Israel, Great Britain and Switzerland were excluded from the European R&D program in the fields of quantum and space

The reasons: making these areas strategic and the fear of brain drain. About 20 joint quantum projects with the European Union are operating in Israel. The scientific community fears damage to European science. The official authorities in Israel did not respond to the request of the website

The countries that are members of the Horizon 2020 program that ends this year - in dark blue, countries that belong to the European Union, in light blue the associated countries that the UK will now also join. Associated countries will not be able to participate in the Horizon Europe program in the fields of quantum and space.
The countries that are members of the Horizon 2020 program that ends this year - in dark blue, countries that belong to the European Union, in light blue the associated countries that the UK will now also join. Associated countries will not be able to participate in the Horizon Europe program in the fields of quantum and space.

Academics and researchers in the UK, Israel, Switzerland and other non-EU countries face the threat of exclusion from potential EU research projects under the new multi-annual program known as Horizon Europe, the successor to the Horizon 2020 programme.

A draft resolution submitted to the Presidency of the European Union proposes to stop sharing institutions and companies from these countries and other associated countries in the fields of quantum research and space exploration.

may harm quantum research and the field of space in any country that is not a member of the Union, and in particular Israel, Great Britain and Switzerland.

(Update after the publication of the news - it appears that Switzerland will be excluded from the field of quantum but not from the field of space. Thanks toJohannes Ripperger, an expert on integration into European R&D projects operating in Switzerland).

This is according to reports on the British news site Science Business, a critical website that deals a lot with the damage to science in Britain after leaving the Union.

According to the site, non-EU countries will not be eligible to take part in research projects for security reasons. About 20 quantum projects are operating in Israel, which include partners and funding from the European Union.

Draft proposals submitted in March will prevent non-EU countries, as well as non-EU companies and institutions operating in EU countries (e.g. multinational companies), from submitting offers to participate in certain projects of the program due to the need for "security autonomy". Apart from the security issue in Europe, there is a fear of brain drain following the scientific collaborations with entities from other countries, which may tempt the excellent European scientists in these fields to immigrate to them.

Demonstration of an IBM quantum computer, at the CES 2019 conference. Photo: Avi Blizovsky
Demonstration of an IBM quantum computer, at the CES 2019 conference developed at the IBM research center in Geneva. Switzerland will probably receive permission to continue participating in the European program in the field of quantum. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

The stated goal is to develop independent European capabilities in the field of quantum computing. Until now, these two fields, like all science in Europe, were open to all scientists who are members of the research programs of the European Union, including Israel, Great Britain and Switzerland.

"In order to achieve the expected results, and to protect the strategic assets, interests, autonomy or security of the Union, participation is limited to legal entities established in the member states as well as in Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein. Proposals that include entities established in countries outside this area will not be eligible. "Legal entities established in a member country or in countries associated with the European horizon that are controlled directly or indirectly by third countries that are not related to the program or by legal entities headquartered in third countries that are not related, are not eligible to participate." (here referring to multinational companies. AB)

EU Quantum Program logo. From the union website
EU Quantum Program logo. From the union website

The proposals drew criticism from the academic community. Thomas Hoffmann, president of the Technical University of Munich and the EuroTech university alliance, called on the European Union to "adopt a comprehensive approach" to an innovative and prosperous Europe. "We are deeply concerned that countries with a long track record of cooperation and excellence in research and innovation are excluded from parts of the program. The decision will negatively impact European research institutions and their ability to develop key digital, enabling and emerging technologies," the letter reads.

"Everyone is shocked; we've never seen anything like this. It's not good for us, not good for the field and not good for the EU," Klaus Enslin, professor of solid-state physics at ETH Zurich, was quoted as saying. "The end of cooperation in quantum and central space research will also hurt the EU, as its universities and laboratories lose vital partners, the researchers warned."

The article also quoted Prof. Nadav Katz, head of the Research Institute for Quantum Information at the Hebrew University: "The European Union is very wise to include neighboring countries in its research programs over the years. Pushing them is not a good policy. These are countries that give more than they take," said Katz. "The European landscape will be grayer and dimmer without their participation." In a conversation with the Hadaan site, Prof. Katz said that the issue is being discussed at the highest levels. And he hopes that the situation will change in light of the many objections, especially from scientists in the field.

