For the first time in the world: XNUMXD printing of an intact and active cancer tumor

The printed glioblastoma tumor, the deadliest type of brain cancer tumor, is printed from human tissue and contains all the components of the cancerous tumor * The researchers estimate that in the future it will be possible to quickly predict the most suitable treatment for the patient and at the same time develop new drugs at a much faster pace than what exists today

Demonstration to illustrate brain printing according to a tumor within the brain environment according to a three-dimensional computerized model
Demonstration to illustrate brain printing according to a tumor within the brain environment according to a three-dimensional computerized model

A scientific achievement for researchers from Tel Aviv University who managed to print a complete and active glioblastoma cancerous tumor with a XNUMXD printer. The printed tumor includes a branched system of blood vessel-like tubes through which blood cells and drugs can be flowed in a manner that simulates the real tumor.

The research was conducted under the leadership of Prof. Ronit Sachi-Painero From the Sackler Faculty of Medicine and the Segol School of Neuroscience, who heads the Cancer Biology Research Center, the Cancer and Nanomedicine Research Laboratory and the Morris Kahn 3D Cancer Research Project at Tel Aviv University. The new technology was developed by doctoral student Lena Neufeld along with laboratory members Elam Yeni, Naa Reisman, Yael Shtilerman, Dr. Dekla Ben-Shoshan, Sabina Pozzi, Dr. Galia Tiram, Dr. Anat Alder-Bock, and Dr. Shiran Farber.

The tumor printing is based on patient samples taken directly from the operating rooms in the neurosurgery department at Sourasky Hospital in Tel Aviv. The results of the new study are published today in the prestigious journal Science Advances.

"Glioblastoma is the deadliest type of cancer in the central nervous system, and it constitutes the majority of malignant tumors originating in the brain," says Prof. Sacchi-Painero. "In our previous research, we identified for the first time a protein called P-Selectin, which is secreted at the junction between glioblastoma cancer cells and microglial cells, the cells of the immune system in our brain. We found that this protein is responsible for the failure of the microglial cells, which instead of attacking the cancer cells, encourage the spread of this deadly cancer except that we detected this protein in tumors surgically removed from patients - but not in glioblastoma cells that we grew in my laboratory, in two dimensions on petri dishes. The reason is that cancer, like any tissue, behaves very differently on a hard plastic surface compared to its behavior when it grows in the human body. 90% of the drugs fail at the stage of clinical trials because they fail to reproduce the success achieved in the laboratory."

Illustration: A blood vessel printed with a XNUMXD printer inside a bioreactor containing tissue simulating the human brain along with cancer cells from a patient. Various drugs, cells and immunotherapy treatments can be injected into the blood vessels. Credit: Victoria Hughes
Illustration: A blood vessel printed with a XNUMXD printer inside a bioreactor containing tissue simulating the human brain along with cancer cells from a patient. Various drugs, cells and immunotherapy treatments can be injected into the blood vessels. Credit: Victoria Hughes

To this end, the team of researchers led by Prof. Sachi-Painero together with doctoral student Lena Neufeld, winner of the prestigious Dan David scholarship, created the first printed 3D model of glioblastoma cancer that includes 3D cancerous tissue, surrounded by an extracellular matrix and communicating with its environment through functioning and flowing blood vessels.

"It's not just the cancer cells themselves," explains Prof. Sachi-Painero, "but also the microenvironmental cells in the brain, the astrocytes, microglia, and blood vessels connected to a microfluidic system - that is, a system that allows materials such as blood cells and drugs to be injected into the tumor. Each model is printed In a bioreactor that we produced in the laboratory, using a gel that we modeled and replicated from the extracellular matrix taken from the patient, thereby simulating the tissue itself. The brain does not have the same physical and mechanical properties as skin, breast or bone. Breast tissue is mainly calcium; each tissue has different properties, and these properties affect the behavior of cancer cells and their ability to respond to drugs Growing all types of cancer on the same plastic surface is far from optimally simulating the clinical situation."

