How do you prevent phenomena like the Holocaust from happening again?

Following the Holocaust, researchers began to investigate the sources of human evil with the help of a series of fascinating psychological experiments. The findings they discovered are intriguing and shake up our perceptions of ourselves. In preparation for Holocaust Day, we decided to continue a series of articles about these experiments and the conclusions derived from them. The results of the experiments show that we have tendencies to submit in spite of the group when there is social consensus and in spite of authority. Most of us will change our decisions and even commit very violent acts according to the demand of authority or consensus. These tendencies are so deeply ingrained in man that the question arises, is it even possible to prevent phenomena like the Holocaust from happening again in the future? Second article in the series.

A briefing for German soldiers in 1933. From a vintage card attached to cigarette packs. The main entrance to the Auschwitz 1 extermination camp, Poland. Image:
A briefing for German soldiers in 1933. From a vintage card attached to cigarette packs. The main entrance to the Auschwitz 1 extermination camp, Poland. Image:

First published on a free and approved blog in 2011.

in the previous post, How we missed one of the most important lessons of the Holocaust I showed four experiments in social psychology that were done after the Holocaust. They teach us a lot about what it is to be human and how such a great evil like the holocaust could happen. The conclusions are unpleasant, but reveal what human tendencies are and are therefore important. This time too we will rely on two experiments, both related to television, but they are later. From the previous four experiments it seems that we are very submissive when there is a social consensus and we will change our decisions according to this consensus, even if we know that the majority is wrong. We also seem to be very obedient and it is likely that even though we don't want to be mean, we would still hurt people if we were instructed to do so by an authority source who actually took responsibility. We saw how easy it is for us to enter the role that was defined for us and to include others in labels, generalizations and roles. We will try to use almost every opportunity the power we have against those who are weaker, and in general we seem to be sure that the truth is exclusively with us and that any generalization we have made is the absolute truth.

Now the question is, what do we do next? According to the experiments, it seems that these tendencies are deeply embedded in man. So is it even possible to prevent phenomena like the Holocaust from happening again in the future?

I think so.

There will be those who will say that the conclusion from these experiments is that man was created evil from his youth and there is nothing to be done. In my opinion this is not true, the answer lies in the education and culture we pass on to our children. We saw that a person has a tendency to label and generalize and once he has done so it is difficult to free himself from the labeling. The generalization becomes the truth, even though it does not represent reality. So it is not worth making this mistake again and generalizing the entire human race and labeling man as a creature with bad qualities that are so deeply embedded that there is no chance of changing them. Despite the Holocaust and despite the bad feeling that remains after reading the results of these experiments, one should not give up, not fall into a pessimistic label, but learn from experience and experiments how to improve.

It should be remembered that the results of the experiments show a tendency towards behavior, and a tendency can be changed. If we do nothing, then most people will follow the inclinations, as we have seen in the experiments. But with the help of education, habits and behaviors can be changed. It is enough to remember how with the help of education in a certain culture we managed to overcome our tendency to eat with our hands and today the absolute majority of people eat meals with a knife and fork (or chopsticks). In the western world there is no such thing as eating with your hands, it is dirty and socially inappropriate. The person who does this will immediately be considered primitive and rejected. Look how much power education has, and this is a marginal example on a not particularly important subject. We need to harness this power to change the destructive tendencies we saw earlier.

Let's start with another experiment, this time on the right. I previously mentioned the excellent BBC television program, A contemporary child (In the post discussing heredity vs. environment - born with passion?) The program follows the development of children born in 2000 in different places and different economic strata in Britain. The program continued until 2018 when the children were 18 years old. In one of the programs, when the children were only five years old, there was an interesting experiment related to prejudices about what it means to be poor and rich. Pay attention to the children's answers about who lives in the old and the new house and what are the characteristics that describe these people:

Note that already at the age of five the children internalized not only where the poor live and where the rich live but also that the poor are bad children who should not be friends with.

