A team of scientists made a drastic announcement about one of the most accurate measurements to date of the distribution of matter in the universe using, among other things, the radio telescope at the South Pole
Sometimes to know what the material is, you have to find it first.
When the universe began, matter was ejected and gradually formed the planets, stars and galaxies we know and love today. By carefully piecing together a map of this material today, scientists can try to understand the forces that shaped the evolution of the universe.
A group of scientists, including from the University of Chicago and the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, have published some of the most precise measurements ever made of how matter is distributed throughout the universe today.
The analysis combined data from two large telescopic surveys of the universe, the Dark Energy Survey and the South Pole Telescope, involved more than 150 researchers and was published as a series of three papers on January 31 in the journal Physical Review D.
Among other findings, the analysis suggests that matter is not as "lumpy" as we would expect based on the current best model of the universe, adding to the growing body of evidence that something may be missing from our existing standard model of the universe.
Scientists have published a new survey of all matter in the universe. Credit: Photo by Andreas Papadopoulos
After the Big Bang created all the matter in the universe in a few very hot and intense minutes about 13 billion years ago, that matter spreads outward, cooling and turning into clumps. The scientists are very interested in tracing the trajectory of this material - if they see where all this material went, they will be able to try to reconstruct what happened and what forces must have been at work.
The first step is to collect massive amounts of data using telescopes.
In this study, the scientists combined data from two very different telescopic surveys: the Dark Energy Survey, which surveyed the sky for more than six years from the top of a mountain in Chile, and the South Pole Telescope, which searches for the faint traces of radiation still moving in the sky since the first minutes of the universe.
The combination of two different methods of observing the sky reduces the chances that the results will be skewed due to an error in one of the forms of measurement. "It acts as a cross-check, so the measurement becomes much more robust than if only one of the methods was used," said University of Chicago astrophysicist Zhihuai Cheng, one of the study's lead authors.
In both cases the analysis looked at a phenomenon called gravitational pollution. As light travels through the universe, it can bend a bit as it passes objects with a lot of gravity, like galaxies.
This method captures both normal matter and dark matter - the mysterious form of matter that we only discovered because of its effect on normal matter - because both normal and dark matter exert gravity.
By carefully analyzing these two data sets, the scientists were able to deduce where all the matter in the universe ended up. It's more precise than previous measurements -- that is, it narrows down the possibilities of where this material will end up -- compared to previous analyses, the authors said.
More of the topic in Hayadan:
55 תגובות
Instead of the big bang theory, a physical theory of creation
Physical reality is created from 5 continuous quantitative things.
The hallmark of a continuous quantitative thing (dkr) is simple.
Any quantity that we choose from DKR, there is always a larger quantity, and there is a smaller quantity.
Any quantity that is chosen from DKR, is always between a zero quantity and an infinite quantity.
There are 5 dechars in the world, 3 in the geometric field and 2 in the physical field,
Length, area, volume, belong to geometry, time and energy belong to physics.
Geometry and physics are the two exact sciences.
Physical reality appeared after the empty infinite space was filled by two continuous quantitative things, namely energy and passive time.
Passive time is real time that exists right in physical reality.
The time we all know does not exist in physical reality, and it disappears as soon as you think about it. This time exists only in the consciousness of the person, and therefore the name ...active time fits it.
After the infinite space was filled with energy and passive time, the star matter began to appear, which was formed by combining amounts of passive time and energy.
The matter of the stars is continuous, and has no gravity.
The combinations of the amounts of passive time and energy created the familiar elements
Like, gold, carbon, iron and more. Any such conjunction is a physical form, and therefore
Matter is not a quantitative concept.
Perpetual motion was embedded in the continuous matter, and each star was always moving.
This is how the energy of matter movement appeared, followed by many types of energy.
The law of conservation of energy was embedded in the universe, and it guarantees an eternal universe.
A physical theory of creation is described in detail in the book.
"Esbar's magic journey on the wings of natural knowledge"
A. Asbar
I believe that everyone who followed the thread here already understands that being upset has nothing to do with science, that his experiment is a regret and that he knows it. All ego and bells and whistles.
Let this grump have the last word and let us go.
