Rewriting the past and future of the universe - new research sheds light on the fate of our cosmos

New research has improved the accuracy of the parameters that control the expansion of the universe. More precise parameters will help astronomers determine how the universe grew to its current state, and how it will evolve in the future.

Conceptual diagram of this study. Signals from supernovae (close-up lower right), quasars (close-up middle left), and gamma-ray bursts (close-up top center) reach Earth in the Milky Way galaxy (background), where we can use them to measure cosmological parameters. Credit: NAOJ
Conceptual diagram of this study. Signals from supernovae (close-up lower right), quasars (close-up middle left), and gamma-ray bursts (close-up top center) reach Earth in the Milky Way galaxy (background), where we can use them to measure cosmological parameters. Credit: NAOJ

Challenges in measuring the expansion of the universe

It is well known that the universe is expanding. But in the absence of landmarks in space, it is difficult to accurately measure how fast it spreads. Therefore, astronomers look for reliable landmarks. Similar to a candle that appears dimmer as it moves away, distant objects in the universe appear dimmer, even though the objects themselves have not changed.
אם אנו יודעים את הבהירות הפנימית (ההתחלתית) של עצם, אנו יכולים לחשב את המרחק שלו על סמך הבהירות הנצפית. עצמים ביקום שבהירותם הידועה מאפשרת לנו לחשב מרחק נקראים "נרות תקן".

Innovative methods and a variety of data

צוות בינלאומי בהובלת מריה ג'יובנה דיינוטי, פרופסור עוזר במצפה הכוכבים הלאומי של יפן (NAOJ), וג'אדה ברג'אקי, סטודנטית לדוקטורט בבית הספר העליון בדרום נאפולי, בסיוע מתקני המחשוב העל ב-NAOJ שמופעלים על ידי קאזונארי איוואסאקי, פרופסור עוזר ב-NAOJ וחבר במרכז לאסטרופיזיקה חישובית, חנכו תחום מחקר חדש על ידי ניצול מגוון שיטות סטטיסטיות חדשות לניתוח נתונים עבור נרות תקן שונים כגון סופרנובות, קוואזרים (חורים שחורים עוצמתיים הצורכים חומר ביקום הרחוק) והבזקי קרני גמא (הבזקים פתאומיים של קרינה חזקה). נרות תקן שונים שימושיים בטווחי מרחק שונים, לכן שילוב נרות תקן מרובים אפשר לצוות למפות אזורים גדולים יותר ביקום.

The new results reduce the uncertainty of the key parameters by up to 35 percent. More precise parameters will help determine whether the universe will continue to expand forever, or will eventually collapse in on itself.

Background - Disagreement between two methods for determining the Hubble constant

אסטרופיזיקאים יודעים על התפשטות היקום כבר כמאה שנים. עם זאת, מדענים חלוקים בדעותיהם לגבי קצב ההתפשטות, בעיה הידועה כ"מתח האבל". הבעיה נובעת מחוסר הסכמה בין שתי שיטות המשמשות למדידת קבוע האבל.

קבוע האבל מתאר את קצב ההתרחקות של גלקסיות מכדור הארץ כתלות במרחק שלהן ממנו. השיטה הישירה היא למדוד מרחקים לגלקסיות ובמקביל את מהירות התרחקותן, וכך לקבוע את ערכו של קבוע האבל. שיטה זו נותנת ערך של כ-73 ק"מ לשנייה לכל מיליון פארסק.

השיטה השנייה היא לבחון את תנאי הקוסמוס זמן קצר לאחר המפץ הגדול. ניתן למדוד וריאציות זעירות ברקע הקרינה הקוסמית שנותרה מהמפץ הגדול. בהינתן המידע הזה ורעיונות תיאורטיים שונים, אסטרופיזיקאים מנבאים שקבוע האבל צריך להיות סביב 67.5 ק"מ לשנייה לכל מיליון פארסק.

וכאן טמון העימות – שתי השיטות פשוט אינן מסכימות, וזוהי "בעיית המתח של האבל". אי-הסכמות נוטות לעורר התרגשות בקרב הקהילה האסטרונומית, מאחר שפער מסדר גודל כזה עשוי לרמז שיש לחשוב מחדש על התאוריות.

עם זאת, לפני שמתרגשים יתר על המידה, חשוב שהחוקרים יאמתו את תוצאותיהם. טעות במדידה יכולה להסביר הכל. הטעות הסבירה ביותר היא שהחוקרים שקבעו את הערך "המאוחר" שגו במדידת המרחק לגלקסיות. עם זאת, מחקרים חדשים טוענים שצמצמו את טווח אי-הוודאות עד כדי כך שרבים מתחילים לחשוב על שינויים אפשריים בהבנתנו את לידת הקוסמוס והתפתחותו.