Here is another example from the program, this time an experiment regarding prejudice and racism towards "dark-skinned" Africans (note my political correctness..). 3-4 year old children were asked to choose from the pictures of their kindergarten friends who they want to be friends with. It turns out that none of the children chose a dark-skinned child as a friend, and what is even more surprising, even the dark-skinned children themselves did not choose other dark-skinned children as their friends! How can these results be explained?

It seems already at the age of 3-4 Children internalize social norms. Even the dark-skinned children internalized that being dark-skinned is not good and stay away from other dark-skinned children. It seems that already at a very young age we learn from the environment values ​​and norms, what is good and what is not good, what is acceptable and what is rejected. I am sure that not all the parents of all these children are racists and that not all the parents explicitly told their children that being dark-skinned is less good. The conclusion from this is that the children picked up these norms from the environment, and not necessarily from the parents. Apparently as a society we unconsciously transmit racist values ​​and norms without meaning to at all (at least most of us). There is an even more surprising result to this experiment, but we will return to it later.

So how do we educate and build a culture with values ​​and norms where the chance of evil like the Holocaust will be very low?

from an experiment he did Albert Bandura In 1961, regarding the effect of television violence on children, they saw that when children saw a doll being beaten on television and then saw the same doll in the next room, they became significantly more violent against the doll compared to children who did not see the program. They also saw that the children behaved most violently when they saw in the program that the person who hit the doll was reinforced for it, and the children behaved the least violently when the person in the program was punished for their behavior they were less Violent even from children who never saw the show.

Does television make us violent? 

Unfortunately, we don't have the rights to broadcast another segment from the program "Yild Ben Zamenno" (You can only watch directly on YouTube). In the experiment, they reproduce the Bandura experiment on 3-4 year old children. It is interesting to see that the fish that learned from watching TV was captivated by the background, just as small children are captivated by the background and then both the fish and the children imitated the behavior they saw on TV. Is this a sign that they learn from television how to behave? The segment beautifully demonstrates the power of education and television as an educational tool.

This experiment reminds me of the previous experiments. We seem to work, children as adults, according to methods of reinforcement and punishment. Think of Milgram and Zimbardo's experiment, when people felt reinforced by the environment or the authoritative researcher, they continued to do violent acts, just like the children. If they were not reinforced for the violent behavior, or punished for it, they would stop and not repeat it again. Hence, an important part of education should be based on strengthening the desired behaviors and punishing in case of unwanted behavior.

Of course, you should not exaggerate with the punishment activity, it is better to choose ways of strengthening and not of punishment. One of the problems with punishment, which is often a form of violence. The punisher forces the punished to do something that hurts him (eg not eating dinner). So if you want to educate for non-violence, it is better to use as little violence and punishment as possible, because you cannot educate for non-violence with the help of violence. That is why we are left with an education that tries to use as many methods of reinforcement as possible and as little as possible methods of punishment.

Reinforcement of two types of values- Humanistic values ​​and individualistic values. Humanistic values ​​mean that following education we realize that there is no essential difference between human beings, in essence we are all equal. This way we will reach openness and acceptance of the different even if he is weaker than you and even if we do not understand him. Because being human is more important than winning ideological battles. This is not only an education at the level of dry knowledge, but also an emotional education for the importance of developing empathy and love for others and an education in recognizing the importance of trying and understanding the other. Here is an example of humanistic education:

This is an excerpt from the excellent film, "The Help". In this segment, you see a young, racist woman who is not even aware that she is racist because it is the accepted norm around her. That is why it is so important to question everything and especially what we believe in wholeheartedly. Only in this way can we expand our perspective and understand and choose which social norms we have learned are good and which are racist.

Individualist values ​​mean that every person has not only the right to live but also the right to realize himself, ZA The freedom to choose your own life path. To strengthen these values, you need to teach and reinforce the importance of Casting doubt And testing the path yourself and strengthening the person's confidence in himself and the courage to follow the path he chose for himself. Only if we manage to give a person tools on how to strengthen his security, he will have enough courage to doubt, choose his path and not follow the easy path, the conformist and obedient path. Here is an example of such individualistic education:

Think different! Be special

What's funny is that this beautiful piece written and read by Steve Jobs is actually an advertisement from the 1980s for Apple.

