The Hebrew Language Academy approved a list of terms in public health research

Among other things, new terms were announced, including double-blind trial, sham treatment, medical imaging (instead of x-ray), sham treatment (placebo), pioneering study (instead of a pilot) and more

The plenary session of the Hebrew Language Academy - which took place in an online format as is customary during this period - approved a list of terms prepared by the Committee for Public Health Terms, including the terms dummy treatment (placebo), A pioneer researcher (instead of pilot), cursor (Marker) וA double-blind experiment (double-blind trial). The request of the chief radiologist at the Ministry of Health, Michel Somech, to determine a new name for the professionals involved in medical imaging was also approved: Medical image. According to the applicant, the professional field has expanded to diverse imaging modalities and not just 'x-rays'.

In the list of terms that was approved, about two hundred terms were grouped in the study of health in the population - or by the more familiar name epidemiology. Some of them became the property of the general public in the last year due to the Corona epidemic: A global epidemic (pandemic), burst (of plague), Disease rate וdeath rate. Further on the list is a distinction between contact tracing And Epidemiological investigation (examining the cause or source of an acute health event in the population). Many of the epidemiology terms are professional terms used by researchers: terms in research methods, factors, bias, risks and probabilities, research participants and terms in statistics.

The terms are intended to be used in research and teaching in the field of public health and to create a common and uniform language for all those involved in the field. The members of the committee said: "For us, the professionals who use the language in our work and in the teaching of epidemiology, the need for uniform Hebrew terms has existed for years. Today, in view of the outbreak of the global epidemic and the high morbidity and mortality rates, we are sure that the entire public will also benefit from some of the terms."

A selection of terms from the list and their explanations:

  • on fire (eradication) - of a disease from the whole world.
  • Ethical trend - Observed change over time.
  • Disease trend - Seasonal trend in morbidity rates or its characteristics.
  • dummy treatment (placebo) - in the form of a drug or other intervention. Such treatment is given in research for the purpose of a controlled comparison between the recipients of the actual treatment and those who do not receive treatment.
  • Double unknown experiment (double-blind trial) - an experiment in which neither the subjects nor the researchers know to which intervention group the subject was assigned (instead of the common term: double-blind trial). there is also One unknown experiment (only the subjects do not know to which intervention group they were assigned) fTri-unknown experiment (Even the results analysts do not know to which intervention group the subject was assigned).
  • Recent research (retrospective study) - a study that begins with a certain health outcome in participants and retrospectively examines previous exposure to a possible risk or protective factor.
  • Preliminary research (Prospective study) - a study that begins with exposure to a possible risk or protective factor and follows the participants until the outcome occurs.
  • A pioneer researcher (pilot study) - a preliminary study carried out on a limited scale to test the applicability of the methods.
  • (meta-analysis) - a weighted statistical analysis of the final results of several studies.
  • obscuring factor, obscuring (confounder, instead of the common term Erflan).
  • Health indicator (health indicator) - an index that reflects a set of other indicators and indicates results or trends, such as the infant mortality rate.
  • Hudud, change of link - A relationship between independent variables that strengthens or weakens the relationship with the outcome (in English: interaction; modification, effect modification)
  • A strong wind (confidence interval; instead of the common term: Ruach Bar Semekh).
  • cluster (in the sample); cluster (in morbidity) instead of the English term cluster.
  • Terms; It will be regulated in a fixed manner - adjustment.
  • You will be regulated by weighing – standardization.

She initiated the establishment of the committee for public health terms in the academy Dr. Milka Donhin from the School of Public Health of the Hebrew University and Hadassah, and she is also its head. in the membership committee Prof. Racheli Dankner (Gartner Institute and Tel Aviv University), Prof. Verda Suskolani (School of Social Work at Bar-Ilan University), fProf. Little Keenan-Booker (The National Center for Disease Control of the Ministry of Health and the School of Public Health at the University of Haifa). Yes, members of the committee Prof. Alex Levantal (Ministry of Health) and the statistician Prof. Moshe Polak (The Hebrew University and the Central Bureau of Statistics). The women of language on the committee are members of the academy Prof. Yehudit HaNishka and the Academy employee Dr Tova Strauss Sherbrin who also coordinated the committee's work over the years.

More of the topic in Hayadan:

14 תגובות

  1. There are indeed expressions that should be given a Hebrew term
    But there's no point in that as long as it's in the media (and on the street)
    Translate "information" "situations" "alternatives"
    Instead of information, situations, alternatives and so on and so forth
    Hebrew words that for some reason are "genius" generation
    Can't figure it out...

  2. to flourish
    A subtle response to Porat: apparently other times you don't agree with me.
    A less subtle response to the same Porat: for a change I would love to confront and know what we disagree on!.
    After all, this is for the sake of science!
    We must remember that science is not democratic. Scientific progress only worked with those who dared to go against the general consensus. And the intention is not only against the ecclesiastical consensus, the intention is even to dare and go against what is accepted in the academy (if necessary).
    Good Day
    Yehuda Sabdarmish

  3. A subtle response to Yehuda: This time I agree with you.
    A less subtle response to that Yehuda: for a change this time I agree with you.

  4. Totally unnecessary work!!
    We are in a world united by the Internet and the like, and if the whole world says, for example, the Internet, then it is completely unnecessary to be the only ones who call it a network, more examples? It is unnecessary to call Neptune Rav or a cataract Yarod.
    The academy should decide not to complicate our lives and worldly concepts to leave them and their dignity in their place. In the past, the Hebrew language knew how to accept Aramaic, Greek and Arabic words without shame! And out of respect and appreciation for the discoverers who named their discoveries
    Please respond gently!
    Sabdarmish Yehuda

  5. Thank you very much for the excellent work
    We work in the sproms-patient report outcome measure unit
    Patient-reported outcomes

  6. It's nice to know that the academy is renewing phrases and pronouns. But it is not enough to write them, but also to hear and pronounce them. Thus, for example, the phrase medical imaging sounds and looks strange, especially when it is not punctuated. The combination of background research is deceptive and funny and will be the subject of jokes. Health Center - will be pronounced as a health center or as a health center. The term cluster will soon become reasonable.
    I suggest that the Academy reconsider these expressions. They are not intended only for academics who will continue, at best, to use the foreign terms.

  7. And of course, the disease that makes our lives miserable can be called a "crown" in the weight of diseases in the Hebrew language (such as jaundice, tuberculosis), and in the translation of the foreign term corona into Hebrew.

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