"Today it is quantum technology and space, tomorrow they will talk about artificial intelligence and who knows what else," said Tal David, head of the National Program for Quantum Science and Technology to the Science Business website.

David refused to respond to the request of the science site. The Director of the Israel Space Agency, Avi Blasberger, refused to comment on the body of the proposal.

The news was updated on 8/4/2021 at 11:00 a.m. to highlight the fact that Switzerland is being excluded from the quantum field.

For the detailed article on the Science Business website

Center for Quantum Technology on the EU Commission website

More of the topic in Hayadan:

8 תגובות

  1. Even if the article hurts with the confiscation of Israel after they took advantage of us very well, it is comprehensible and readable and completely clear. Listen to the presenters and analysts on the radio - and then really cry at their grammatical errors. And there it hurt the ears straight to the brain from them! So stop whining with such unnecessary exaggeration about Hebrew. Just say thank you very much for the information. And that's it

  2. This is after Israel - a fiefdom country - developed for them two detectors that are responsible for the Higgs boson discoveries and more.
    I feel this is racism in the guise of science and European interest. And envy for the success of getting out of the corona while the continent is struggling with an epidemic. Brains did not flee from Europe to Israel. Let them tell how many fled to Israel. If it's two hands I apologize. Britain and Switzerland will be returned to the project.
    Today there are 2/3 less Jews on the continent than there would have been if there had been no World War II and they still behave the same way. Antisemitism under the guise of public order and proper administration.
    Israel did not steal the vaccines. Israel paid $30 per portion instead of $15. Economically it was very profitable because every family that returned to work contributed more than 100 dollars to the economy. Israel also agreed to reveal data for the benefit of all humanity - and the Helsinki Organization was called in - simply because they did not receive the data but Pfizer.

    In any case, this is a problem for Israel that requires a solution - as well as the need to buy a supercomputer for the universities in Israel.
    Mellonox manufactures chips for supercomputers - they came up with the proposal that Israel buy a supercomputer from their owner NVIDIA. Calculate it at 125 million dollars.

  3. The small size is sometimes an advantage - there is no doubt that Europe is an excellent source of funding, but in such a case, I think one should look for new ventures in China/Korea and the United States with all the contrast between them.
    The proposal must be fought, but if their racism overcomes logic - after all, Israel donated the Atlas detector to CERN, and they just discovered new physics with it, to look for other funding markets - less sympathetic.
    The western world is in a clear takeover attempt by China, instead of uniting it diverges. You have to understand the hint.
    In Corona, being small is an advantage. Israel's research is based on European funding. You need to replace the co-workers.
    If we take for example electrical journals in the American Society of Engineers IEEE, it can be seen that for every 19 Chinese-Arab articles there is one Western article. If someone is skeptical about this figure all they have to do is look it up
    IEEE Transactions on smart grid, power systems, electric circuits 1,2, and a total of 30 other papers.
    This is not because Western science is not correct - but that the reviewers of the articles block the entry of Western articles in my opinion. And there is a requirement that every article that comes out there is cited by ten. It turns out that there are well-known scientists there who have developed 50 content topics. In fact, there is science supervision here as it existed in the former Soviet Union.

  4. The translation is still problematic, in any case Israel has to fear not only damage to research here due to severance of ties and cessation of research funding, but also brain drain to the Union - which can offer more - in every field. I understand the reluctance to comment on such a sensitive issue - certainly as long as no decision has been made. "Hidan" deserves compliments for publishing this news that for some reason was not published on the main news sites.

  5. Even after your additional proofreading, the article in Hebrew is extremely sloppy, which does not respect the site. Too bad.

  6. Atrocity of Hebrew.
    Both this article and others on the site are unreadable and drive surfers away to other sites, and rightly so.
    Reading Hebrew is a minimum requirement.

    You're right, but I can't hire your linguistic editors as long as the site is subject to a financial boycott from the academic community that enjoys it and only wants to take advantage. I finance it with my own money. Avi

  7. "Google translation" At best, parts of the text are meaningless: "..the draft proposals will show that non-EU members are included in research projects." what?!

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