Another emphasis should be on Education for philosophical thinking. The meaning of philosophical thinking is that in addition to the development of in-depth thinking about certain areas, it is necessary to develop a tool of lateral thinking. A way of thinking that sees the contexts between subjects that supposedly seem different. For example, to delve not only into how artificial intelligence is developed but also into the ethical consequences that our developments can have. This is how we educate the person to want to develop in many areas in order to be complete and to realize his abilities in the maximum way. Not only to be a kind of "savant" expert in a finite field but to see the contexts and his responsibility for many fields. The hope is that, with the help of developing philosophical thinking, the well-known excuse of "I'm just a cog in the system" will become a meaningless childish excuse and we will have a society of human beings who have the tools to make informed and conscious moral decisions.

Life is a long and personal journey

With the help of education it is possible to create the experience and understanding thatLife is a long and personal journey that should lead to personal development. Everyone has the right to this personal development journey in which everyone builds their own path. In order for us to continue the journey, we must give everyone a place and try and learn from them what the way they are doing. That way we can open up to new ways that we hadn't thought of and that way we can continue to develop. In this way we unite all these values ​​into one framework and show the importance of the relationship between the different individual people so that we can continue to develop.

In my opinion, only by strengthening and encouraging such behaviors can we change our tendency to small-mindedness and conformism and we can strengthen courageous behavior that goes its own way and does not submit to the dictates of authority. In such a situation, perhaps the percentages of obedience in Ash's and Milgram's experiments will decrease. When we add to this the strengthening of the values ​​of humanism, we may reach For a more sane society that does not rush to treat labeling people and generalizations as an absolute truth, but knows To put the generalizations in their proper place. A society where people have more confidence in themselves and therefore can accept those who are different from them and do not have to use the power given to them to humiliate those who are weaker. We humiliate someone else to feel better about ourselves, to feel stronger than others that we humiliated. But as soon as we have confidence in ourselves and we know that we are strong, the need to humiliate the weaker decreases. That way we may get more positive results from experiments like the prison experiment of Zimbardo and we don't see abuse of authority and abuse of the weak.

Another positive thing that can grow from a society where people have more confidence in themselves is that then we will not have to find a false meaning for ourselves in belonging to a group that distinguishes itself from other groups. Think for a moment about sports teams or an entire country, we really like to differentiate ourselves from the rest and thus feel special, better than the other foreign teams. It is very nice to like a certain group, but there is always the danger that this differentiation will lead to racism, the rejection of difference and hatred. That's why you should be careful and reduce this need to a minimum. Once the culture reinforces behaviors that lead man to feel confident in himself, he will hardly need a larger group that differentiates itself. His security will not come from the group from the outside, but from within himself, from the way he does and his actions. That way, not only will we accept the other, the different and the weak without fearing them, but we will also feel strong enough to help the weak.

In order to succeed in educating these values, today's conventional education is not enough. Must Active education that pushes the company to these values. It is not enough, for example, not to educate about racism, but we need to educate about equality. Otherwise we will fall back to tendencies like we saw in the experiments. Here I want to tell about the most interesting result of the experiment conducted by the BBC on kindergarten children regarding racism. The researchers saw that no child wanted to be friends with a dark-skinned person, not even dark-skinned themselves, with one exception. There was one boy, dark-skinned, who chose dark-skinned friends. The researchers were stunned, what is so special about this child? Why is he different?

