The new launch of the hadron accelerator in Geneva marks a decade since the discovery of the Higgs and opens a new decade of equally fascinating research. In this article we will review what we discovered and what questions remain open.
About a decade ago, on the Fourth of July 2012, scientists around the world celebrated the discovery of the Higgs, a boson particle that was then considered the missing element in the standard model. The elementary particle was predicted in a series of papers in the sixties and was discovered after four decades in the Large Hadron Collider in two parallel experiments - ATLAS and CMS. The discovery is the pinnacle of success for the European Center for Particle Research, which also included Israel at the time as an observer country (today as a full member of the organization).
ועל אף ההצלחות, בזמן שהמאיץ מתחיל את ההרצה השלישית (מתוך חמש הרצות), נשמעים קולות בקהילה המדעית שאירוע זה מסמל את סופו. הסיבה? בעשור האחרון לא הוכרזה שום תגלית שסטתה מהמודל הסטנדרטי (נציין דווקא שכן פורסמו כמה תגליות מעניינות בשנים האחרונות אך הן לא עמדו בסטנדרטים המגדירים "תגלית" בפיזיקת החלקיקים, כלומר וודאות של חמש סיגמה). להזכירכם, המודל שהתפתח בשנות החמישים והושלם בשנות השבעים אינו כולל כבידה קוונטית, את החומר האפל, את האנרגיה האפלה, הוא לא מסביר את הא-סימטריה בין החומר לאנטי חומר ואת אוסילציות נייטרינו.
The high expectations from the accelerator are due to the natural tendency to add new particles to explain deviations from the standard model - some of them are even in the energy range of the existing accelerators, but they have not yet been observed. Due to the lack of experimental clues, critics argue that there is no reason to waste billions of dollars more of the public's money on blind exploration without a clear goal. Of course this is an understandable criticism, but at the same time it should be remembered that particle physics does not focus only on the discovery of new particles, but also on the study of the behavior of existing particles, including the Higgs boson. Since its discovery in 2012, physicists have debated whether the new particle does match the predictions of the Standard Model. The celebrations of the decade for the discovery of the Higgs open up a good opportunity for us to summarize the five key discoveries in the field and the five questions that remain open.
The Higgs mass is 125 billion electron volts
Physicists expected to find the Higgs sooner or later, but did not know exactly when. In the 2009s, researchers hypothesized that the Higgs field could explain why the photon (the particle of light) has no mass or why the W and Z bosons, which mediate the weak force, are so heavy. Although the proposed theory predicts the mass of the bosons, it is unable to explain the Higgs mass. For this reason physicists were not sure where the Higgs was hiding. To the surprise of many, the Higgs appeared earlier than expected - already in the first run in XNUMX, evidence of the elusive particle began to accumulate and three years later it was announced as a discovery. The speed at which the Higgs was announced is mainly due to the accelerator's sensitivity to the energy range in which the particle is found and the accelerator's ability to detect its many decays.
Higgs spin zero
ההיגס הוא החלקיק האלמנטרי הראשון בעל ספין אפס שהתגלה, ולמען האמת גם היחיד. שאר החלקיקים בטבע בעלי ספין חצי או ספין אחד. ספין היא תכונה קוונטית שאין לה אנלוג קלאסי. לרוב חלקיקים בעלי ספין חצי נמשלים למגנטים קטנים אך כמובן שהדמיון בין השניים איננו מדויק ולא ניתן להכללה עבור חלקיקים בעלי ספין שלם. מבחינתנו, ניתן לחשוב על ספין בתור "מטען" כמו מטען חשמלי שכל חלקיק יכול לשאת. מטענים בטבע משפיעים על האינטראקציות בין החלקיקים ועל התוצרים שיכולים להיווצר מפיזורם. בעת גילויו בשנת 2012, הספין של ההיגס לא אומת ונותר בגדר תעלומה. בשנת 2013 חוקרים בחנו את פיזור הפוטונים שנפלטו מהתפרקויות של חלקיקי ההיגס ואישרו בוודאות גבוהה שלבוזון החדש יש ספין אפס. לפני שהספין אומת, חוקרים היססו לכנות את החלקיק החדש בתור בוזון ההיגס משום שהמכניזם התאורטי דורש חלקיק בעל ספין אפס.
Higgs rejected theories that extend the standard model
Some of the theories trying to explain the asymmetry between matter and antimatter were not consistent with the Higgs mass. In fact, there are quite a few theories that the Higgs mass places them in the gray area. For these reasons it is difficult to disprove or prove which theories extend the standard model and which theories are inconsistent with nature based on the mass of the particle alone.
The Higgs reacts with other particles according to the standard model
Based on the decay rate, it is possible to estimate the strength of the interaction of the Higgs with the rest of nature's particles. In other words, physicists count how many times the Higgs decayed into one or another particle and from the distribution they deduced that the Higgs decays into heavier particles more frequently. That is, the mass is proportional to the strength of the interaction between the particles, just as predicted in the standard model about 60 years ago.