אם לוקחים את זה ברצינות, המדידות המוקדמות מרמזות שתופעה פיזיקלית לא ידועה "דחפה" את היקום בתחילת דרכו, מה שהוביל למדידות מהירות יותר כיום. הועלתה השערה שב-10% הראשונים מחיי היקום, צורה כלשהי של כבידה דוחפת הפעילה עצמה בקצרה, ונתנה דחיפה קלה להתפשטות היקום, לפני שכבתה ונעלמה.

Regardless of the final explanation, the stress of grief turns out to be a beautiful mystery. Efforts are ongoing to try and improve both measurements of Hubble's constant, and it will be some time before the question is settled.

The scientific article

More of the topic in Hayadan:


  1. Unfortunately, idol worshipers have taken over the reactions...the fear and doubt in their heads pushes them to invent nonsense. In any case, the greatest nonsense that exists in the universe is to think that there is some power in heaven that gave us a delusional book full of contradictions and contradictions and the same God tells us through him that men are not allowed to masturbate and women are not allowed to wear pants.. No matter what you invent and want to change in physics so that it fits this stupidity, you have won first place in the stupidity you have.

  2. The era of the collapse of conceptions has arrived
    From the collapse of Netanyahu's security concept
    To the collapse of Newton's scientific conception

    When the guns roar the muses are silent.
    This article is intended for discussion starting at 6 o'clock after the war.

    The idea of ​​gravity was given to the world by Newton 330 years ago.
    Newton believed that there was a mysterious and wonderful force emanating from the depths of the earth, and that its whole function was to knock down objects that fell from our hands. Such a mysterious power brings the reader to the world of fairy tales, and the imagination gives this power the image of a friendly, invisible demon.
    Newton gave this demon the soothing name "gravitational force".

    Amazingly, Newton swept away many believers in the idea of ​​gravity, and so began a strange scientific investigation of physical reality, with the physics of demons and spirits.

    Why did Newton invent the delusional idea of ​​gravity.
    Newton did not know that objects that were handed out of our hands fall by themselves, and thus they fulfill a wonderful physical law of nature, which is the law of conservation of energy. This law of conservation was accepted in science only 170 years ago, and Newton obviously did not know about its existence.

    And since Newton did not know that objects fall by themselves, and did not know about the existence of the law of conservation of energy, he invented the idea of ​​gravity. This crazy idea lasted 160 years in all official physics curricula, creating a scientific quagmire
    Thick and cloudy, which prevented any possibility of getting to know the true structure of the universe.

    Newton's murky scientific quagmire was canceled out by physical reality that revealed to the world the existence of a miraculous quantitative law, which is the conservation of energy.

    How the law of conservation of energy, eliminates the concept of gravity.
    To lift a large stone off the ground to a height of 1 meter, you have to exert yourself and get tired, and this amount of fatigue represents an amount of energy.
    If we release this stone from a height of 1 meter, it will fall down by itself with increasing speed, and its impact will hit the ground. Show exactly the same amount of energy that was needed to lift the stone to a height of 1 meter.

    Physical reality is miraculous and works by itself, and it is she who taught scientists about the existence of an important physical law of nature - the law of conservation of energy.

    There are many types of energy, and they can replace each other, according to the law of conservation of quantity. Physical reality works by itself, according to miraculous laws inherent in it, and curious researchers of physical reality began to discover these laws.
    The law of conservation of energy that was discovered 170 years ago completely cancels out Newton's physics that requires gravity - and it proves that objects that are separated from our hands - fall by themselves, and there is no mysterious demon in physical reality that knocks them down..

    And what turns out? For 170 years, Newton's physics has been taught in universities, and not a single teacher stood up and shouted "there is no gravity, and Newton's physics is incorrect"
    It should be emphasized that Newton did not know that his physics was incorrect, but already 170 years ago, the physics teachers knew about the existence of the law of conservation of energy which eliminates the idea of ​​gravity, but they were afraid of the believers in the idea of ​​gravity, and did not tell this to their students.

    These 170 miserable years of fear produced terrible errors in the concept of matter and the structure of the universe, and the concepts of dark particle matter and dark energy testify to this.

    Now the era of the collapse of conceptions has arrived, and it is time to move to a different physics, based on miraculous laws inherent in physical reality. This is the real physics, and it appears in a revolutionary book - which bears the name - "Esbar's magical journey on the wings of natural knowledge"

    This book conflicts with all the physical teachings developed in the last 150 years, and it presents to the world a new physics, and also a new geometry of circles.
    In the new physics, matter is continuous and has no gravity, and the stars of the universe move in spiral orbits in space filled with passive time.

    Passive time is a new type of time that exists right in physical reality, when the time we all know exists only in the human mind, and it disappears the moment you think about it.
    Therefore the proper name for it is active time.

