Scientists in South Korea have cloned a dog

Avi Blizovsky

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Scientists in South Korea cloned a dog for the first time in history. The pioneer of the Koiranian clone Hwang Woo-suk (Hwang Woo-suk) cloned an Afghan attack dog that serves as a kind of super model of the dog hall but ranks low among dog trainers as the least friendly of the hundreds of dog species.
The experiment continues a string of successes in Huang's lab, but also reignites ethical and scientific debates about the rapidly developing technology.
Last year, Huang's team claimed the lead in cloning a human embryo, and in May 2005, they created the embryonic stem cells that matched a specific cancer patient.
The researchers named the puppy Snoopy, an acronym for the Seoul National University puppy ("Seoul National University puppy."). One of the dog's creators, Gerland Shatten of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, described the puppy, now 14 weeks old, as a lively, healthy, normal and wild puppy.

For the full news (in English)
They knew how to clone animals

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