Innovation management tools
Many companies are not aware of the stage in which they are in their organizational development, their positioning in the aspects of business competition, and the operational, managerial and occupational modeling, and therefore do not perform an analysis of these and other aspects regarding the activities of the organization and do not perform innovation management in the organization in a comprehensive and thorough manner and processes of creativity and assimilation of innovation.
The model we have developed and with which we have been working successfully for years is a unique model that refers integratively in three dimensions of analysis to various aspects that are taken into account partially and sporadically in other models.
The emphasis in this model is on a multi-level analysis of aspects that many of the organizations do not investigate as part of the innovation management processes they carry out. These aspects bring together different perspectives that add a layer to each other and among them aspects that refer to the needs of the employees, the perceptions of the customers and the entropy of the organization (Nadkarni and Lovey, 2007). Strengths and opportunities (Humphrey, 1998) Prof. Porter's five forces model emphasizing customer power, suppliers' capabilities vis-a-vis the organization, threats of penetration by new and existing competitors and substitute products, competitive intelligence analysis (Porter, 2008) STS model that emphasizes teamwork and employee autonomy , adaptability to change, organizational expertise, critical process analysis, organizational leadership, setting goals and objectives (Bridger, Twist, Emery, Long 2008), the Pestel model that refers to the economic, social, environmental, legal and regulatory issues paying attention to aspects such as internal organizational trends, development vector The business, its status and positioning, the conditions for its optimal development and medium and long term plans (Kolter 2013).
Our team of consultants found that the best results are obtained when the companies manage to build the picture of their business positioning in the extra-organizational and intra-organizational stage where they are regarding their products, future developments, their services, the production chain, supply and distribution and other activities in the business.
The methodology we developed places emphasis on the analysis of these aspects and development stages and competitive cycles regarding activities as wide as possible of the business - for example, is it in the product stage that emphasizes the quality and characteristics of the product, is it in the price stage when the main concern is in price competition with other suppliers of a uniform product or is it In the stage of competition for service.
For this purpose, a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the company's situation is carried out with reference to its activities such as its marketing techniques, manpower, distribution related to the aspect of the stage in which the company is.
A multidimensional model for creating organizational innovation
Meanwhile, in this innovation management methodology for companies, we are required to carry out preliminary mapping processes before starting The innovation processes. These mapping processes constitute an infrastructure and, in our opinion, should also include reference to the organizational stage in which the company is in relation to those aspects of marketing, new products, distribution, logistics and business model for example and in relation to the stage in the business competition cycle.
That is, an organizational mapping process towards innovation in companies requires, according to our method, the examination of the aspects of the development of the business in the stages of competitiveness and environmental analysis within an internal organizational examination as mentioned, both with reference to the existing situation and in relation to the desired situation.
That is, a methodology that combines an examination of these aspects in a three-dimensional model that provides an in-depth analysis of a company's situation in the marketing, service, operational and business aspects in relation to the business stage in which the company is in the cycle of business competition, but in another axis examines whether the same aspect is found in the stage of entrepreneurial formation and the uniqueness of the product, in the stage of growth and the tendency to develop And to grow, in the stabilization phase where the growth process is exhausted or in the phase of decline and decline in the organization's abilities to be innovative and leading, to grow and change according to the business environment.
For example, a medium-sized company in which we carried out innovation processes and discovered, among other things, that the distribution of the company's products was in the stage of competition for service, and the field of distribution was in the decline stage while referring to the motivational aspects of the company's management and the employees of the relevant departments and with reference to the activities of other companies in the field and disruptive technologies. These insights allowed us to introduce innovation in the field of distribution, to examine how it is possible to move to other stages in the cycle of business competition through successfully carried out transformations in the uniqueness of the distribution model, and a change that led to the return of the distribution processes to the stage of formation and the uniqueness of the product, followed by the growth stage.
Diagnosing the state of innovation in the company and its activities
After mapping the existing situation, it is possible to begin the next step which examines the variety of tools for implementing innovation in the organization, what is the situation we would like to reach and how to do it differently from the existing one, in a creative, innovative way, so that insights come to the surface while integrating a toolbox of strategic innovation - templates resizing, Design thinking, the edge patterns, organizational creativity and innovation, thinking tools for developing new products, systematic inventive thinking, mind maps or agile development methodologies. Different tools are suitable for different situations, which can be applied in a systematic, accessible and useful way that goes beyond analyzes using familiar one-dimensional models.
Companies enter the organization's business innovation process, but at the end remain in a similar place and often replace one box with another. Therefore, in this process of managing innovation in companies, it is important to take advantage of the activity to thoroughly map the state of the company with a new and unconventional methodology and then examine how to take the insights that have arisen and work with them to also implement innovation in the organization so that we creatively implement deep and long-term changes in accordance with the organizational DNA that will lead the company for sustainable innovation necessary for the organization's survival and growth.
More Levi Sigman Serves as the CEO of a technological innovation consulting company, with a practical and academic background in the field of business-organizational consulting and organizational psychology. Adv. Lavi Sigman is a lecturer, consultant to entrepreneurs, start-up companies and companies, serving as a partner, manager and director in ventures in Israel and the world in the fields of medicine, chemistry, biotech, electronic commerce and finance. Lavi Sigman is a lawyer in the field of commercial and intellectual property law and patents. He authored several books in the field of management and psychology and is a lecturer in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship and psychology.