Struggles over rivers

Following and because of global warming, by 2050 there will be about a billion people subject to disputes and struggles related to rivers, and this only in Africa

Map of lakes and rivers in Africa.
Map of lakes and rivers in Africa. Illustration:

Following global warming, it can be predicted that by the year 2050 there will be about a billion people involved in frictions and struggles related to rivers, and this in Africa alone. The Renaissance Dam project in Ethiopia (Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project) is a prominent example of this, when its operation arouses tensions between Ethiopia, for which the dam is used to generate electricity and develop irrigation systems, and Egypt and Sudan, who fear damage to the flow of the Nile, which is a source of life for them.

Hundreds of rivers flow between countries, and the sharing of their waters can be a source of cooperation or a cause for friction, depending on historical, cultural, and economic conditions. However, due to global warming and climate change, river flows are decreasing, and tensions between water users are increasing.

in a study conducted, water systems of transboundary rivers have been identified where, if there is no joint management, about a billion people will live in areas where there is a high risk of violent friction.

To date, cooperation has overcome friction But because of global warming and climate change, river flow is decreasing And the tension between the women who use river water is increasing.

In Africa, where the population is growing, there are more than sixty transboundary rivers, where in most cases there are no regulated agreements for the use of water. The combination of warming, climate change and population growth constitute an extensive ground for friction in the formation and flow basins of the rivers, at least some of which can be predicted and tried to the extent possible.

In the study they were identified water systems of transboundary rivers in which If there is no joint management, about a billion people will live in areas with a high risk of violent friction.

Research Combined the risk of disputes following projects of dams and hydro-electric plants against the social and economic effects, when it is clear that a lack of cooperation between countries leads to the loss of profits and benefits that would have been produced to a degree of joint activity, including adaptation to climate change, environmental protection and social and economic improvement. 

Added to this is a situation in which without agreements on the distribution of water the tension between countries on water issues spills over into other sectors and into strained relations on interregional political and economic issues.

In Africa, about 4.5 billion people live along common rivers. It turns out that  in "business as usual" mode That is, without significant changes and without comprehensive agreements between countries on the joint use of river water, a situation will arise in which about a billion people will live in areas at high risk of violent disputes. The danger of violent friction in river basins in Africa and Asia is increasing because of a combination of frequent changes in flows in water-thirsty regions and because of the dependence of countries downstream on the actions of countries upstream.

This is the case with Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. Existing initiatives and plans for the construction of additional dams will endanger the amount of water in the rivers and cause increased friction, thus in many rivers that have dams on them they will harm the climate in the area of ​​the dam and the supply of water to the population downstream. Added to this is the danger of frequent and prolonged periods of drought that will cause a lack of water in many rivers mainly in Asia and Africa, not only down the Nile but also down rivers in Somalia, Kenya and even Ethiopia, while taking into account the natural environment and the changing climate conditions.

The study refers mainly to Africa, which despite its dry image has a lot of water and with cooperation between countries and proper distribution, water can be provided to the majority of the population and to most of the needs.  

The challenges and dangers in common river basins must be included in regional-wide plans to avoid risk to the population and violent frictions between countries, taking into account the natural environment and the changing climate conditions. In our region, despite the development of economical irrigation methods, desalination and reuse of water, it is worth remembering that we are in a semi-desert area that is getting drier. At the same time, the population of the region has grown to such proportions that it is clear that without extensive and close regional cooperation, we will once again end up in wars over water.

More of the topic in Hayadan:

5 תגובות

  1. As in Israel, the country's population is too large for the natural amount of water there is,
    The difference is that Israel is a progressive country where corruption has not yet destroyed any good part (and we hope that it will continue to be so, it is not clear from above) and in which the lack of water is solved by desalination and a high utilization of benign water,
    When the water problem is in less advanced, corrupt countries, if it is Africa with populations that connect them, it reaches hundreds of millions of people who sit on one river and the populations there are growing at a tremendous rate when the situation is already difficult
    So that if there are agreements that are likely to be signed, they will fall apart in the future because it will be a real war of survival for each country at the level of being or ceasing, it is certainly possible to see a situation in which tens of millions of Egyptians flock to Europe because the Nile will disappear,
    And there are also other places where there is a strong state in control of the river's sources that takes advantage of the states' weakness
    Further down the river and taking all the water for them from completely drying up rivers that were the home where the great civilizations of humanity were born thousands of years ago,
    An example of what corruption does to the management of the water sector is a country in the stages of disintegration in every measure of a reformed country
    Let's hope we don't get there

  2. It is so amusing that what the Syrians, with the support of the other Arab countries, tried to do to Israel - to divert the sources of the Jordan - is now happening to them, and the damages are terrible. The Ethiopians sugar the Nile and harm the Egyptians, the Turks sugar a variety of rivers and harm the Syrians and Iraqis. The Syrians are harmful to the Iraqis, and rivers that have fed civilizations for thousands of years have become murky and polluted rivulets.

    And by the way - you should take care of the article and remove the crossed lines from the links.

  3. Moses
    Go and learn
    When it is written along mountain rivers this includes the drainage basins of the rivers
    Indeed, it turns out that most of Africa lives around drainage basins
    And along rivers...

  4. Who wrote the sentence: "In Africa, about 4.5 billion people live along common rivers"?!?

    If we add the billions who live in Africa that are not on the banks of the rivers, we will find that there are more people living in Africa than the number of people living on Earth.

  5. Come on, give the text a light proofread before publication... The writer couldn't decide whether it was friction or arguments, so he decided to be safe and write once this way and once that way

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