The Globosun video
The scope video
For all those interested in the exact sciences - geometry and physics
The neural geometry can be presented with the help of the perimeter experiment, and it can also be presented with a simple and beautiful drawing, which appears on page 116 of the book
"Esbar's magic journey on the wings of natural knowledge"
The experiment produces a dramatic show where the viewers wait "What will happen after 60 revolutions of the small hand?"
This dramatic display appears in the scope experiment video
The result of the scope experiment can also be obtained from a simple drawing that appears on page 116 of the book "The Magical Journey of Asbar on the Wings of Natural Knowledge"
The aforementioned experiment and the aforementioned drawing provide two decisive proofs for the Pi idea that varies in a narrow range, between approximately 3.14 and approximately 3.16.
Mathematics has been locked for thousands of years on the idea of a constant pi whose value is approximately 3.14, and hence the terrible resistance to neural geometry.
Mathematics is not ready to admit the mistake of a fixed pie, but the time will come when an honest and brave mathematician will stand up and say "Esbar is right and we were wrong"
To build a simple scope you need a budget of thousands of shekels, and to build an elaborate scope will require tens of thousands of shekels.
The scope will occupy an honorable place in every science class, next to the Globusan.
A. Asbar
Nah Tomtomon, so if there is no need to repeat the scope experiment why are you so insistent that it be repeated?
After all, if it is worth something, then every student will be happy to verify the discovery even for free. Why don't you invite such a student to perform the experiment and tell the institution where he studies?
Bertha regret.
There is no need to repeat the scope experiment.
The experiment is true beyond any doubt, and the whole value of this experiment is in the drama it presents.
The dramatic result of the experiment can be seen with simple drawings that appear on pages 116 117 of the book
"Esbar's magic journey on the wings of natural knowledge"
A. Asbar
Not ready to pay 500 shekels to have the Nobel Prize winning groundbreaking experiment conducted for him..
Now everyone sees that all of Esbar's claims are remorse, remorse in pita.
The scope experiment challenges the authority of mathematics operating in the geometric field.
Mathematics says that all circles (small and large) have a single shape number and its value is approximately 3.14.
The scope experiment says that there are an infinite number of shapes of circles, and they are in a narrow range of approximately 3.14, to approximately 3.16
The issue is discussed in detail in Esbar's book "Esbar's Magical Journey on the Wings of Natural Knowledge"
A. Asbar
What is the explanation for the burning failure, that all the mathematicians who worked in the geometric field for the last 3000 years, failed to discover what the scope experiment discovered in 2017.
The scope experiment revealed that each circle has a "private shape number" and all the private shape numbers are in a narrow range, between approximately 3.14 and approximately 3.16.
The shape number of a circle is obtained from the length of its circumference divided by the length of its diameter, provided that these lengths are expressed in a number of millimeters.
The explanation for the failure of the mathematicians is extremely simple and it stems from blind faith.
Mathematicians believed (yes really believed) that all circles have a single shape number, and their value was approximately 3.14.
Since mathematics is considered the queen of the exact sciences, no one dared to doubt the correctness of this belief, until he came up with the scope experiment. And even today, when the scope experiment has been publicized on the Internet for several years, no brave mathematician has yet arisen to tell the truth. "Esbar is right and we were wrong."
"Mathematics is only a language of ethereal quantities" and is not the queen of the exact sciences,
The real queen is geometry.
If we learn from Prof. Dan Shechtman's discovery, Asbar will have to wait another 25 years until he receives a Nobel Prize.
The 25 years can be shortened to one year, if a respected scientific institution like the "National Laboratory of Physics" repeats the scope experiment, and confirms its revolutionary result, of infinite shape numbers of circles, which are in a narrow range between approximately 3.14 and approximately 3.16.
let it be
A. Asbar
The Ignoble Award..
What is the problem with giving 500 shekels to some physics student who will conduct the experiment and report it to his professor?
Maybe because you know it's all Berta's regret?
This will be the first time in history that a Nobel Prize will be awarded for a precise mechanical measurement that discovered a new geometry.
Thanks to those who are impressed by the video, who will send it to the award committee.
A. Asbar
Davilon, if you haven't figured it out yet, even if he wanted to, my father wouldn't be able to organize the experiment for you at the academic institutions.
