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Prima Zilberman - CEO of Kness Exhibitions

Exhibition Conference It produces some of the largest exhibitions in Israel, including Agritech, Votech, Biomed, and the Nano Technology Conference

Prima Zilberman - CEO of Kness Exhibitions
Prima Zilberman - CEO of Kness Exhibitions

Prima Zilberman was appointed CEO of Kens Exhibitions, a subsidiary of the Kens Group, replacing Moshe Lilos.

Exhibitions Conference is the producer of some of the largest exhibitions in Israel, including Agritech, Votech, Biomed, Nano Technology, as well as Agritech exhibitions in India and Peru and investor and developer conferences as part of the exhibitions.

Prima Zilberman started her career at the company as the company's business development manager and focused on initiating and managing exhibitions abroad. She holds an MBA from Boston University. She stated that she intends to continue developing the company's activities in Israel and abroad in the field of professional events and to create business opportunities through meetings between players in the various fields of industry.

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