Minister Zandberg: We must stop the use of fossil fuels gradually but quickly. Without us starting now, it won't happen"

The Ministry of Environmental Protection presented to the Finance Committee of the Knesset the milestones for the transition to a zero emissions economy

Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg at the Knesset Finance Committee meeting, 16/11/2021. Photo: Knesset Spokesperson
Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg at the Knesset Finance Committee meeting, 16/11/2021. Photo: Knesset Spokesperson

The Minister of Environmental Protection, Tamar Zandberg, in the Committee on the Affairs of the Foundation for the Citizens of Israel: "I intend to work to deepen the goal of reducing emissions by 2030. We must stop the use of fossil fuels gradually but quickly, and switch to the use of 100% renewable energies. We do not have time to wait until 2050 "

The Minister of Environmental Protection, Tamar Zandberg, presented today (Tuesday) to the Special Committee on Fund Affairs for the Citizens of Israel chaired by MK Mossi Raz, the vision of the Ministry of Environmental Protection for weaning Israel from mineral gas, developing and increasing renewable energy programs, while maintaining energy security. , as part of the Environment and Climate Day in the Knesset. Professionals from the Ministry of Environmental Protection took part in the discussion, led by them CEO of the firm, Galit Cohen; Shuli Nezer, Senior Vice President for Industries; and Dr. Gil Proctor, Director of Energy and Climate at the Ministry.

The Minister of Environmental Protection, Tamar Zandberg, said at the beginning of the discussion that "I am happy that Israel has gone from a low-emissions economy to a zero-emissions economy in just a few months. Very much due to the sensitive location and the hot and dry climate."

According to Minister Tamar Zandberg, "The most significant thing before our eyes, especially after the global climate conference in Glasgow, is how to deepen the goals and also meet them in the next 8 years. I intend to work to deepen the emission reduction goals by the year 2030. We don't have time to wait until 2050. We must stop the use of fossil fuels gradually but quickly, and move to 100% energies Without us starting now, it won't happen."

As for the wealth fund, Minister Tamar Zandberg added: "Israel should do everything to collect the hundreds of millions that were promised, and do it in such a way that the same money will go back to the needs of dealing with the climate crisis and protecting the nature and environment of the State of Israel. Currently, this is not defined in the goals of the fund, But it should be defined there."

Shuli Nezer, Senior Vice President for Industries at the Ministry of Environmental Protection, said at the discussion: "The decisions that will be made in the next decade regarding gas are the ones that will determine the state's compliance with the goals. Renewable energy is the only way to reach an energy economy that is low in carbon."

Dr. Gil Proctor, Director of Energy and Climate at the Ministry of Environmental Protection, said during the discussion: "The two critical horizontal steps that need to be taken now are climate legislation - that will establish clear governmental mechanisms for a zero-emissions economy, as well as carbon pricing - thanks to which Israel will be able to join the global world and avoid industry to pay carbon border taxes, for example in Europe."

Milestones to a zero emissions economy

The Ministry of Environmental Protection presents the milestones for the transition to a zero-emissions economy: implementation of an operative plan for the transition to renewable energy production; Shifting from fossil investments to low carbon investments; and using revenues from gas royalties for social investments and carbon offsets

The Minister of Environmental Protection, Tamar Zandberg, at today's hearing in the Finance Committee: "The world is facing a severe climate crisis, and the king's way is to significantly reduce emissions globally. In order to meet the goal set by the Israeli government, of zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050, we must gradually reduce until they cease Complete the reliance on gas as a source of energy and switch to producing 100% of the energy from sources This is a wide-ranging national task, and all the relevant government and bodies should be committed to it."

The Ministry of Environmental Protection presented today at the discussion encouraging investments in renewable energies in the Knesset Finance Committee chaired by MK Alex Kushnir, as part of Environment and Climate Day, a model for an investment policy that will promote renewable energies. The model will lead Israel to meet the goal of zeroing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Officials of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, led by Minister of Environmental Protection Tamar Zandberg; The CEO of the ministry, Galit Cohen, and Senior Vice President for Planning, Policy and Strategy, Yuval Lester, presented a plan that includes three major milestones for the transition to a zero-emissions economy: implementation of an operative plan for the transition to renewable energy production; Shifting from fossil investments to low carbon investments; as well as using revenues from gas royalties for social investments and carbon offsets.

In addition, the model presents ways for an investment policy to promote renewable energies and reduce environmental impacts:

• Avoidance: avoiding investment in sectors of the economy identified as polluting activities, such as mining, extraction, production and transportation of fossil fuels. In addition, avoiding investment in activities that seriously violate environmental laws or have severe negative social effects, as enshrined in European legislation for the classification of economic activities according to their impact on the environment.

• Exploitation of opportunities: target for investments in activities aligned with the principles of European legislation for the classification of economic activities. The investment target should increase gradually over the years, so that the investment portfolio will be more "green".

• "Best in class": rating of investments in two stages: financial rating, and then rating according to environmental and social indicators - ESG rating - and selection of activities with the best score for investment.

For the plan presented in the finance committee in the Knesset:

Reports about the Glasgow conference on the science website:

7 תגובות

  1. Who will pay for the much more expensive green electricity?
    In the end it falls on the population and poor populations will have to choose:
    Air conditioner in summer or food?
    Heating in winter or medicine?
    But the main thing is that our conscience is green.

  2. hello uncle You have nicely summarized the message page of the Kohalat forum and the other Kikionian bodies that protect the energy tycoons. We have plenty of sun and vast deserts. Peak consumption per day, so there is no need for such a large backup even before efficient batteries arrive. Your whole intention is to postpone the correct solution as much as possible. The problem is that you did it effectively for 30-40 years and now the climate crisis is blowing up in all of our faces

  3. Zandberg spouts nonsense like any ignorant politician who has been given power and he recites the agenda acceptable to the other morons.
    Since in Israel the only energy that comes into consideration is solar energy, this is unstable energy - much less in the winter months and zero energy at night.
    And since it is impossible to store so much energy, it requires a high level of energy in gas-powered stations.
    That is why it is impossible to talk about 100 percent energy from renewable sources.
    And we haven't even talked about the much more expensive price - look at what's happening in Germany, about the seizure of vast areas and the environmental damage to animals and the life of the collectors which is 15-20 years and then they have to be recycled including toxic metals.

  4. The minister also said this sentence in the committee:

    "Scientists warn of a global collapse of the laws of nature, if that happens, it will grow exponentially."

    I have been reading your site for many years. As a serious scientific site.
    Why don't you quote this sentence as well?
    And worse, why don't you challenge this infantile sentence?

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