On the other hand, you could do what you did with your book: pay privately to people, also from the Technion, who will conduct the experiment for you, with the scope you have, and confirm if it is valid. If so then there is no doubt that all scientific institutions will repeat it.
You will be able to use the huge profits from the sale of the book for financing.
(What, not sold?).
A realistic and optimistic forecast
My father knows that the appearance of Asbar on the science website raises the level of discussions and their quality - and in a moment of enlightenment he realizes that the scope experiment will win the Nobel Prize.
This enlightenment should win the science website "a global scientific scope"
To win this scoop, it is only necessary to spread a nice story on the net, which will stimulate the National Physics Laboratory to repeat the measurement that appears in the scope experiment,
In this way, the State of Israel will be able to tell the world about a historical experiment that discovered a new geometry, which the geometric science of thousands of years - did not know at all.
Abi Belizoski needs a little Israeli bravado and courage, and everyone will benefit from it.
Avi Blizovsky will benefit, the scientist will benefit, the National Physics Laboratory will benefit, the State of Israel will benefit, and in the end, Asbar will also benefit.
Well…..then why not?
A. Asbar
A slightly more realistic forecast
My father will get sick of you using his site as a free advertising tool and kick you to hell like all the other sites you rant about.
Asbar's forecast
10 years after Asbar's death (today he is 83), a curious physicist from the Technion will wake up, and he will repeat Asbar's scope experiment.
After a repeated experiment - Asbar's book will become a world bestseller, and science will recognize the existence of a new geometry, and a new physics.
If the science editor wants, he can shorten the process, by publishing a call on the net.
"Time is short, and it is desirable to quickly repeat the Asbar experiment"
A. Asbar
Asbar's book
A. Asbar
Asbar's experiment
A. Asbar
Asbar's poem
For the information of the Einstein Institute of Mathematics
A. Asbar
The way he's an idiot is crazy..
You have never seen or heard such nonsense in my life
trying to trick everyone here,
And because he is stupid, you cry..
The question of the third thousand
Why won't the Einstein Institute of Mathematics agree to repeat the scope experiment?
The answer is hidden between the pages of this book.
A. Asbar
Maybe explain to the forum the scientific community and especially to yourself why you don't repeat the scope experiment with a larger number of rounds? Will such an improved experiment detract from the honor of the State of Israel? Why do you expect the scientific community to accept a sloppy experiment where the measurement error is so high? If you claim that the experiment you conducted is already enough for you, then what does it matter what the scientific institutions say? You've already declared yourself greater than Newton and Einstein, but if you want to be approved by the Technion, you must meet the standards of the Technion, right?
The exact sciences are geometry and physics,
Geometry is considered a theoretical science based on self-evident ideas, and physics is considered an experimental science based on practical experiments conducted in physical reality.
And what did Asbar discover?
He discovered that the geometry of the straight line is indeed based on self-evident ideas, but the geometry of closed circular lines (whose common name is circles), must be based on a practical experiment conducted in physical reality.
Asbar's discovery eliminated the mathematical study of circles on the subject of the relationship between the circumference of the circle and its diameter, and replaced it with a physical study, which includes very precise measurement.
Asbar's discovery gave science a new geometry, worthy of the name
"Physical Geometry"
A. Asbar
It will be a great honor for the State of Israel, if a respected scientific institution like the Technion repeats the scope experiment, and informs the world of science of the existence of a new geometry.
A. Asbar
Asbar says he is not ready to conduct his scope experiment with more rounds for drama reasons.
So for his stupid drama he wants to trouble all the academic institutions..
A challenge to the Technion - to the Weizmann Institute - to the National Laboratory of Physics, to repeat the scope experiment.
This experiment discovered a mathematical law related to circuits.
Each size of a circle has a unique number, which expresses the ratio between its circumference and its diameter.
These ratio numbers are in a narrow range between 3.1416 and 3.164
Mathematical calculations are unable to discover this law, and only a precise mechanical experiment can discover it.
A. Asbar
Don't worry, no one will take you seriously and you will waste precious time and investment in equipment if you don't take yourself seriously.
Your scope experiment is worthless because it was conducted with a small number of rounds and the measurement error in it is too large. What's the problem with editing it with a number 10 or 100 times larger and showing a video of it?
