This is a significant breakthrough that will allow for the first time the carrying out of engineering studies dealing with the industrialization of a green hydrogen production process * The strain discovered overcomes two major barriers that have so far prevented continuous green hydrogen production
Gaseous hydrogen is a non-polluting fuel that can be used as a fuel for electric vehicles of various types. Hydrogen-powered bicycles and cars have been serially produced for several years, and in these vehicles the polluting lithium battery is replaced by a fuel cell that converts hydrogen into electricity. Today most of the hydrogen in the world is produced in a very polluting process from natural gas and is therefore called gray hydrogen. Alternatively, hydrogen gas produced only through renewable energy is called green hydrogen due to the fact that its production does not emit any pollution or carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, humanity's transition to the use of green hydrogen will be an ultimate solution to the problem of global warming.
Currently, green hydrogen can be produced using solar panels wired to devices that split water into hydrogen and oxygen (electrolyzers), but this process is expensive due to the fact that it requires precious metals and distilled water. Alternatively, biological processes can be used to produce hydrogen. In nature, hydrogen is produced as a byproduct of photosynthesis for periods of minutes by microalgae, unicellular algae found in every water reservoir and even in the soil. In order for this process to be a sustainable source of energy, humanity must engineer strains of microalgae that will produce hydrogen for days and weeks.
The researchers from Tel Aviv University have led to a significant breakthrough that will allow for the first time the carrying out of engineering studies dealing with the industrialization of a green hydrogen production process. In a study led and recently published in the journal Cell Reports Physical Sciences by PhD student Tamar Elman under the direction of Professor Yifat Yacovi from the Renewable Energy Laboratory of the George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University, a mutant of microscopic algae was discovered that allows for the first time the production of Green hydrogen gas in sizes suitable for industrial requirements.
"When we found that this mutant does not accumulate oxygen at all light intensities (which is what happens in the wild strain), we hypothesized that we could derive continuous hydrogen production from it. With the help of measurements in bioreactors in volumes of one liter, we found continuous hydrogen production for over 12 days. The mutant overcomes two barriers centers that so far have not allowed continuous hydrogen production - Prof. Yacovi explains. "The first barrier is the accumulation of oxygen in the process of photosynthesis, the oxygen poisons the hydrogen production process, in the mutant, increased respiration removes the oxygen and allows favorable conditions for continuous hydrogen production. The second barrier is the loss of energy to competing processes, including the fixation of carbon dioxide to sugar. It has also been resolved In a mutant, most of the energy is used for continuous hydrogen production."
In order to industrialize these results, the research team led by Prof. Yacovi is working on a pilot of larger volumes and the development of methods that will make it possible to extend the hydrogen harvesting time, in order to lower its price to competitive levels. "The rate of hydrogen production from the strain reaches about a tenth of the theoretically possible rate and with the help of further research there is a possibility of improving it even more" - Prof. Yacovi summarizes.
More of the topic in Hayadan:
- Researchers at Tel Aviv University have found a way to increase the yield of hydrogen from unicellular algae 5 times for the vehicles of the future
- refuel with hydrogen
- An innovative nano-material will enable the clean production of hydrogen fuel for vehicles - the cleanest fuel in the world
- Hydrogen fuel production inspired by photosynthesis in nature
7 תגובות
Software engineer, good luck living in an acidic atmosphere at a temperature of 500 degrees, that's what happened to Venus which otherwise could have been a twin planet to Earth.
You don't need any special metals, it is known that 316 stainless steel produces more hydrogen in an electrolysis cell than titanium type metal, etc. There are submarines in the world that have been operating on hydrogen for 50 years. For some reason, no scientist researches and developers for stocks ignore dry hydrogen cells. It is less dangerous than a cheap non-polluting fuel. The problem with hydrogen It's a crispness on the right, the engines and especially the engine heads will have to be made of a material that will prevent the crispness on the right
We were told that electric cars are green
And it turns out that their batteries are polluting.
We were told that hydrogen is green
And it turns out that they will produce a pollutant.
And now we are told about non-polluting gaseous hydrogen...
"Gaseous hydrogen is a non-polluting fuel that can be used as a fuel for electric vehicles of various types. Hydrogen-powered bicycles and cars have been serially produced for several years, and in these vehicles the polluting lithium battery is replaced by a fuel cell that converts hydrogen into electricity. Today, most of the hydrogen in the world is produced in a very polluting gas process Natural and therefore called gray hydrogen."
Everything is good except that... there is no global warming at all and all this is a fiction of the global elite to get another excuse for collecting taxes and forcing closures, you can't continue to mix truth and lies on scientific issues like this!!
Even hydrogen production 5 times that of the normal process - still a low supply, and of course the process is not exempt from the presence of other gases, all that need to be cleaned.
magnificent. process coupling. creating mutations. harvesting byproducts. Waste reuse. The world is progressing. Baruch sh... wait. No!!! Welcome the professor to the laboratory staff.
Well done, but still this solution will probably require solar farms on large areas and a water supply that has undergone an adjustment process