The stunning image represents one of the most comprehensive views of the universe ever taken, revealing a rich landscape of galaxies along with more than a dozen variable objects discovered for the first time
The stunning image represents one of the most comprehensive views of the universe ever taken, revealing a rich landscape of galaxies along with more than a dozen variable objects discovered for the first time.
פעם נוספת, אסטרונומים שילבו את כוחות התצפית של טלסקופ החלל ג'יימס ווב וטלסקופ החלל האבל של נאס"א, כדי ליצור את אחד הדיוקנאות המפורטים והצבעוניים ביותר של היקום, בדיוק בזמן לחג המולד.
התמונה החדשה, שכונתה על-ידי צוות המחקר "צביר הגלקסיות עץ חג המולד", משלבת אור אינפרא-אדום שזוהה על-ידי טלסקופ החלל ג'יימס ווב של נאס"א, עם נתוני האור הנראה מהאבל של נאס"א, כדי להציג את MACS0416, צביר גלקסיות הנמצא כ-4.3 מיליארד שנות אור מכדור הארץ. מכיוון שהצביר מסוגל להגדיל את האור מגלקסיות רקע רחוקות יותר באמצעות תופעה הידועה בשם 'עידוש כבידתי', הוא איפשר לחוקרים לזהות סופרנובות מוגדלות ואפילו כוכבים בודדים בהגדלה מאוד גבוהה.
Scientific insights from the cluster
"אנו קוראים ל-MACS0416 "צביר הגלקסיות עץ חג המולד", הן בגלל שהוא כל כך צבעוני והן בגלל האורות המהבהבים הללו שאנו מוצאים בתוכו", אמר האסטרונום של אוניברסיטת מיזורי ד"ר האוג'ינג יאן, המחבר הראשי של אחד משני המאמרים המתארים את התוצאות המדעיות. המאמר, בשיתוף ליפאן וונג, האסטרונום של אוניברסיטת טקסס A&M, התקבל לפרסום ב-The Astrophysical Journal.
וונג, חבר במחלקה לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה באוניברסיטת טקסס A&M ובמכון מיטשל לפיזיקה יסודית ואסטרונומיה על שם ג'ורג' וסינתיה וודס מאז 2006, הוא חלק מצוות אסטרונומיה של תחום-זמן המשתמש בטלסקופ ווב כדי לגלות את הסופרנובות הראשונות ביותר ביקום, כשהעתיקה ביותר ברשומות, מתוארכת לזמן שבו היקום היה בן יותר מ-3 מיליארד שנים. שיתוף הפעולה הבינלאומי, הידוע בשם: "אזורי עדיפות ראשוניים אקסטרה-גלקטיים למחקר עידוש ורייניזציה" (PEARLS), מובל על-ידי האסטרונום של אוניברסיטת אריזונה ד"ר רוג'ר וינדהורסט, ומקבל קרדיט על רכישת הנתונים שהובילו לתגליות.
Innovative techniques and forecasts
אחד מתכסיסי הצוות היה להשתמש בכוח התצפית הבלתי מעורער של "ווב" כדי לחפש עצמים המשתנים בבהירות הנצפית לאורך זמן, הידועים בשם עצמים משתנים. במאמר שפורסם ב-2017 לפני השיגור של הטלסקופ ווב, וונג ועמיתיו למאמר, חזו שהטלסקופ ימצא כמה עצמים משתנים כאלה בצילום בודד באמצעות הדימות העיקרי החזק שלו, המכונה מצלמת אינפרא-אדום קרוב (NIRCam). וונג מציין את תמונת MACS0416 ואת 14 העצמים המשתנים שהיא מכילה כהוכחה חיובית, וציין שהתגליות עולות על תחזיות הצוות.