The universe is stable, more or less
חישובים שבוצעו בעבר הראו ששדה ההיגס לא בהכרח נמצא בערכו המינימלי הגלובלי. כלומר, בעתיד הלא ידוע יתכן ששדה ההיגס ידעך אנרגטית וישנה את מבנה היקום. הסיבה לכך היא שערכו המינימאלי קובע את מסת החלקיקים ואת האינטראקציה שלהם עם שדה ההיגס. שינוי בעוצמת האינטראקציה או במסת החלקיקים עשוי לעורר תגובת שרשרת קטסטרופאלית. בספרות המדעית מקרה זה מכונה כ"דעיכה לוואקום". הדעיכה אינה מתרחשת במיידית, אלא מתפשטת כבועה במהירות אדירה. למזלנו, כדי ששינוי שכזה יקרה במיידית נדרשת אנרגיה עצומה שההסתברות שתיווצר ביקום אפסית בכל קנה מידה.
What questions remain open?
Can we measure the Higgs with higher precision?
The last runs showed a match of about 90 percent in the properties of the Higgs with respect to the standard model. Although it is a high accuracy, an error of 10 percent is not negligible and is not sensitive to corrections of the model. The new runs should increase the number of collisions and thus increase the accuracy of the measurements. So far, the accelerator has collected only five percent of the data it is expected to collect throughout its lifetime, so the accuracy should improve significantly in the coming years. The Saren researchers claim that new physics is more likely to be discovered through precise measurements than from a new particle found in an experiment.
Does the Higgs react to light particles?
So far we have observed the interactions of the Higgs with heavy particles, for example the decay of the Higgs into a heavy quark. Physicists believe that the Higgs should decay similarly to lighter quarks. In 2020 it was announced that the accelerator detected a relatively rare decay of the Higgs into muons, a cousin of the electron, similar in properties but heavier. Although the experiment confirms the connection between the mass of the particle and the strength of the interaction with the Higgs field, the uncertainty is still great.
Does the Higgs react to itself?
Since the Higgs mass is different from zero, the particle should interact with itself. The decays of energetic Higgs particles into less energetic Higgs particles are extremely rare and difficult to detect. At the moment we do not expect to see such interactions, perhaps in the fourth run in 2026 after a further upgrade in the ATLAS and CMS experiments. The self-interactions are very important for the structure of the universe - from the rate at which the Higgs reacts to itself, physicists can deduce how the potential energy of the Higgs changes at the minimum point where it is. This discovery may explain the dynamics of the early universe and possibly also the asymmetry between matter and antimatter.
The lifetime of the Higgs boson
Physicists are interested in the lifetime of the Higgs, that is, how long it takes on average for the Higgs to decay from the moment of its formation. The reason this parameter can be interesting is because a deviation from its expected value may indicate the presence of new particles. The method for calculating the life time takes into account the energy distribution of the Higgs in all the collisions created in the accelerator, where the width of the energy distribution is proportional to the life time of the particle. Last year the life time calculated is 2.1 tenths of a billionth billionth billionth second. The result that was discovered corresponds to the standard model, but perhaps in the near future, deviations from this result will be discovered that may hint at particles that cannot be directly detected, such as dark matter.
Exotic prophecies
Theorists involved in expanding the Standard Model have previously proposed several corrections to the Higgs - some hypothesize that the Higgs is not an elementary particle but is made up of smaller bodies, just as the proton is made up of quarks. Others claim that there are other particles similar to the Higgs but with a different spin or electric charge. In the following lectures, the great accelerator will examine these hypotheses and also parallel disintegrations that are forbidden according to the standard model.
The latest upgrade accelerates the exploration of the Higgs into new regions. As I have already mentioned, particle physics is not only based on the direct discovery of new particles, but they are also very important.
The article is based on a published article בנייצ'ר
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More of the topic in Hayadan:
- Permilab: We discovered clues to new physics
- Who will find the "God Particle" first?
- The discovery of the Higgs is a celebration of systematic effort against today's superficiality
- CERN tour notes, part 21: Prof. Elam Gross: The discovery of the Higgs is the beginning of the new science of the XNUMXst century
- For the first time, the Higgs boson was characterized by its decay into a pair of "magic" quarks
Sad the vacation is over, back to the institution.
The physics of particulate matter has reached the end of the road.
In order to find a new physics, you have to agree that Newtonian matter - which is quantitative and has gravity - does not exist in reality.
Material is not a quantitative concept, and one cannot talk about a lot of material, or a little material.
החומר הוא צורה פיזיקלית הבנוייה מצירוף כמויות של "שני דברים כמותיים רציפים"
There are only 5 continuous quantitative things in the world, and they are length, area, volume, time and energy.
Time has a passive aspect unknown to science, and this aspect participates in the creation of matter.
Matter is created from the combination of amounts of passive time and energy, therefore matter is a physical form.
Has anyone proofread or edited this article?!
The writing is just as important as the content.