This is what the head of the Iranian Space Agency, Mohsin Bahrami, said yesterday (Tuesday).
Iran wants to follow (or perhaps face) Israel and build observation and communication satellites to ensure its independence in these areas.
The head of Iran's space agency says that the country wants to start cooperating with NASA since the agency is an international body and not just an American one. This is reported by the Persian news agency MEHR (MNA).
Mohsen Bahrami made this announcement yesterday (Tuesday) and said "The level of cooperation in our space will increase following the signing of the Iran nuclear deal, and we are in discussions on memorandums of understanding with a number of space agencies in other countries."
"We also hope to hold talks with NASA and start cooperation in space," he added.
Bahrami also claimed that international cooperation on the construction of an Iranian remote sensing satellite is in the final stage and added that the country is also in talks with satellite communication providers such as Intesat, Eutelsat and Asia-Sat to launch an Iranian communication satellite. "We hope that the first part of an agreement that includes several stages will be signed this year," he added.
"It will take at least three years to build the two satellites and then we need to sign the conditions for placing the satellite in orbit." Brahmi said, adding that Iran is also expected to develop a satellite for the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization.
Assaf Avraham
You forgot Russia.. it is already there long before India and China.
What's more, the Russians are - as they say, old friends of the Persians... (I think it dates back to about the time of the dinosaurs. Ever since).
The countries of the world are interested in promoting themselves in economic and technological fields, and they will do so with whoever is possible. There is competition between countries, and even countries that were previously considered only producers, such as India and China, have been competing with us technologically for at least a decade. The Iranians will find partners, Americans or not. They will already find ways to bypass bans.
You are too naive.. After all, almost all applications of these technologies are primarily in the military/security field. You just don't hear about them in the media.
And secondly, the chance that NASA will give up the space privilege is very low.
In my opinion, as long as they continue to support terrorist organizations and call for the destruction of the State of Israel, these entities must not cooperate with them, especially when this technology can also be used for military applications.