After successfully printing the XNUMXD tumor, Prof. Sachi-Painero And her colleagues showed that with the help of the model, it will be possible to quickly and efficiently predict the most suitable treatment for a specific patient, in contrast to cancer cells growing in petri dishes.

Photomicrograph of the XNUMXD printed glioblastoma model. The printed blood vessels are lined with endothelial cells (red) and pericytes (light blue). The blood vessels are surrounded by the cancer cells (blue) and cells surrounding the brain (green) and through these blood vessels different drugs or cells can be flowed to test their effect on the cancerous tissue.
Photomicrograph of the XNUMXD printed glioblastoma model. The printed blood vessels are lined with endothelial cells (red) and pericytes (light blue). The blood vessels are surrounded by the cancer cells (blue) and cells surrounding the brain (green) and through these blood vessels different drugs or cells can be flowed to test their effect on the cancerous tissue.

"We proved that our 3D model is more suitable for predicting and developing drugs in three different ways. First, we tested a substance that inhibited the protein we found, P-Selectin, on glioblastoma cell cultures in 2D Petri dishes, and we did not see any change in the division or migration of the treated cells compared to The untreated control cells, on the other hand, in the model animals and the 3D printed models, where we did find high expression of the protein, we were able to delay the progression of glioblastoma by blocking the protein P-Selectin. This experiment proved to us that some potential drugs do not reach the clinic because they failed tests on two-dimensional models, and vice versa: some cases that were considered a resounding success in the laboratory, failed in the clinical tests.

In addition, in collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Assaf Medi from the Department of Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, we genetically sequenced the cancer cells that we grew in the 3D model and compared them to cancer cells that grew on 2D plastic and cells that we sequenced from patients, and showed that the 3D printed tumors were much more similar to brain cancer cells in their natural environment over time, the cancer cells that grew on plastic, They changed until they lost all connection to the cancer cells in the patient's brain. Finally, the third proof was by measuring the growth rate of the tumors. Glioblastoma is a violent disease, among other things, because it is unpredictable: if the heterogeneous cancer cells are injected separately into model animals, in some of them, the tumor will be dormant and in some, an active tumor will quickly develop. This makes a lot of sense because we humans can die in good health without even knowing that we had such 'dormant' tumors. In contrast, on the plastic plate in the laboratory, all tumors grow at the same rate and spread in the same manner. In the tumor we printed with the 3D printer, the growth rate of the tumor corresponds to the development we see in patients or model animals."

The research team (from right to left): Ronit Sachi Fainero, Lena Neufeld, Elam Eini. Photo: Tel Aviv University spokesperson
The research team (from right to left): Ronit Sachi Fainero, Lena Neufeld, Elam Eini. Photo: Tel Aviv University spokesperson

According to Prof. Sacchi-Painero, this is an innovative approach that will allow both the development of new drugs as well as the discovery of new targets for suitable drugs at a much faster rate than what exists today. In the hope that in the future, this technology will enable personalized medicine for patients.

"If I take a sample from a patient's tissue, along with its extracellular matrix, I can print from this sample a hundred different tumors and test many drugs and in different combinations to find out which drug or combination of drugs is more suitable for this specific tumor. Alternatively, the development allows us to test a lot different compounds on a tumor printed with a 3D printer, and decide which compound should invest the resources to try and develop further as a drug up to the stage But perhaps the most exciting part is finding the target proteins and genes in the cancer cells, something that is very difficult to do in the brains of patients or model animals. Dimensions that mimic the tumor we find in the patients in the best possible way."

The study was funded by the Morris Kahn Foundation, the Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF), the European Research Council (ERC), the Cancer Society, the National Science Foundation and Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.

More of the topic in Hayadan:

One response

  1. Important information is missing

    How do you actually print the tumor on the printer? With what materials? Or perhaps only the outer skeleton of the tissues is printed and then the tumor is allowed to develop a child with the healthy tissues on its own?

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