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BBC: Jesus' father - a Roman soldier who raped Mary

Storm in the Christian world! A program that will be broadcast in Britain before Christmas will claim: the mother of Jesus was raped at the age of 13 and was not a virgin; The Catholic Church opposes the broadcast and accuses: the directors of the channel are atheists

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The Vatican strongly attacked the documentary film, which was broadcast last night on the BBC and raised doubts about the holiness of Mary. In the film it is claimed that the Holy Virgin was raped at the age of 13 and as a result of the rape Jesus was born.

Martin Jose Saraiba, the chief cardinal of the Council of Worshipers in the Vatican, told the Italian newspaper "Repubblica" today that the controversial theories are nonsense designed to harm the faithful. "These are old stories, which come up from time to time and have never been found to have any historical support," said the cardinal. "The publicity given to legends of this type only distorts reality. As a Christian, I feel horrified by the fact that this nonsense was televised so close to Christmas," Saraiva added.

The film was also severely criticized by the Church in Great Britain, which described it as offensive speculation. However, a survey conducted by the British newspaper "Sunday Telegraph" shows that among the British public there are many doubts regarding the circumstances that led to the birth of Jesus. 27 percent of Britons do not believe that it was the Holy Spirit that made Mary pregnant.

The British BBC network will broadcast a documentary program this Sunday, which seeks to collapse one of the solid foundations of Christianity, and of Christmas, which is coming up. The program, which will deal with the Holy Virgin, claims that Mary was 13 years old when she gave birth to Jesus, after being raped by a Roman soldier.

The "Guardian" newspaper reports that many believers are calling for the program to be taken down, and claim that the directors of the channel are atheists looking for provocations, which is why they chose to broadcast the program so close to Christmas.

David Hilburn, the theological adviser of the Catholic Church in Great Britain, claims that these things have no basis in the Christian scriptures. "The danger with such fringe theories is that they get much more weight than they deserve, the whole rape story gets unnecessary exposure, especially in light of the fact that it clearly contradicts all the writings of Christianity, including the New Testament," said Hilborn. "The fact that Mary was a virgin is a significant part of the Catholic faith, as is the fact that she did not give birth to any child other than Jesus," he added.

A link to other websites where the original news appears will be provided later today

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