You have all the necessary equipment. If, as you say, you have invested 30 years of research, what is the problem with investing another hour?
You, I believe, know the answer: the whole world of lies and imagination that you are trying to market will collapse at once and force you to face the reality where you are simply a grumpy brat and a charlatan.
In honor of Avi Blizovsky
On the back of my book there is a barcode, which links to the scope experiment.
All I ask of you is to encourage the Technion - the Weizmann Institute - the National Physics Laboratory - to repeat the experiment.
The experiment revealed a tragic error in the mathematics dealing with circuits, and I am looking for a reputable scientific institution to confirm the existence of the error.
After a repeated experiment by a respected scientific institution, all geometry studies - all over the world - will change.
Mr. Avi Blizovsky, a scoop like this comes once in 1000 years - don't miss it.
The scope experiment appears in my book
A. Asbar
Yes, but the comments section is not the place to post, and I will not accept a post that has not been peer-reviewed for a fee either
An open appeal to the scientist editor Mr. Avi Blizovsky.
A. Asbar's scope experiment is a mechanical experiment that presents a very precise measurement.
This measurement reveals the existence of a new geometry unknown to mathematicians.
With this new geometry it is easy to introduce new physics, unknown to physicists.
All of these innovations will become public domain if the National Physical Laboratory repeats the scope experiment and confirms its measurement results.
Is the science editor ready to create public opinion that led the reading,
"The scope experiment must be repeated,"
A. Asbar
To understand how much the piss went to the head of the website's doctor, in the title of the book he put himself above Newton and Einstein..
I see now that they have published my comment, maybe it will help warn unsuspecting readers from snarky ego-inflated charlatans of Asbar's type.
Oh miracles, all the action is in dialect!
A book by the mouse nerve about new physics and mathematics!
A book by Shafi the rabbit about how he actually wrote the Phantom of the Opera and Andrew stole the piece from him!
A book by Lakick the cat in which he describes how he painted the Mona Lisa!
Soon on all shelves!
All I know is that I will never read a book of dialect books….
This comment was published on the website of Spri Niv, if it is deleted then this publication also gives a platform to charlatans like Asbar.
It has been explained to Sadr many times that his scope experiment is worthless if he does not perform it with a large number of rotations, that his physics is worthless if it cannot make even one new prediction, that his assumptions are not based on any fact (why does the universe move at 12 speed the light? upset solutions). Esbar is not able to give even one substantive answer to all these findings.
Any study of a human being, which does not begin with the investigation of human language, is doomed to be meaningless nonsense.
A. Asbar
1. Why does one enjoy beer, and that's enough to fulfill his desire, like that every evening beer, football, well what's wrong?
2. The second one already needs another filling, he cares how much money he will earn, his whole life his thoughts are busy while a few zeroes will be added to my account.
3. The third needs respect, he doesn't care about anything, his fulfillment that will satisfy him is respect, money, a shiny car, an important job, all to get respect from society.
4. The fourth is a great scientist, he is not interested in money, not football and not even honor, his mind is on the next invention, the next discovery of the drug, and besides that he is not interested in anything.
5. And there is another person who the truth is that he is not that prominent, yes he likes a little football, money is a little important, a little respect and also science, but he is busy all his life with the question, why am I alive, who created me, what is the meaning of this life, what The source of everything that happens here in our world.
And when I start to think why each of these people or rather where each of them got such a unique desire, I understand that it is necessary to go back in time, to the big bang and even to what existed before it.
Scientist Stephen Hawking believes that before the big bang there was simply nothing, but that does not mean that there was nothing. According to Hawking our universe is expanding. And if we theoretically run it back in time about 13.8 billion years, it will shrink to the size of one atom. At this dense point of heat and energy, the laws of physics cease to exist. Hawking claims that "there was no time before time began, but time has always been there in some form, even if completely different." An interesting claim, but how can it be resolved? There was no time before the bang but time was always there in some form. If time existed there then in what form, in what manner? Hawking does not answer this question nor does he try to decipher it.
In a lecture given by Professor Hagai Netzer, from the School of Physics and Astronomy of Tel Aviv University, he explained that in the last decade, theories that see our Big Bang as one of a series of big bangs have gained momentum: "Such events, for which the most appropriate name is undoubtedly the Big Bang, can be which have occurred several times in the past and may continue to occur all the time."