They checked and found. It turns out that his mother was afraid that he would grow up with feelings of inferiority because of the color of his skin, so when he was a baby she started active education so that he would be proud of himself and his origin. For example, even before he could talk she would take him on guided tours of Martin Luther King's (assassinated black leader of the 1960s) home. ZA that with the help of goal-oriented active education, she was able to give him confidence in his skin color so that he did not adapt racist norms to himself, like the other children. Here is the excerpt from the program:

The situation today is of course not this situation. not today Active education And there is almost no education for the values ​​of humanism and individuality. On the contrary, I feel that school is here to teach the children obedience, order, and walking in a rut. We have to decide what is more important to us. If we want a more developed society where the chance of evil like the Holocaust is low, we must educate and push the next generations to the values ​​of human love and values of doubt and disobedience. We must give them the tools to live with confidence in themselves and in their own way. That way, as the generations go by, we will reach a better society Turning to you, right now everything depends on you, there is no one to trust except your education. I do give lectures on these topics, but this is only a drop in the ocean.

We need education at home and in schools that will be against our tendency to obedience, against our tendency to racism and against our tendency to oppress those who are weaker than us. We need to start examining ourselves, according to what norms do we live and educate? Are these oppressive norms or egalitarian norms? Norms that encourage obedience and conformity or norms that encourage freedom of thought and action of the individual? Then behave and educate according to the norms we have chosen.

That way we might have a chance to change, that way maybe evil like the holocaust will not return in the future and that way we will develop and become better people.

The preoccupation with the Holocaust and its conclusions can lead to pessimism and the conclusion that man has been evil since his youth and therefore there is not much that can be done about it. But if this is really the case? Is man's nature evil from his youth? About this in the next article in the series.

Hello Hanoch - don't call me a people


Many artists refer to this theme in their works. For example Shalom Hanoch in the song don't call me a people From his album 'Arab Arab'. In the poem, he expresses the individualist values ​​that see the individual at the center in sentences like "A person remains a person, don't call me a people" or "There is no virtuous people, there are only individuals". and the humanist values ​​in sentences like "again you think you're smart, if you haven't noticed I also exist" or "when former enemies are now brothers". He also expresses his fear of a different type of values ​​taking over, racist and oppressive values ​​- "I'm not afraid of God, of you...reality also needs protection". With the help of the song, he actually educates and spreads these values. This is part of the active education that should be. But this is only the beginning, this education should be intentional and aware of itself and rooted in society as a whole.

If you pass by our neighborhood
You will see an old address there on the wall -
"May God protect me from faith"

There is no such thing as a virtue, there are only individuals
Not everyone is stupid and not everyone confesses
These are Jews and these are Jews
A man remains a man,
don't call me a people

The same exile also here in vain I work
How much more Golani versus a lone suicide
Not from God, from you I am anxious

Again you ride when blood is spilled here
Again you think you are smart
If you haven't noticed I exist too
what do I have with you what do I have with them
A man remains a man,
don't call me a people

When flowers bloom and children are happy
And former enemies are now brothers
The heroes are resting and the borders are open
The convoy passes and the dogs bark...

A man remains a man, don't call me -
don't call me a people

If you pass by our neighborhood
You will see an old address there on the wall -
"Reality also needs protection,
May God protect me from the faith"
A man remains a man,
don't call me a people

More of the topic in Hayadan:

12 תגובות

  1. I wanted to write how the article is superficial and full of demagoguery and slogans
    Like an academic article in the PC style
    But in practice it is full of sketching and superficiality and probably also a certain agenda
    But I saw that similar things were written in all the comments before me

    An article that aims to be a scientific article and is actually a superficial and shallow article
    Not willing to speak boldly about things and where the problems are

    But I will talk about something else
    which is no less problematic
    I am sure that the writer is still sure that she is really smart and that she wrote an article
    An academic, who knows how to analyze things correctly
    And that's part of the problem -
    All kinds of shallow people in academia or the media or both
    who still think they are smart and their analyzes are superficial and crooked
    And usually misled in a certain way because of the writer's beliefs and agendas (or those who paid him/her)
    - This is really a real analysis of things

    And many times such people do a lot of damage -
    Because they then give the "ideological justification" to all the cowards who want to behave in a way
    One way or another
    As if it has a scientific, academic basis

  2. Nir Shalom,
    From your response it is clear that you did not read the rest of my response - the move will not only prevent humanism education or the strengthening of the thinking individual. Both of these are very strong today in people who call for a serious violation of the rights of groups in our society or understandably accept such violation (for example, in a minor only because he was defined as "Hill Youth" and ultra-Orthodox in general).
    The answer is in knowing the process that leads people to end up stripping another person of his most basic rights just because he belongs to a group. It is a social and institutional process that can be identified before it is an individual process.

