A method that allows quantum encrypted information to move in a targeted manner through the air

Israeli research led by Dr. Yaron Bromberg from the Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University succeeded for the first time in transmitting single and interwoven light particles in a focused manner through a scattering medium * The experiment is another significant step towards the development of an Israeli satellite that will be able to encrypt security information in an impenetrable manner

Quantum encryption. Illustration: shutterstock
Quantum encryption. Illustration: shutterstock

The processors, sensors, screens and medical devices are only a partial list of the first technological revolution that began thanks to the scientific discoveries about the quantum world. In recent years, researchers are taking advantage of the strange phenomena of quantum mechanics to bring about a second wave of technological revolution that will propel the modern age into new realms. One of the famous technologies utilizes the phenomenon of "entanglement" between particles, which links ("intertwines") between particles in a way that does not depend on distance, to create the most encrypted and secure means of communication known as "quantum encryption".

The last significant demonstration of the effectiveness of quantum encryption was made by Chinese researchers who transmitted an encrypted code from a satellite in space to Earth using entangled light particles. Despite the impressive achievement, the key generation rate achieved with this technology was relatively slow (one bit of information was transmitted in 8 seconds), because most of the particles were lost on their way from the satellite to the ground station. Since then, researchers around the world have been searching for a method that could transmit encryption keys by a single number of light particles in the air and not be lost on its way to a detector. For the first time, the research team led by Dr. Yaron Bromberg and the student Ahed Liv developed a method that eliminates the dispersion of the signal from the air and transmits the individual light particles in a focused manner to the detector. The achievement was published in the prestigious journal Science Advances.

"Until now, the most efficient way to transmit individual light particles has been through optical fibers, but even this method is limited by distance," explained Dr. Bromberg and continued, "in the local infrastructure, an amplifier is installed every few hundred kilometers that strengthens the signal in the fiber after natural decay. Unlike normal optical signals, a signal generated by entangled particles cannot be amplified and therefore has a stronger limit on distance. In the research, we tried to solve the problem of how to improve the passage of the signal in the air, that is, in a way that does not depend on structured infrastructures and in such a way that it will be possible to transmit the signal to greater distances than those limited by optical fibers, through satellite communication.  The technology we developed surpasses those that exist in the market because theoretically we can transmit the signal farther than an optical fiber and because the technology allows encrypted signals to be transmitted from a wide variety of protocols."

Dr. Bromberg added: "Many challenges were faced in building the experimental system, mainly because the interweaving phenomenon is a delicate phenomenon and very sensitive to environmental changes. The second challenge is to transmit the signal from a focus in the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a very chaotic and constantly changing system. The air turbulence scatters the light rays and makes focused transmission difficult. The way we have developed makes it possible to overcome the difficulty with the help of real-time monitoring of the way the light is scattered. As soon as the scattering image is received, we can create interlaced particles that are scattered "oppositely" from the scattering created by the air so that the air cancels the initial scattering and sends the signal focused to the detector."

The experiment is another significant step towards the development of an Israeli satellite that will be able to encrypt security information in an impenetrable manner. "The Hebrew University has the largest community of researchers in the field of quantum technologies and thanks to the combination of researchers from physics, engineering and computer science, unique developments are being made at the A. Safra campus in Givat Ram." Dr. Bromberg enthusiastically tells about the technological uses of his latest research: "Thanks to the discovery, in the future we will be able to build an encrypted satellite and inherit the State of Israel with quantum encryption for security and commercial needs."

The research is funded by the Zuckerman Foundation.

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