It is important to say that in everything related to what was before the big bang, we are dealing with theories, that is, intuitive assumptions and not ones that we have been able to confirm with scientific tools.
4. The holy Ari, a great Kabbalist of Safed who lived in the 16th century provides an interesting angle regarding the creation of the universe in his poem The Tree of Life: Know that before the nobles were ennobled and the creatures were created,
There was a simple supreme light that fills all reality.
And there was no free space in terms of empty air and space,
But everything was full of the light of that simple infinity.
According to the Ari and the opinion of other Kabbalists, before the big bang there was a deficiency on the one hand and at the same time a light that filled it. That is, light and a vessel were linked to each other. It can be likened to the fact that the desire (vessel/deficiency) and abundance (light/filling) were united together. And it is said: "The secret is (the light) and its name (the desire to receive the light) is one."
How can you describe it? It can be described as a situation where there is no space, no time and no movement. why? Because movement only occurs when there is a disadvantage (a gap between what is desired and what is found). And if movement does not exist then time does not exist either. Hence only the desire to receive is the innovation that was created and is the material that dangled down to our world. Before the big bang all the desires that we are able to imagine (all the tools), were canceled into the light. It was as if they did not exist because the light covered them, canceled them. Therefore, time did not exist either.
Wait, so what does it have to do with the one who enjoys beer, the one who must receive respect, money, education, science, and the one who asks why we exist?
All these are desires, different desires that we never asked where they came from, we didn't think it was even possible to ask such a question.
We were rightly wary of falling into the philosophy trap that would produce baseless assumptions that cannot be proven.
And at the same time, the axis of development brings along with it various developments such as the development of language, agriculture and similar dimensions as well as a development in our perception of reality, a development that combines various factors such as objectivity, validity, logic, but also imagination and intuitive abilities.
The atoms that make up life on Earth and the chemical elements necessary for the development of life were created in dying stars that exploded and scattered their contents throughout the galaxy.
But it is more surprising to know that the elements that are inside us, the iron that is in our blood, the calcium that is in our bones, these were also created in nuclear fusion processes inside stars that died, that is, they exploded and the same elements were blown out of them and thus over billions of years by gravity created our universe.
So basically the universe is inside us, it's not a philosophy, it's a fact.
Ok, so what's new? The astrophysicists have already reached these conclusions.
What is new is that the only thing that distinguishes each of us and is the root of our thoughts, our needs and in fact the vocation of each of us is the desire. The same substance that was hidden and removed from the light before the creation and is what was revealed not after the big bang, but after that creation, the creation of one thing that did not exist before - and therefore it is called from nothing - a creation of a desire to receive for oneself, a desire that was before it was created or before what scientists call The big bang, it and the light existed together.
And if we discover that this is indeed the case, we will also be able to understand other phenomena such as the butterfly effect, the wisdom of crowds, the influence of our thoughts and intentions on reality, because there is a level of connection between what is inside us, between that desire that dangled from that initial state into our world and that system from which it was created.
Food for thought…
Have we ever asked ourselves where each of us has a desire that sets him apart?
In all theories the energy laws do not apply before the big bang. And at the same time there is something that we cannot describe due to the limitations of our current tools of perception. In other words, if something exists there, it is unattainable for us and therefore does not exist for us.
Human beings' attempt by their cognitive and biological skills, drawing their conclusions and logic from this universe to understand reasons that arose before them is problematic from the beginning and does not allow these data to be discovered.
What happened after the big bang?
After the Big Bang the laws of physics began to operate. When energy, matter and space began to appear, there was also room for time.
After the big bang, a process of billions of years began in which the earth also came into being, plants, animals and humans developed.
Could the fact that we are products of the same phenomenon tie us to it with strings that we have not yet discovered?
And if the answer is positive, what addition are we missing in order for us to make such an assumption?
Food for thought…
You said "the material of the six galaxies that the Webb telescope found. That were created six hundred million years before the big bang..did you calculate that??"
Your link says "the telescope was able to discover galaxies that date back to about 600 million years after the big bang"
Do I really need to explain to you the difference between "before" and "after"?
My mistake, miracles after the bang
You look at the universe as a three-dimensional sphere. In that case, there really would have been a hole in the middle.