  3. I didn't understand, Hagai, what do you mean when you write "again the review of the ills of the individual and a song of praise for humanism"? After all, the article indicates the important value issues that should be educated and one of them is individual values ​​such as independent thinking and skepticism.
    No one claims that the situation today is good. It is clear that today there is no good education that would prevent incidents like the Holocaust, therefore actions must be taken to change the situation and education. This is also the answer to Elijah's response. Regarding the question of whether the tendency is genetic, this is exactly the topic of the next article "Is man's nature bad from his youth?"
    The main thing is not to give up and say there is nothing to do. See examples of this in the following article.

  4. This entire article lacks any vestige of self-awareness or history. Again the review of the ills of the individual and the song of praise for humanism, Da Aka, all of which were already praised by the society between the world wars and especially the "enlightened" and educated society of Germany, Austria and Europe as a whole.
    So how did evil arise after all and swept the entire elitist system to support and push the most organized and industrialized genocidal enterprise in history?
    The processes are easily seen today -
    Step 1: First is the process of differentiating a group, many times one that already differentiates itself, like the ultra-Orthodox.
    Step 2: Defining the group's routine and legal actions as illegal and a crime, for example the law of his Torah and his faith, avoiding medicine, preferring Torah over work, living in a youth hostel. In this way, the members of the group are mostly marked as criminals even though they are not breaking any real law.
    Step C: Defining the group's actions as organized and serving a narrow interest that has become the interest of the "general" (something that does not really exist in a democratic country, since it is a combination of the interests of all groups). In this way, they are not only criminals, but actually pose a future danger to society - avoiding core studies, living in a place that angers the Palestinians, taking over the army, avoiding work or high-paying work and thus not taking part in the economic system, etc. (the ultra-Orthodox, the settlers).
    Step 4: Blood thawing - this is a long process. At first, harm to them by the police, the army, other groups or random people is met with little response, being ignored and "understanding" because "they bring it on themselves". In the future, clearly offensive calls receive sympathy, support and are not removed from the public sphere (for example the signs against the ultra-Orthodox in the last elections, the settlers as a "cancer in the nation's body", etc.).
    Step 5: Institutional harm that is justified with the help of all the steps above - elected officials propose and pass laws that harm the specifically excluded group and the civil rights of this group, as part of the need to address it and the danger it poses. In Germany, this phase developed to the point where an evil, racist and power-hungry man came to power and murder.
    Step 6: Even without the rise of a cruel dictator, the entire system ignores harm to this group, judges, lawyers, police and army discriminate against them, justify police, military or civilian harm to them or make it easier for them. The people learn that harming them, speaking and inciting against them or discriminating against them is something that is permitted and routine and behaves accordingly.

    It is important to note - communication is an integral part of all these steps. Beyond its power to resonate the messages, it also shows what is currently allowed and forbidden in the public discourse. For example - the media in Israel deeply abhors any discourse against the infiltrators, but encourages discourse against the ultra-orthodox and against settlers and shows understanding for their various vulnerabilities.

    Now read twice and tell me what will help humanism, philosophy and other vegetables if the processes I presented are still happening almost everywhere in the world and especially in places that consider themselves the most enlightened and educated?

  5. At this moment in Israel, processes of coercion and emotional manipulation are taking place under the auspices of science. I hope that all the knowledgeable and scientists who have convinced themselves to believe with complete faith in the system, will understand the emergence of processes whose end can lead to a second holocaust.