    A. Asbar

  3. A large part of the universe no longer exists. What we can see with the Hubble telescope are images of what was millions of years ago. And what does it matter to us if we cannot derive any benefit from the findings as long as we are unable to leave our planet Earth and reach significant distances at the speed of light?? Astronomers therefore waste their time and taxpayers' money on endless pursuits that will not benefit humanity at all. There is a creator of the world who created the world the way it is and we have no way of finding out how and why. All we can do is live our lives.

  4. Scientists and studies say:
    שאם יהיה יהיה כתוב בכתבה "מחקר מצא או מדענים אמרו" אז רוב האנשים יאמינו למה שיהיה כתוב הכתבה עקב חסר בחשיבה חופשית

  5. It is necessary to introduce butane gas into the tunnel at high pressure and light all the hams in the tunnel
    Don't feel sorry for conclusions and burn them all

  6. Instead of the big bang theory, a physical theory of creation

    Physical reality is created from 5 continuous quantitative things.
    The hallmark of a continuous quantitative thing (dkr) is simple.
    Any quantity that we choose from DKR, there is always a larger quantity, and there is a smaller quantity.
    Any quantity that is chosen from DKR, is always between a zero quantity and an infinite quantity.
    There are 5 dechars in the world, 3 in the geometric field and 2 in the physical field,
    Length, area, volume, belong to geometry, time and energy belong to physics.
    Geometry and physics are the two exact sciences.

    Physical reality appeared after the empty infinite space was filled by two continuous quantitative things, namely energy and passive time.
    Passive time is real time that exists right in physical reality.
    The time we all know does not exist in physical reality, and it disappears as soon as you think about it. This time exists only in the consciousness of the person, and therefore the name time fits it.

    After the infinite space was filled with energy and passive time, the star matter began to appear, which was formed by combining amounts of passive time and energy.
    The matter of the stars is continuous, and has no gravity.

    The combinations of the amounts of passive time and energy created the familiar elements
    Like, gold, carbon, iron and more. Any such conjunction is a physical form, and therefore
    Matter is not a quantitative concept.

    Perpetual motion was embedded in the continuous matter, and each star was always moving.

    This is how the energy of matter movement appeared, followed by many types of energy.

    The law of conservation of energy was embedded in the universe, and it guarantees an eternal universe.

    A physical theory of creation is described in detail in the book.
    "Esbar's magic journey on the wings of natural knowledge"

    A. Asbar

  7. Universe, universe, universe, what is a universe? What is the size of the universe? What is in the universe?
    What is happening in the universe?
    The universe is made up of a finite amount of stars moving together, in infinite space.
    Infinite space is full of passive time and energy.
    Passive time is an actual and real physical concept that exists in physical reality.
    The matter of the stars is formed by combining amounts of passive time and energy.
    The infinite space is the creative home of stars, and it is also their resting place.

    עיינו בספר "מסע הקסם של עצבר על כנפי הידיעה הטבעית"

    A. Asbar

  8. It is told about the wise men of the well-known city of Halam
    that they learned that a carriage traveling without horses and called a train had arrived in the big city.
    The wise men sat down and decided to send a delegation of the greatest and the best among them to check if the rumors were true.
    Indeed such a delegation went.
    After waiting for a few nerve-wracking weeks, the wise men returned
    and said
    We did see the great wonder there is a huge wagon full of wagons and it travels without horses.
    And how does she do it - asked all the other wise men with curiosity
    Oh, it's very simple - answered the celebrated delegation - at the end there is a wagon and in front of it there is a wagon that carries it .. and in front of that a wagon that carries the wagon .. and so there are ten wagons .. that carry the wagons that follow them..
    Well ???- asked the other sages
    So that's how - we answered them - at the beginning there is a completely different car and it's called a locomotive and it carries all the other cars that follow it
    And how does he travel? - asked the sages
    We don't know that yet and are checking it
    Why did I bring the story?
    So the whole theory of the bang is the same principle

    The question is how did the bang start?
    Oh, we don't know that
    If we don't know the beginning..then why do we even care about the rest because everything depends on the beginning.
    For example
    If we humans are a small creature made up of details existing in the universe able to think conceive ideas and even write this response
    Is it permissible to ask whether the primary source that started it all is capable of thinking and is simply so complex on the one hand that we have no concept of it.
    On the other hand, it is completely simple
    It is possible that this source is thinking and planning.
    This source may have determined the laws of physics as we know them
    Is it from this source that the material was created
    If we know nothing about the source how do we know that it does not have its own plans, intentions and desires.
    Isn't it simple to say that the source himself came and revealed to the person (because it was his will) how it all began

    For example in words
    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

  9. It's a shame that other theories for the formation of the universe are ignored, because it is known that there are some...
    I would be very happy if there was an article (short, of course) about the other theories that for some reason are being ignored
    Probably from an assumption that is not true