Our universe is not like that. There is no point that is the center.
If the universe was created in a one-time big bang,
All matter in the universe was arranged in the form of a hollow sphere in the center.
It's that the material is spread evenly in all directions.
shows that another theory is needed,
This whole article is meaningless nonsense, because no one knows what a universe is? And no one knows what material is?
The theory about the structure of the universe has failed, because it is built on Newtonian ideas.
Since Newton's time, scientists use the word substance, as if it were a name
Name of a "quantitative thing" to which the terms a lot or a little apply.
But matter is a physical form, to which the concepts of similar and different apply.
Material is built from combining amounts of passive time and energy.
This combination creates a physical shape, just as the combination of a closed quantity of length, containing an area quantity, creates a geometric shape.
Newton stated that the greater the amount of matter of a star, the greater the gravitational force of the star.
But Newton was wrong, and matter is not a quantitative thing, and has no gravity.
Matter is a physical form, and the concept of form does not apply to the concepts, much or little. But the concepts similar - different.
Gold, carbon, oxygen, are physical forms.
There is a similarity between a geometric shape and a physical shape.
As the combination of a closed quantity of length, containing a quantity of area, creates a geometric shape. Thus the combination of an amount of energy and an amount of passive time creates a physical form.
According to Asbar's physics, matter is made up of sums of two continuous quantitative things, energy and passive time.
According to Asbar's physics, matter has no gravity.
Quantum matter and quantum gravity are the two Newtonian concepts that prevented cosmologists from understanding how the universe works,
When cosmologists invented the concepts of "dark matter" and "dark energy" the scientific research trying to understand the universe was plunged into darkness.
The exploration of the universe is stuck, and is within the scope of an imaginary literary story,
Particulate matter is an imaginary story that belongs to the world of fairy tales, and does not belong to the world of science that deals with measurements.
Esbar offers a new universe that operates without gravity, and its material is built from a combination of amounts of energy and passive time.
Passive energy and time are "two continuous quantitative things"
Matter is made up of two continuous quantitative things,
The neural universe has always existed, and there was never and never will be a big bang.
The time used by conventional science exists only in the human mind and does not exist in physical reality.
In physical reality, passive time and energy exist, and they fill infinite space.
This infinite physical space creates the material of new stars, and also collects the energy and passive time of stars that have ceased to exist.
Asbar offers new physics and new geometry.
All this and more you will find in the book
"Esbar's magic journey on the wings of natural knowledge"
A. Asbar
"which were created six hundred million years before the big bang"
Where did you get this ??
The material of the six galaxies that the Wabb telescope found. That were created six hundred million years before the big bang.. did you calculate that???
Hello Peretz Peretz
There are many observations that show that the age of the universe is about 13.7 billion years.
Are there observations that show the age you gave?
There is no dark matter.
We don't know how to explain.
As they once thought there was an ether until the Michenson Morley experiment and the theory of relativity came and disproved it.
Muhammad the contractor claims that there is nothing like Kirnawi's material supply. Why should he search for the substance of the entire universe? will it help??
You don't have to reject every opposing thesis in order to show the correctness of a given thesis.
But there is a widespread lack of understanding towards the purpose of science. The scientific method does not seek the truth. But you are understandable. Its purpose is to give a forecast based on a found legality. How to produce the found legality is mainly an aesthetic matter. Not a fundamental matter.
Chihuahua Cheng is an astrophysicist (female)
It is very nice that they are working on a map
In my opinion the big bang was more than 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
And who can prove me wrong?
The principle is: give them (the 'scientists') more and more inflated research budgets, and they will make up a lot of legends for you...
A. In the map presented here there are concentrations in large points of material. And also that in some places there is less material
B. When you see a flat map it is not possible to see the matter as it is in different depths of the universe. That is, the map is two-dimensional while the universe is three-dimensional.
Therefore according to my knowledge to this day the universe is supposed to be homogeneous and I cannot see the homogeneity in the universe
Really interesting. Thanks.
What is the meaning of this uneven map? I assumed that you would get a result of dispersion from the center (with some cosmic spaces of course)..
Happy is the believer
You will not be able to contradict other theories such as we are a secondary universe in a cluster of universes