"טלסקופ ווב מגלה מספר רב של עצמים משתנים, בעיקר סופרנובות, ביקום", אמר וונג. "הוא לא רק מוצא סופרנובות, הוא גם מצא כוכבים בגלקסיות רחוקות שמוגדלים על-ידי השדה הכבידתי של גלקסיות קדמיות סמוכות".
The discoveries are made through repeated observations of an area of the sky towards the galaxy cluster MACS0416. The North Orbital Pole (NEP), an area where the Webb Telescope can continuously point there and take data throughout the year, is ideal for future time-domain observations. Wong says the unprecedented sensitivity makes it possible to detect some supernovae, such as those from the explosions of white dwarf stars across the universe, even as far back as when the universe began forming its first stars.
Answering key questions in astronomy
"יש שתי שאלות יסודיות באסטרונומיה: איך נוצרו הכוכבים הראשונים?, ומהו טבע הכוחות המניעים את התפשטות היקום?", אמר וונג. "העצמים המשתנים שטלסקופ ווב מסוגל לגלות יספקו את הנתונים הדרושים כדי לטפל בשאלות האלה.
"תגליות אלה מראות שטלסקופ ווב הוא הכלי החזק ביותר לחקר העצמים החלשים המשתנים בשחר הקוסמי, כאשר היקום מתעורר מהעידן האפל ללא כוכבים ועד לימינו. באמצעות צפיה בסופרנובות, ניתן לחקור את תהליך התפתחות הכוכבים הראשונים וגם את התפשטות היקום עד לזמן שבו היקום היה צעיר מ-1 מיליארד שנים".
The study of supernovae and distant stars
Wong says some of these supernovae are likely the result of the deaths of low-mass dwarf stars, which turn into white dwarfs and explode in thermonuclear explosions. The magnified stars make it possible to study individual stars in the distant universe. These ancient stars are probably also very massive stars that produce extremely bright variable objects through a process called the star pair production instability.
"אנו צופים שהעצמים המשתנים האלה 'שניתן לגלות באופן שגרתי', יחזיקו פוטנציאל עצום במתן תשובות לשאלות הנוגעות לסוף עידן החושך הקוסמי ולפיזיקה של התפשטות היקום האפל", אמר וונג.
More of the topic in Hayadan:
- The Webb Space Telescope Discovered Galaxies 33 Billion Light Years Away That Challenge Astronomical Theories
- Ancient compact galaxy with high star formation rate discovered by Webb Space Telescope
- Stunning images from Hubble Reactivated: New Strange Galaxies
- A celebration of galaxies: 'Hubble' captures a cluster with galaxies of all shapes and sizes
Shut up you idiot
The science of physical creation
Parashat Beresheit of physics and geometry
In the beginning, God created
the infinite geometric emptiness.
Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of length.
Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of space.
Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of volume.
The imagination filled the geometric emptiness with geometric shapes such as a circle, triangle, square, etc.
The shape of the circle is created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.
The shape of the triangle was created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.
The square shape is created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.
And so on many forms were created.
And God will see that the infinite geometric emptiness contains only geometric shapes, and will fill the emptiness with a passive time that does not move from its place, and is completely at rest.
Thus physical creation began, with passive time filling infinite geometric volume.
And God will turn passive time into absolute cold, and this is how the limit of cold in the world is determined.
And the passive time was absolute rest and absolute cold, and it occupied an infinite geometric volume.
And God said - the deed we have done is good.
And God saw the lonely and sad state of the passive time that is on the border of the cold, and added to it the joyful, multi-faceted quantitative energy.
And God will drown in the cheerful quantum energy a physical law that says:
Many appearances will the cheerful quantum energy have, but the ever-changing quantity will be preserved.
And God forbid that the cheerful quantitative energy does change its appearances, while taking care to preserve the changing amount.
And God said, the thing is very good.
And God commanded the passive time and energy to create the material that appears in many physical forms, such as gold, iron, carbon, hydrogen, and more,
And the creation began.
The quantitative passive time, connected with the quantitative joyful energy, and from a certain combination of quantities, a physical form of gold was created.
