Scientists are exploring the potential of using seismoelectric signals from Martian tremors to detect underground water on Mars, a method inspired by similar techniques on Earth but adapted to the unique conditions of Mars
Scientists are exploring the potential of using seismoelectric signals from Martian vibrations to detect underground water on Mars, a method inspired by similar techniques on Earth but adapted to the unique conditions of Mars. This approach, which measures electromagnetic signals generated when seismic waves pass through aquifers, may reveal hidden sources of water deep below the Martian surface, changing our understanding of Martian water and its distribution. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Penn State University scientists are investigating the use of seismoelectric signals from Martian vibrations to detect deep underground water on Mars.
This method, based on the detection of electromagnetic fields generated by seismic waves, may provide new insights into Martian aquifers and their distribution.
If there is liquid water on Mars today, it may be too deeply buried to be detected by the traditional methods used on Earth. However, a new technique involving the analysis of Martian tremors may provide a breakthrough, Penn State scientists suggest.
When earthquakes travel through underground aquifers, they generate electromagnetic signals. In a study published in the journal JGR Planets, the researchers demonstrated how these signals may reveal the presence of water several kilometers below the surface of Mars. Lead author Nolan Roth, a doctoral student in the Department of Geology at Penn State University, believes this method could pave the way for analyzing data from future missions to Mars.
A simulation of the subsurface of Mars
The researchers created a model of the Martian subsurface and added aquifers to simulate how the seismoelectric method would work. They found that the technique can be used to analyze details about aquifers, including thickness, and their physical and chemical properties, such as salinity.
"If we can understand the signals, we can go back and analyze the aquifers themselves," Roth said. "And it will give us more data than we've ever had for understanding the water on Mars today and how it's changed over the last 4 billion years. It will be a big step forward.”
Using existing data and tools on Mars
Roth said future work will, surprisingly, include analyzing data already collected on Mars.
NASA's InSight lander, launched in 2018, delivered a seismometer to Mars that listened for Martian tremors and mapped the subsurface. However, it is difficult for seismometers to distinguish between water and gas or less dense rocks. The mission also included a magnetometer as a diagnostic tool to assist the seismometer. Combining data from the magnetometer and seismometer may reveal seismoelectric signals, the scientists said.
Sending a dedicated magnetometer to perform science experiments on future NASA missions may yield better results, the researchers said.
"This method should not be limited to Mars—the technique has the potential to, for example, measure the thickness of ocean ice on Jupiter's large moons," said Joe. "The message we want to convey to the community is that there is this promising physical phenomenon—that has received less attention in the past and that may have great potential for planetary geophysics."