The first cloned cat was sold in the USA

An American woman paid 50 thousand dollars to clone a new cat from the DNA of her deceased cat

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A woman from Texas, whose beloved cat died, refused to accept the evil of the decree. She paid 50 thousand dollars to a company that clones animals, and won a new cat with the same name as the original - Nikki.

"Little Nicky", the first pet that was cloned, is nine weeks old. Two weeks ago Nikki was handed over to her owner, who also identified herself as Nikki. A company from the San Francisco area is responsible for the cloning, which succeeded in creating the cloned heir from the DNA of the first Nikki, who was 17 years old when she died. Using the DNA, the American scientists succeeded in creating a genetically identical embryo, implanted it in a healthy cat who raised it in her womb and delivered it naturally.

"She is the same as my beloved Nicky, and she has a similar personality and character traits," said the woman who refused to reveal her full name and her place of residence, fearing that those opposed to cloning would make her life bitter.

The cat's manufacturer, Genetics Savings & Clone, announced that in May it will deliver the first cloned pet dog, "because the dog market is more attractive."

Those opposed to cloning and especially to the commercialization of cloned pets, protested the creation of "Nicky". According to them, there is no need for such an "production line" because there are enough cats in the world and because the technology is only available to the rich. According to them, cloned animals suffer more health problems than animals that came into the world in a natural way. Thus, according to them, 15% to 45% of the cloned cats do not survive more than 30 days.

To date, only cattle have been cloned in the world for commercial purposes ($20 a piece). For scientific purposes, sheep, mice, rabbits, goats, pigs, horses and also a bantang (an endangered Indonesian wild boar) have been cloned.

NRG – Alex Doron and Yoav Frommer (New York)
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They knew how to clone animals

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