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For the first time in Israel: the Technion Institute presents a practical certificate study program for the training of high-tech workers in quantum technology

The program, in cooperation with the Innovation Authority, is intended to train professional and skilled personnel for the industry dealing with computing and quantum technology, which is developing by leaps and bounds and is expected to change the worlds of tech from end to end and, among other things, to provide solutions for security challenges that the State of Israel faces even these days

For the first time in Israel: a theoretical and practical study program in the field of quantum technology. The Technion's new certificate study program and the only one of its kind Continuing Studies in cooperation with the Innovation Authority, intended for those with a bachelor's degree or higher in engineering or science who wish to work in the field and train workers in the high-tech field, is expected to open in early April. The lectures will be held at the Technion campus in Sharon, Tel Aviv, and the practical exercises and labs will be held in dedicated facilities at the Technion campus in Haifa.

The program is designed to provide professional and skilled personnel with a suitable background for the industry dealing with computing and quantum technology which is developing by leaps and bounds and is expected to grow significantly. The program will give its graduates an in-depth understanding of a new field that is expected to change the worlds of technology from end to end, based on the utilization of the special properties of quantum forms such as the nucleus of an atom, an electron, a superconducting circuit and more for practical applications.

These special features can be reflected in innovative computer systems that will allow significantly faster calculations than the current situation, communication systems that will allow communication that is immune to eavesdropping along with the transfer of a lot of information in a short time and at low powers, systems with particularly sensitive sensing for the needs of object detection and underground mapping and systems that will allow accurate time measurements for the needs Navigation, guidance and synchronization.

Among other things, a variety of solutions to the security and technological challenges that the State of Israel is facing these days against the background of the "iron swords" war, such as an underground tunnel, are expected to come from the worlds of quantum technology.

The new program offers a concentrated study of the world of concepts in the field alongside a comprehensive theoretical basis, advanced laboratories, a combination of knowledge and practical experience and direct contact with the leading academic researchers in the field from the Technion, who are linked to the various industries.

The academic director of the new program is Prof. Aharon Blank, A faculty member at the Technion and holds a doctorate in physical chemistry. Prof. Blank has a rich background as a professional officer in the Air Force, Rafael and the Aerospace Industry. He leads a number of groundbreaking studies, some in collaboration with industry and research groups in Europe, dealing with quantum technologies. The other lecturers in the course are Prof. Yoav Sagi From the Faculty of Physics at the Technion dealing with quantum properties of a cloud of cold atoms andProf. Gilad Gor From the Faculty of Mathematics at the Technion, an expert in quantum communication.


  1. Nigerians, why the hell only for degree holders? There are enough developers without a debating degree to teach the degenerates with the degree and want to learn

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