Dragons are an almost universal symbol for many cultures. Scientists have tried to come up with explanations for the dragon myth, but the legends' continued existence is a testament to their narrative power and mystery.
from" Emily threw up, Lecturer in English, Arizona State University

The premiere of HBO's Game of Thrones prequel, "Dragon House", will undoubtedly draw more attention to the ferocious dragon. Two-legged or four-legged, fire-breathing or shape-shifting, scaly or feathered, dragons fascinate people around the world with their legendary power. This should come as no surprise.
long beforeHarry Potter","Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” and other modern interpretations have increased the reputation of the dragon in the 21st century, findings from ancient cultures have indicated its importance in many religions around the world.
as a researcher of monsters, I found that dragons are an almost universal symbol for many cultures. Scientists have tried to come up with explanations for the dragon myth, but the continued existence of the fairy tales is a testament to their narrative power and mystery.
Ancient dragons, ancient stories
Religions and cultures around the world Full of dragon stories. In fact, the vast majority of the religions There are mythological images that some researchers call Chaoskampf, a German word that translates as struggle with chaos. This term, used Mythologists, refers to a widespread motif in the West of a heroic figure slaying a "monster" that often has snake- or dragon-like characteristics and an enormous size that dwarfs humans.
The presence of the dragon in China, where it is called Long, is also ancient and integral to various cultural, spiritual and social traditions.
Dragons are members of the Chinese zodiac, one of the sacred guardian creatures that make up the The four benevolent animals and provide justification to the imperial dynasties. Various types of marine, intelligent, semi-divine beings these, create hierarchy In ancient Chinese cosmology and appear In creation myths of various indigenous traditions.
When Jesuit missionaries reintroduced Christianity to China in the 16th century, The existence of the dragon was not disputed.
The Chinese simply accepted a more Western explanation for his existence - Satan.
Today, dragons are celebrated and revered in Buddhist, Taoist, and Confucian traditions as symbols of power and enlightenment.
Dragons also appear in Anatolian religions, Sumerian myths, Germanic sagas, Shinto beliefs and in the scriptures of the Abrahamic religions. The recurring and important presence of the creature in religions and cultures across the globe raises an interesting question: why did dragons appear in the first place?
symbolic power
A theory that has long been proposed is that there are natural explanations for dragons. This does not mean that the animals of myth existed in real life, but that fossils, living animals and geological features that existed in the natural world inspired their creation.
Pulitzer Prize-winning author and scientist Carl Sagan wrote ספר on the subject, and claimed that dragons evolved from the human need to blend science with myth, the rational with the irrational, as part of an evolutionary response to real predators. His thoughts are an extension of Ideas which have been suggested since the 19th century or earlier, as newly discovered fossils have been linked to representations of dragons around the world.
Complete or partial remains of extinct species Many may explain the physical attributes of dragons. In 2020, two researchers, Dorothy Bell Foley and lisa Stoneman, even suggested that The fossil remains of Lepidodendron, a plant with a resemblance to a dragon, may explain the global presence of dragons in the various myths.
Human encounters with flying lizards, paddlefish, alligators, Saharan horned vipers, large snakes and certain species of Lizards and birds They have also been proposed as possible explanations for the dragon myth, given their physical resemblance to various dragons.
Researchers have also cited natural geological processes as explanations for the dragon theory - especially when they related to natural disasters. Fire-breathing dragons, for example, may be an explanation for mysterious fires that observers have tried to explain away as dragon flame. Natural gas emissions, methane produced from decaying material and other sources of underground gas deposits can produce fire if accidentally ignited. Before the mechanics of combustion were fully understood, such events were considered evidence of the presence of a dragon, providing an explanation for the seemingly improbable.
Eternal dragons
One of the enduring reasons that dragons continue to appear in our world may be because they represent the power of nature. Stories about people taming dragons can be seen as stories about the ability of humans to control forces that cannot always be controlled.
Gaining control of a dragon highlights the problematic idea that humans are superior to all other animals in nature. Dragons challenge the idea of human biological superiority, raising questions about what it would mean if humans were forced to reposition themselves as lesser members of the food chain.
More importantly, I believe, the beauty, terror and power of the dragon evokes mystery and shows that not all phenomena are easily explained or understood.
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for miracles Precisely because I am not a scientist, I can think outside the box. Many scientists who dare to express an opinion that goes against the institutional consensus find themselves banned and subject to ridicule and ridicule. and are silenced. If you are indeed a scientist. I understand your response.
for miracles Precisely because I am not a scientist, I can think outside the box. Many scientists who dare to express an opinion that goes against the institutional consensus find themselves banned and subject to ridicule and ridicule. and are silenced. If you are indeed a scientist. I understand your response.
There are good reasons why scientists do research, and not people without any understanding of science.
If bbc can trust this site so can we
What is the purpose of all the twisting explanations? Perhaps it is necessary to accept the dragons literally. Demonic beings that were here many ages ago and perhaps originated from an extinct civilization that was here before us and disappeared and only myths remain. Just as today there are many finds that have no explanation but the establishment is trying hard to find an explanation for them. Just to avoid the need to admit an alternative possibility.
On that day, Jehovah will command with his heavy and great and strong sword, on Leviathan, the serpent of flight, and on Leviathan, the serpent of Ekelathon; And he killed the crocodile, which was in the sea {Isaiah chapter XNUMX verse XNUMX}
shallow article,
For example - the Chinese "dragon" is not a dragon at all, meaning it does not correspond to the Western concept of the term dragon at all. It was the missionaries of the 16th century who decided to translate the name of the mythological animal Long into the term known in the West "dragon", thereby instilling a mistake.
To say that dragons exist in all cultures of the world is like saying that we decided to call mythological animals that have a loose resemblance at best with the name dragon, and that's it.
And one more thing - your decision to trust this external site as a source for articles in "Hidan" may come back as a double-edged sword.