moved away, the light was already sent from a very close place, why did it take 34 billion years to reach us? Is our current distance from the location of the light exit less than half?

  17. Parashat Bereshit of the exact sciences

    The Genesis chapter of the exact sciences explicitly states:

    To present a true description of physical reality, it is necessary to use the ideas of divine creation, and the natural knowledge of man.

    A true description of physical reality will begin like this.
    Genesis 5 God created "continuous quantitative things"

    The hallmark of a continuous quantitative thing (dkr) is simple.
    Whatever quantity we choose from DKR, we will always find that in reality there is a larger quantity, and a smaller quantity.
    Any quantity that is chosen from DKR, it is between a zero quantity and an infinite quantity.

    With the natural knowledge of man we will reach these five dachars.
    Energy, time, length, area and volume.

    Energy and time create the science of physics
    Area length and volume, form the science of geometry.

    Geometry and physics are the exact sciences, because they deal with quantities between zero and infinite quantities.

    The science of physics appeared after the empty infinite space was filled by two continuous quantitative things, namely energy and passive time.

    Passive time is absolute rest and absolute cold, and it fills the infinite space.
    Passive time is at complete rest, and is the medium in which waves of passive time move. These waves transmit sunlight.

    Passive time is a new and revolutionary physical concept, and it exists right in physical reality. On the other hand, the time we all know does not exist in physical reality, and it disappears as soon as you think about it. This elusive time was invented by man for their benefit, and the proper name for it is time.
    Poetic cosmology - from the wonders of passive time

    The passive time envelops us, and we move through it.
    I asked him and I didn't answer,,,,wait a little while he said

    who are you i asked
    I am the passive time, I belong to nature, I lead the light and color

    Where are you the hard,…
    I fill the terrible space, and it is now full of a river.
    The energy is also with me, its power is beyond words, and together we create the material.

    I know the stuff, I said, I touched it and it's right here.
    You will not be able to touch me, but inside me you are free to move.

    Are you really time? After all, the time I know always flies away.

    I'm always here, I'm not a guest

    I am the real time, and the energy is always with me.

    Parashat Beresheit of the exact sciences geometry and physics

    The chapter on the beginning of the exact sciences continues as follows:
    After the infinite space was filled with passive energy and time, the stars were formed. The matter of the stars is formed by combining amounts of passive time and energy.
    The matter of the stars is continuous, and has no gravity.

    Combinations of amounts of passive time and energy created the familiar elements
    Like, gold, carbon, iron and more. Any such conjunction is a physical form, and therefore
    Matter is not a quantitative concept. A geometric shape is also not a quantitative concept, because it is formed by combining quantities of a closed length containing a quantity of area.

    The concepts of geometric shape and physical shape always go together.
    Geometry and physics are the two exact sciences, and the tangible and clear geometry provides clues about the mysterious physics.. Geometry always links us to the concept of form, and physics always links us to the concept of movement.

    And so the chapter of Genesis of the exact sciences continues.
    And God will instill eternal movement in every star, and Noah's star does not exist in reality.
    The name of the collection of ever-moving stars is a universe.

    The shape of the orbit of the stars of the universe is helical (neither straight nor round)
    It is the Borgian orbit of the stars of the universe that allows their integration into a single division that is always moving.
    A screw track has two data - diameter, and advance angle.

    To complete the creation of the universe, it was necessary for the universe to obey a divine law.

    And God established the law of conservation of the amount of energy in the universe, and this law ensured the eternal existence of the universe.

    Everything said here about the universe is not accepted by the scientific establishment.
    Today's scientists believe in the existence of a completely different universe, which is Newton's universe. Newton's universe is in infinite empty space, and this universe is dominated by crude and simple mechanical gravity.

    The idea of ​​gravity was given to the world by Newton 330 years ago.
    Newton believed that there was a mysterious and wonderful force emanating from the depths of the earth, and that its whole function was to knock down objects that fell from our hands.
    Such a mysterious force brings the reader into the world of fairy tales, and the imagination gives this force the image of a friendly, invisible demon.
    Newton gave this demon the nice name "gravity".

    Amazingly, Newton carried many believers in the idea of ​​gravity after him, and thus began a strange investigation of physical reality, which contains a mysterious demon.

    Why did Newton invent the delusional idea of ​​gravity.