  6. We don't need to talk about the future already these days small holocausts are screaming in countries like Russia and North Korea and one little bit doesn't prevent anything

  7. One of the most PC articles I've seen lately. First of all, let's note that the Holocaust has repeated itself many times since the "Holocaust" it's just a matter of numbers, it's repeated itself in all kinds of idiocy, Pol Pot, Stalin and his successors, Mao Zedong in the 90's, mutual eliminations in Serbia and Croatia and more And everyone else systematically eliminated those who were already defined as elimination, so to ask the question "how to prevent..." It is simply bullshit and its purpose is to promote a certain agenda under the guise of a discussion on Holocaust prevention
    And now regarding the experiments with the television and the like, should we consider whether the dictation is indeed only behavioral? Maybe it's worth checking whether our tendency is genetic (strong) and only strengthened or weakened according to the conditions of the environment and education

  8. You didn't have to write such a long article, one word was enough, utopia.
    In reality the Holocaust will only be avoided if you are stronger than your enemy.
    "Never again" is a lie we like to tell ourselves.
    I didn't see all the whiners who said where the world was in the Holocaust, running to save the Yazidis in Iraq.
    China makes concentration camps for its opponents, and the world buys another product.
    North Korea uses gas chambers and no one is running to free it, not even the South Koreans who are the same people.
    Russia poisons and conquers where and when it wants, and I have not seen Putin trying to find a bunker to commit suicide in.
    In short, you get the point. One rule is true from the creation of the world to the present day, every Dalim is a man. A little less beautiful.

  9. An important topic that the article raises and raises a lot of questions for which there are unequivocal answers,
    There are many questions related to this subject, some of which the article touches on (books have been written and more will be written), what is the right way to prevent such a case from recurring, it seems to me that in Israel they educate in oral forms for years it is the wild west of different opinions it is difficult to find in Israel 2 people who are able to agree on one thing Finally, this is what sets us apart, we are known in the world for this yes no yes no, there are really groups in Israel whose opinions are more protected with the cancellation of the self-thinking of the individual whose members shine with happiness and are proud of the fact that they do not decide they only follow the instructions that their spiritual leader decides for them they are exempt from the need of A mature person to reach a self-decision is a decision that comes from compromises, and there are other groups that are more pluralistic and there are also those that boast of pluralism but they are not quite there,
    It seems to me that pluralism and humanism really need to be like that because they may degenerate into a slippery slope to a type of religion that tramples on peoples with customs and ignores their diversity in order to achieve some future utopian goal,
    This is not new, it was already in history, it is found especially in the great monistic religions, but not only there
    which guarantee us a connection between the people at the price of erasing their previous identities,
    In our immediate neighborhood it was Islam that promised a world utopian vision where all the petty wars would disappear if only they would accept their ideology in good or capitulation or the predatory evil "necessary" to achieve that vision
    Did they achieve the utopian peace between the different communities throughout the Mazat after more than a thousand years?
    So we actually have a kind of balance between the needs of the general and the individual, between the recognition of the right of communities and peoples to unite in the country with all their diversity in the face of global globalization that erases their borders and their identity,
    Perhaps education for real dialogue between different thinking problems and different ideologies is the key to the future
    Ignoring one camp from another can lead to a pendulum movement between the extremes from one leader to another
    Perhaps this was part of the reasons that can lead nations to absolute madness,
    Perhaps pluralism education is really an acknowledgment of the truths that exist on different sides of the political map
    And not the imposition of one way of thinking and the complete cancellation of the opinion of the other camp,
    It is clear that there are ideologies that are uncompromising and that it is almost impossible to reach a dialogue with them. You can only reach a dialogue with them on issues that are far from the core because at the core there are no compromises, so our worldview must not be based on this reality because this is also part of the human reality. When is an opinion legitimate and when is it not and who decides?

  10. How do you prevent phenomena like the Holocaust from happening again? Free the oppressor, how simple...

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