And once again the quantitative passive time was connected with the quantitative joyful energy, and from this new combination of quantities, a physical form of iron was created.
And once again the quantitative passive time was connected with the quantitative cheerful energy, and a new combination of quantities created a physical form of carbon.
And so the passive time and the cheerful energy created many and varied physical forms, and many and surprising types of matter appeared in the geometric space,
And so the geometric space became a physical space, which provides material for the creation of stars, with the help of combinations of amounts of passive time and energy.
And the stars began to fill the infinite space full of passive time, and they stood frozen in place.
And God commanded the frozen stars to start moving - only in a screw-shaped orbit, which has 3 data.
The diameter of the screw track, advance angle, and speed.
And the stars began to move and never stopped moving.
They did not move in a straight line path, nor in a closed circular path. Each planet moves in a spiral orbit that has three unique data only to it - a unique diameter, a unique angle of advancement, and a unique speed.
This orbital shape turned all the stars in the world into one dynamic disc-shaped unit.
And God commanded this discus to move forever in a straight line in infinite space full of passive time and energy,
Within this disk that moves in a straight line, the stars move in helical orbits. This discus, in which all the stars of the world are located, was named... Universe,
The speed of the universe in a straight line is absolute, and the person does not notice it (C12 estimated value)
The number of stars in the universe is finite but not fixed.
The universe moves in infinite space full of passive time and energy, from which new stars are formed.
During the absolute movement of the universe, stars in the universe also disintegrate, and they give their energy, and their passive time, to the infinite space.
The infinite space is where stars are born, and it is also where they disintegrate and disappear.
And man has not yet been created.
The active time has not yet been created either,
Only the passive time and the joyful energy were created, and they create the material of the stars..
Light was also created, as waves of passive time,
Waves of passive time move in the absolute rest and absolute cold of passive time, filling infinite space.
Sunlight is waves of passive time, moving in an infinite space full of passive time, which is completely still and completely cold.
There is no void in the world, and it is full of passive time and energy.
And man had not yet been created, and had not yet spoken,
When man was created, he received natural knowledge from the Creator.
With this natural knowledge man invented a language of words,
But man did not know that the language of words is based on actions that lead to natural knowledge.
And since the person did not know the secret of the words, the words brought the Tower of Babel, which confused the person.
The words also brought the active time that exists only in man's imagination, and does not exist in physical space.
The active tense always presents the word trap that confuses man, and reminds him of the Tower of Babel.
The man who was created on a planet is the one who invented the active time. Has the words past, present, future.
Past and future are in man's imagination, when
In physical reality there is only the present.
Man, who was created on a planet that is in eternal motion, is trapped in the trap of words, and has never been able to free himself from it.
Man loves the trap of words because it contains love and hope, anger and jealousy, and the escape hatches to the lie, to the truth, and to free imagination.
With the trap of words man entered heaven, and the trap of words expelled him from heaven.
The trap of words always works, and since then man has been looking for a new good language, and he has not yet found it.
A. Asbar
Lord Esbar, are you willing to please leave us with your pagan nonsense, you are dumbing down the brain with this idolatry, go to a religious site and listen to some delusional rabbi who talks about the seed of a virgin and other garbage where you belong..
water? Why not wine?
הנה זה מה ששלחתי לפרופ' צבי מזא"ה
The Genesis chapter penetrated into the hearts of people,
And it hints at the right way to explore the universe
The physical - geometric, and is a way of creation.
Parashat Beresheit of physics and geometry
In the beginning, God created
the infinite geometric emptiness.
Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of length.
Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of space.
Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of volume.
The imagination filled the geometric emptiness with geometric shapes such as a circle, triangle, square, etc.
The shape of the circle is created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.
The shape of the triangle was created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.
The square shape is created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.
And God will see that the infinite geometric emptiness contains only geometric shapes, and will fill it with a passive time that stands in its place, and is completely at rest.