    And only because it is the most accepted

    After all, in this too... there are two theories and it is clear that it is meant that only one is correct (if by any chance one of them is correct at all)

  10. בראשית ברא אלוקים את השמים ואת הארץ .והארץ היתה תהו ובהו…..ויאמר אלוקים יני ויהי אור וכל השאר לך וגמור למ"ד והשכל או הסכל

  11. The Creation of the Universe As written in Genesis, God created the heavens and the earth. And the country was wondering..
    And God said let there be and let there be light...and everything else go and you will learn and become wise

  12. Is what was what will be. The accepted assumption is that the scientists do not anticipate radical changes in the cosmos. One should not rely on even the most extreme changes that have occurred in the past and make assumptions about the future. It is very likely that today's assumptions were not accepted by scientists in the future (perhaps even the near future) therefore, on the basis that we do not have all the future data, we cannot predict the future

  13. חשבתי לתומי שכבר בראשות שנות התשעים (או אולי בסוף שנות השמונים?), כשגילינו שהיקום מאיץ את התפשטותו, נפטרנו מהאפשרות שהוא דווקא יקרוס על עצמו. אם כן, מאיפה הגיעה הפסקה שאומרת "פרמטרים מדויקים יותר יעזרו לקבוע האם היקום ימשיך להתפשט לנצח, או שבסופו של דבר יקרוס על עצמו."? (היא נמצאת גם במאמאר המקורי, והלינק שבור).

    Now in Bar it is known that the universe is expanding and will expand forever, and that interesting things will happen as a result, the parameters can help determine more important things: what part of the visible universe is already outside our event horizon, and when will the big rip come anyway.

  14. תיאוריה השוללת אפשרות של בריאה, ואיננה מביאה אותה בחשבון, לא יכולה בשום אופן להיחשב כתיאוריה 'מדעית'.

  15. The accepted physics of the universe is frozen and petrified, because it rests on 3 naive beliefs.
    1: That matter is made up of particles that are not matter.
    2: Matter has gravity.
    3: The space in which the stars move is empty.

    The belief in particulate matter led to the creation of particle accelerators, whose fate would be to serve as giant tombstones for science that lied, and the belief that matter has gravity prevented scientists from understanding how the universe works.
    The belief in empty space prevented the scientists from recognizing a new type of time, which is the passive time.
    הפיזיקה החדשה מופיעה בספר " מסע הקסם של עצבר על כנפי הידיעה הטבעית"

  16. The first failure of conventional physics is in adopting the belief that the infinite space in which the stars move is empty - when really it is full of energy.
    The second and biggest failure lies in the belief that in reality there is only a single type of time known to all of us who notice it with the help of a watch. This type of time exists only in human consciousness, and does not exist in physical reality. What exists in physical reality is a new kind of time, which I have given the name passive time. This new type of time, is absolute cold and absolute rest, and is the medium that transmits the sunlight, in the form of waves of passive time. In the new physics, infinite space is full of energy and passive time, and by combining amounts of passive time and energy, the continuous star matter is created. The concept of continuous matter eliminates the naive belief of physicists, that matter is made up of particles of nothing.
    הפיזיקה החדשה מופיע בספר "מסע הקסם של עצבר על כנפי הידיעה הטבעית"

    The accepted physics of the universe is frozen and petrified, because it rests on 3 naive beliefs.
    1: That matter is made up of particles that are not matter.
    2: Matter has gravity.
    3: The space in which the stars move is empty.

    The belief in particulate matter led to the creation of particle accelerators, whose fate would be to serve as giant tombstones for science that lied, and the belief that matter has gravity prevented scientists from understanding how the universe works.
    The belief in empty space prevented the scientists from recognizing a new type of time, which is the passive time.
    הפיזיקה החדשה מופיעה בספר " מסע הקסם של עצבר על כנפי הידיעה הטבעית"

    Those who want to know the real universe, will refer to the book "The Magical Journey of Asbar...
    The real universe is, first of all, an infinite space filled with passive time, which is completely at rest and completely cold. Passive time exists right in physical reality, while the time we always talk about exists only as a thought in the human mind.
    Energy also fills the infinite space. Energy and passive time are quantitative concepts, and the continuous star matter is formed by combining quantities of passive time and energy. When a star explodes and ceases to exist, it gives up its energy and passive time to infinite space.
    The passive time also plays the role of an intermediary, transmitting the sunlight, in the form of waves of passive time. The real universe operates without gravity, but according to ideas that come true, such as the law of conservation of energy.
    The law of conservation of matter does not exist at all, because matter is not a quantitative concept, and is within the scope of a physical form, perceived with the addition of amounts of passive time and energy.

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