The satellite, Galaxy 15 continues to receive and transmit broadcasts as well as to be used as a relay for GPS systems in airplanes, but its control systems were disabled due to damage from a solar storm. It may drift into the transmission range of other satellites and "steal" frequencies from them, which will affect the viewers
A stationary geosatellite that was brain fried by a solar storm stopped communicating with ground controllers last month and was left out of control. While the satellite, Galaxy 15 is still functioning and transmitting TV and data broadcasts, its control and communication systems are not functioning.
The systems are in ON mode, but the satellite has started drifting out of its coverage area and it may approach other satellites. While a collision between satellites is unlikely, the errant satellite can cause problems when it is able to enter the orbital space occupied by other satellites and "steal" their signals, thereby interfering with the providers who use them to provide services to customers on Earth.
Space News reports that a situation in which the satellite is functioning at full power but cannot be controlled is unprecedented, and the company that operates the satellite, Intelsat, is seeking advice from other operators and satellite manufacturers.
On May 3rd, Intelsat unsuccessfully tried to shut down the satellites so they wouldn't interfere with other satellites. Earlier, Intelsat unsuccessfully tried to transmit between 150 and 200 commands to the satellite to return it to service, and on Monday it tried to force the satellite to turn off the transmitters, thus stopping the operation of the satellites.
Galaxy 15, which normally operates at a longitude of 113 degrees west, at an altitude of 36 thousand kilometers above the equator, is close to an orbital complex two degrees away from it captured by a satellite operating in the same frequency range (C-band). The satellite, AMC-11 of the SES company, may be damaged if the Galaxy 15 satellite penetrates its coverage area with the active munitions. The fear is that it could cause disruptions for about weeks starting on May 23.
It should be noted that in addition to TV broadcasts, the Galaxy 15 satellite is used as a relay for aircraft GPS systems. The various satellite companies involved in the affair are now trying to deal with this problem as well.
6 תגובות
Give him a banana and he will give you back control of the satellite
I said it without thinking much haha
And 4, isn't the X37 this state-of-the-art spaceship that was written about in the latest news?
The space debris that will be created from the explosion of the satellite will do more harm than the continued existence of the satellite in its current form.
Probably only a space shuttle mission or everything X37 will be able to throw the satellite into solar orbit..
Number 1 currently does not have the technology to intercept satellites at an altitude of 36000 km, the Chinese and Americans intercepted a satellite that cruised at an altitude of only hundreds of kilometers, the space shuttle also does not cruise at an altitude of 36000 km 1200 km maximum, the solution is to send a spacecraft to the satellite to connect to it A probe to guide it towards Earth, this is training for asteroid deflection, a task of this magnitude Suitable for countries and not private companies.
Are you really proposing to violate an international treaty by blowing up a satellite that is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and that might still be salvageable, compared to the cost of it damaging the transmissions of another satellite for two weeks? Very reasonable
That's why anti-satellite weapons were invented
It can be used as an experiment