And God will turn passive time into absolute cold, and this is how the limit of cold in the world is determined.
Thus began a wondrous physical creation of absolute rest and absolute cold passive time, filling infinite geometric space.
And God said - the deed we have done is good.
And God saw the lonely state of the passive time that is on the edge of the cold, and added to it the cheerful energy with many faces.
And God will drown in the cheerful energy the law that says:
The cheerful energy may change faces, but the changing quantity will never be preserved.
And God saw that the cheerful quantitative energy alternated its appearances, while taking care to preserve the alternating quantity, and said that it is good.
And God commanded the passive time and energy to create the material that appears in many physical forms, such as gold, iron, carbon, hydrogen, and more,
And the creation of the material began.
The quantitative passive time, connected with the quantitative joyful energy, and from a certain combination of quantities, a physical form of gold was created.
And once again the quantitative passive time was connected with the quantitative joyful energy, and from this new combination of quantities, a physical form of iron was created.
And once again the quantitative passive time was connected with the quantitative cheerful energy, and a new combination of quantities created a physical form of carbon.
And so the passive time and the cheerful energy created many and varied physical forms, and many and surprising types of matter appeared in the geometric space,
And so the geometric space became a physical space, which provides material for the creation of stars, with the help of combinations of amounts of passive time and energy.
And passive time and energy filled the infinite space with matter, from which the stars were formed
And God commanded the stars to always be in motion
And only in a track with a screw shape, which has 3 data.
The diameter of the screw track, advance angle, and speed.
and the stars began to move,
Not in a straight line track, nor in a closed round line track, but only in a screw track with the three data - track diameter, advance angle, and speed.
This orbital shape made all the stars into a single disc-shaped dynamical unit.
This discus-shaped dynamic unit moves forever in a straight line in infinite space full of passive time and energy.
Within this dynamic unit that is all bent in a straight line, the stars do not move in a straight line. Each star moves in an orbit that has a unique screw shape and it is this orbit shape that creates a disc-shaped structure from all the stars.
The very structure of a discus moves in a straight line.
The speed of the structure is absolute and cannot be measured
This dynamic disc-shaped structure in which all the stars in the world are located, was named... Universe.
Hypothesis - the speed of the universe C12
The number of stars in the universe is finite but not fixed.
The universe moves in infinite space full of passive time and energy. During the movement of the universe, new stars are formed from the passive time and energy present in space.
During the movement of the universe, stars also disintegrate, and they give space their energy, and their passive time.
And man has not yet been created.
The active time has not yet been created either,
Only the passive time and the joyful energy were created, and they create the material of the stars..
Light was also created,
As waves of passive time, moving in the middle of passive time - which is completely still and completely cold
Sunlight is waves of passive time, moving in an infinite space full of passive time - which is absolute rest and absolute cold.
There is no void in the world, and it is full of passive time and energy.
And man had not yet been created, and had not yet spoken,
When man was created, he received natural knowledge from the Creator.
With this natural knowledge, man invented a language of words, but man did not know that the language of words is based on actions that lead to natural knowledge.
And since the man did not know the secret of the words, the words brought the Tower of Babel, which embarrassed the man.
The words also brought the active time that exists only in man's imagination, and does not exist in physical space.
The active tense always presents the word trap that confuses man, and reminds him of the Tower of Babel.
The man who was created on a planet is the one who invented the active time. Has the words past, present, future.
Past and future are in man's imagination, when
In physical reality there is only the present.
Man, who was created on a planet that is in eternal motion, is trapped in the trap of words, and has never been able to free himself from it.
Man loves the trap of words because it contains love and hope, anger and jealousy, and the escape hatches to the lie, to the truth, and to free imagination.
With the trap of words man entered heaven, and the trap of words expelled him from heaven.
The trap of words always works, and since then man has been looking for a new good language, and he has not yet found it.
A. Asbar
Asbar, drink a lot of water. and rest Only Health.
