A total lunar eclipse occurred tonight

In Israel, the eclipse began at 01:32 tonight. It reached its peak, where the moon was completely hidden from the sun's rays, at 03:19 in the morning

Avi Blizovsky

Direct link to this page: https://www.hayadan.org.il/eclipse0811a.html

(Yuval Dror, Haaretz, voila!)
A total lunar eclipse occurred tonight and was visible in many countries in America, Europe, Africa and Asia. In Israel, the eclipse began at 01:32 and reached its peak, where the moon was completely hidden from the sun's rays, at 03:19 in the morning. The phase in which the moon is completely hidden from the sun's rays (total eclipse) lasts 24 minutes, but only at 05:05 in the morning did the moon shine again in full light.

Advertisement A lunar eclipse is a phenomenon in which the observer on Earth feels as if the moon has disappeared. The reason for this is the special position of the moon, which allows it to enter the shadow of the earth and thus hide from the rays of light sent to it from the sun.

A lunar eclipse can only occur when the moon is full, because during this period the position of the moon in relation to the earth is on the opposite side to the direction of the sun. However, only in the minority of cases is the moon in a straight line connecting the sun and the earth, so the lunar eclipse phenomenon is not common. In addition, the eclipse can only be viewed from certain places on Earth.

The next time a lunar eclipse will occur will be on May 4, 2004.

Reminder: Full lunar eclipse - on the night between Saturday and Sunday (8/11/03)


On Saturday, 08.11: lunar eclipse on 9.11.2003: a full lunar eclipse will be visible from Israel on the night between 8.11 and 9.11: beginning of penumbral contact at 00:15. Initiation of contact in the full shadow area at 01:32. Eclipse peak 03:15. Moonset in Israel at 06:13. The observatory in Givatayim will be open to the public starting at 00:00 (free for association members).

At that time, the moon will be at the closest point to the center of the cone of the full shadow of the earth, which is about 1.4 million km long. In Israel, the end of the event will be in daylight, after sunrise. If the sky is cloudless, those who wake up are guaranteed an impressive sight: a full, dark and reddish moon.

(and adds Dr. Noah Brosh, Ma'ariv): "The white eclipse occurs when the moon enters the shadow cast by the earth. Both bodies, the earth and the moon, are illuminated by the sun. The moon orbits the earth, and the two bodies together orbit the sun. When the moon is on the far side from the sun, in its orbit around the earth - it appears to us to be "full". This happens exactly in the middle of every Hebrew month."

"If by chance the moon, whose orbit around the Earth is tilted relative to the orbit of the Earth-Moon system around the Sun, is located just below the imaginary line connecting the Sun and the Earth - a lunar eclipse occurs. During it, the Moon first enters the region known as the Earth's penumbra. The change in its brightness is Small, but when most of the moon is in this area, its visible color changes from yellow-white to reddish. The reason for this is that the moonlight passes through the Earth's atmosphere."

The full eclipse phase of the upcoming event will begin at approximately 3 am, and will last approximately 25 minutes. The reddish color of the moon will then be dominant because all the light from its face has passed through the Earth's atmosphere. It is advisable to take advantage of this opportunity and observe the lunar eclipse, because the next opportunity will not be until May 4, 2004.

Yuval Dror, Haaretz:

A total lunar eclipse will occur on the night between Saturday and Sunday. The eclipse, which can be observed in the countries of America, Europe, Africa and Asia, will begin in Israel at 01:32 at night and will reach its peak, when the moon will be completely hidden from the sun's rays, at 03:19 in the morning.
The phase in which the moon is completely hidden from the sun's rays (total eclipse) will last 24 minutes, but only at 05:05 in the morning will the moon shine again in full light.
A lunar eclipse is a phenomenon in which the observer on Earth feels as if the moon has disappeared. The reason for this is the special position of the moon that allows it to enter the shadow of the earth and thus it is hidden from the light rays sent to it from the sun.
A lunar eclipse can only occur when the moon is full, because during this period the position of the moon in relation to the earth is on the opposite side to the direction of the sun. However, only in the minority of cases is the moon in a straight line connecting the sun and the earth, so the lunar eclipse phenomenon is not common.
(update, science)
However, since a lunar eclipse can be seen from the entire area of ​​the earth where it is night at the time, even though it is rarer than a solar eclipse, it is more difficult to locate a solar eclipse which, despite its greater frequency, can only be seen from limited areas of the earth.
The next time a lunar eclipse will occur will be on May 4, 2004. Unlike a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse can be observed directly without any fear of eye damage.



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