The next generation of prophets - America is preparing for the apocalypse

Religious fiction is the hot hit in America's bookstores today. And if the fantasies of the Cold War depicted mutual destruction and left a faint hope of a draw, then arch-conservative Christian novels predict the "end of times"

John Sutherland

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Religious fiction is the hot hit in America's bookstores today. And if the fantasies of the Cold War depicted mutual destruction and left a faint hope for a draw, then arch-conservative Christian novels predict the "end of times." The first sign of the approach of the apocalypse, according to this view, is the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.

The belief that the end of time is imminent is a central tenet of the Christian right. This gradually strengthened after 11/XNUMX, the expansion of the European Union and the double destruction of Babylon in the two Gulf Wars. According to the belief, the end of time will begin with the great ecstasy - the transition to heaven - which, unlike other apocalyptic events, will not have signs and signals indicating its arrival. Innocent children (even aborted) and people with a true Christian spirit will immediately be taken to heaven. The rest will experience seven years of torment.

In this period of epidemics, wars and global disasters, the Antichrist will rise to power. He will use diplomacy to establish a new world order and then rebuild Babylon and offer Israel a false alliance. Israel itself will undergo a fundamental change: 144 thousand Jews will accept Jesus as the Messiah, and the rest of the rebellious "satanic Jews" will be cursed forever and ever. The converted Jews will come in alliance with the army of the righteous in the judgment day war and their inevitable victory will herald the return of Jesus, who will establish a thousand-year kingdom in a purified Middle East.

According to a "Time" and CNN poll conducted in July 17, 2002% of Americans believe that "the end of time will occur in their lifetime"; 59% believe that "the prophecies in the Book of Revelation will come true". On local country radio stations across America, preachers are thundering: Be prepared, and if you're left behind, be sure to stand with God in the next great campaign upon us.

In the meantime, the shelves in bookstores are full of end-of-time stories. "Battle of the Ages" "Armageddon: The Cosmic," the 11th book in the series by authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, appeared on the New York Times bestseller list in its first week of publication. . And if he follows his predecessors, he will stay there for months. The authors see
In their amazing success is a sign of divine approval and support. "God," said Lahai, "chose to bless this series. This is how he provided the country, and perhaps the world, with one last great wake-up call before the events begin."

The first in the series of books by the two appeared in 1995. Lahai, an arch-conservative Christian author and preacher, was flying to Europe on a Boeing 747 and an idea popped into his head. In ","Left Behind, the novel he wrote following this, all the good Christians on a flight to London are suddenly transported to heaven, leaving behind small piles of clothes and plates with leftover lasagna. Although Stephen King used the same trick of disappearing passengers in his book "The Langoliers" back in 1990, but why leave all the good stories to the devil?

This book created the framework for the volumes that followed. Their plot weakness is evident, but what can the narrator actually do other than describe what has already been written to have happened?

Lahaie describes himself as the "engineer" of the series. His "mechanic", i.e. the person who puts the words into writing, is Jerry Jenkins, author of more than 100 books, who helped Billy Graham write his autobiography.
Lahai himself is a central figure in Christian conservatism. He studied at Bob Jones University and started countless pressure groups. In 1979 he founded "The Moral Majority" with Jerry Fulwell; He headed the "American Coalition for Traditional Values" and had close ties with Pastor Moon's "Union Church".

Lahai's stated goal is to help "Christian candidates" get elected to political office. His wife Beverly heads the group (CWA), Concerned for America Women, which she claims has 600 women members. The couple are considered to be the ones who helped bring about the appointment of John Ashcroft to the position of Secretary of Justice, and Ashcroft is certainly on his way to achieving the great goal of the CWA, the repeal of the ruling that allowed abortion in the United States.

Lahey's current political apparatus is the "Council for National Policy," which he founded with the help of Texan billionaires (if his book series continues to sell at its current rate, he may join that club). It is a secret organization whose meetings are closed to the public and the press and it has about 500 members, including former senators (Jesse Helms), members of Congress (Tom Delay), key figures who have become symbols of the extreme right (such as Oliver North and Larry Pert, the leader of Gun Owners of America) and conservative religious preachers including Pat Robertson. Ashcroft was a member before joining the administration. President Bush spoke at this forum in 1999

LaHaye recently teamed up with Jerry Fulwell to form the Tim LaHaye School of Prophecy, which offers an intensive one-year degree program at Fulwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. "We took on this effort thinking that the school would train the next generation of Bnei Samka in interpreting the prophecies of the holy books," Fulwell said. "Dr. Lahai will serve as president of the school and participate in many lecture series in the program." The question is whether there will be a new generation at all.
Following 11/XNUMX
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