The amazing pictures are just pictures, and we are all looking for the story of the pictures
The Genesis chapter penetrated into the hearts of people,
And it shows the right way to explore the universe.
Parashat Beresheit of physics and geometry
In the beginning, God created
the infinite geometric emptiness.
Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of length.
Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of space.
Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of volume.
The imagination filled the geometric emptiness with geometric shapes such as a circle, triangle, square, etc.
The shape of the circle is created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.
The shape of the triangle was created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.
The square shape is created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.
And God saw that the geometric emptiness contained only geometric shapes, and he filled this emptiness with a passive time that stands in its place, and is completely at rest.
And God will turn passive time into absolute cold, and this is how the limit of cold in the world is determined.
This is how the wonderful physical creation began, and God saw that it was very good.
And God saw the lonely state of the passive time that is on the edge of the cold, and added to it the cheerful energy with many faces.
And God will drown in the cheerful energy the law that says:
The cheerful energy may change faces, but the changing quantity will never be preserved.
And so it happened, that the infinite space was filled with passive time and cheerful energy with a conserved amount that changes faces, and changes its appearances.
And God knows that this is very good.
And God commanded the passive time and energy to create the material that appears in many physical forms, such as gold, iron, carbon, hydrogen, and more,
And the creation of the material began.
The quantitative passive time, connected with the quantitative energy, and by combining certain quantities, a physical form of gold was created.
And once again the quantitative passive time was connected with the quantitative joyful energy, and from this new combination of quantities, a physical form of iron was created.
And once again the quantitative passive time was connected with the quantitative cheerful energy, and a new combination of quantities created a physical form of carbon.
And so the passive time and the cheerful energy created many and varied physical forms, and many and surprising types of matter appeared in the geometric space,
And so the geometric space became a physical space, which provides material for the creation of stars, with the help of combinations of amounts of passive time and energy.
And passive time and energy filled the infinite space with matter, from which the stars were formed
And God commanded the stars to move, only in a spiral-shaped orbit, and it has 3 data,
The diameter of the screw track, advance angle, and speed.
This orbital shape made all the stars into one dynamic unit with a disc structure.
This discus moves forever in a straight line in infinite space full of passive time and energy.
Within the structure of this disk the stars move.
Each star moves in an orbit with a unique helical shape and it is this orbit shape that creates a dynamic disk-shaped structure from all the stars.
The very structure of a discus moves in a straight line.
The speed of the structure is absolute and cannot be measured
This dynamic disc-shaped structure in which all the stars in the world are located, was named... Universe.
Hypothesis - the speed of the universe C12
The number of stars in the universe is finite but not fixed.
The universe moves in infinite space full of passive time and energy. During the movement of the universe, new stars are formed from the passive time and energy present in space.
During the movement of the universe, stars also disintegrate, and they give space their energy, and their passive time.
And man has not yet been created.
The active time has not yet been created either,
Only the passive time exists in reality, and it together with the energy - create the material of the stars..
The passive time and energy of the sun, spread light.
This light is waves of passive time, dispersing in the infinite space full of passive time, which is absolute rest and absolute cold.
There is no void in the world, and it is full of passive time and energy.
And man had not yet been created, and had not yet spoken,
When man was created, he received natural knowledge from the Creator.
With this natural knowledge, man invented language, and did not know that this language is based on actions that lead to knowledge.
The words brought the tower of Babel.
The words also brought the active time that exists only in man's imagination, the active time always presents the trap of words that confuses man, and reminds him of the Tower of Babel.
The man who was created on a planet invented the active time himself. This invention of man created the words past, present, future, which are only in his imagination.
Man loves the trap of words because it contains love and hope, anger and jealousy, and does not like the dry and quantitative language of numbers.
With the trap of words man entered heaven, and the trap of words expelled him from heaven.
The trap of words always works, and since then man has been looking for a new good language, and he has not yet found it.
A. Asbar