    Newton did not know that objects that were handed out of our hands fall by themselves, and thus they fulfill a wonderful physical law of nature, which is the law of conservation of energy. This law of conservation was accepted in science only 170 years ago, and Newton obviously did not know about its existence.

    And since Newton did not know that objects fall by themselves, and did not know about the existence of the law of conservation of energy, he invented the idea of ​​gravity.
    This crazy idea lasted for 160 years in all official physics curricula, thus creating a murky scientific swamp, which prevented any possibility of knowing the true structure of the universe.

    Newton's murky scientific quagmire was canceled out by the physical reality that revealed to the world the existence of a miraculous quantitative law,
    And it is the conservation of the amount of energy.

    How is the law of conservation of energy,
    Eliminates the concept of gravity.

    To lift a large stone off the ground to a height of 1 meter, you have to exert yourself and get tired, and this amount of fatigue represents an amount of energy.
    If we release this stone from a height of 1 meter, it will fall down by itself with increasing speed, and its impact will hit the ground. Show exactly the same amount of energy that was needed to lift the stone to a height of 1 meter.

    No gravity is needed to drop the stone down, the stone falls by itself
    down with increasing speed, and thus the law of conservation of energy is fulfilled.
    This is how the wonderful physical reality works, and it is the one that taught scientists about the existence of an important physical law of nature - the law of conservation of energy.
    There are many types of energy, and they can alternate with each other, according to this law of conservation.

    Physical reality operates by itself, according to miraculous laws inherent in it, and researchers of physical reality have begun to discover these laws.
    The law of conservation of energy that was discovered 170 years ago completely cancels out Newton's physics that requires gravity - and it proves that objects that are separated from our hands - fall by themselves, and there is no mysterious demon in physical reality that knocks them down..

    And what turns out? For 170 years, Newton's physics has been taught in universities, and not a single teacher stood up and shouted "there is no gravity, and Newton's physics is incorrect"
    It should be emphasized that Newton did not know that his physics was incorrect, but already 170 years ago, the physics teachers knew about the existence of the law of conservation of energy that eliminates the idea of ​​gravity, but they did not find the courage to tell this to their students

    These 170 unfortunate years produced terrible errors in the concept of matter and the structure of the universe, and the concepts of dark particle matter and dark energy testify to this.

    The time has come to move to a different physics, based on miraculous laws inherent in physical reality. This is the real physics, and it appears in a revolutionary book - which bears the name...

    This book conflicts with all the physical teachings developed in the last 150 years, and it presents to the world a new physics, and also a new geometry of circles.

    A. Asbar

  18. If the age of the universe is 14 billion years and the speed of light is finite, how come there are galaxies more than 28 billion light years away? Was the bang only in part of the universe?

  19. I don't understand how they say that the big bang theory and the expansion of the universe was 13 billion years ago, while there are galaxies that are 33 billion light years away

  20. Amazing, fascinating and challenging!!!! There is no science and certainly the most intriguing is space. It's such a shame that the human race doesn't love itself and is stuck with dark and primitive religions instead of promoting the space challenge. Unnecessary wars, the destruction of the climate and blame it all on a creator of the world who will be responsible for human actions. No on the United States and NASA!

  21. How does a galaxy reach a distance of 33 billion light years in 13.4 billion years? Does that mean it moves 2 and a half times faster than the speed of light? I do not completely understand this part. Please explain

  22. When will you begin to explore our beautiful and incredibly precise symmetrical earth

  23. But I think it is still not clear how they are so far from us
    If the universe was created about 14 billion years ago and we were moving at the speed of light in one direction and these galaxies were moving at the speed of light in the other direction still at their maximum they should be about 28 billion years away from us right? Where am I wrong?

  24. 33 How original is the devil's number that appears everywhere everyone already knows you more than you know God will erase you and it will be painful
    As sad as it is where you have come and at the same time funny that you are confident in yourself and funny that someone thinks it is possible to qualify for God, you will not have rest for the second hundredth time in the eternal world until at the end with great mercy He will lose you

  25. How fun that there are people who check and verify data and don't just say "because it's written in the book..."

  26. How is it possible to reach a distance greater than 13.4 billion light years?
    How does it not contradict the work that the speed is limited to the speed of light?

  27. Something doesn't work out for me if the entire universe started from the same point and the big bang was 13.4 billion years ago how come the galaxies are about 33 billion light years away from us

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