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A Mars simulation returns to the Ramon Crater

As part of the Mars Israel project AMADEE20 - Six "astronauts" from Portugal, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and Israel will stay for a month in a facility they will build themselves and study the geology of the Ramon Crater. They will wear spacesuits when outside

The six Harmonauts as soon as they left the Hav after the four days of the experiment, February 2018. Photo: Avi Blizovsky
The six Harmonauts as soon as they left the Hav after the four days of the experiment, February 2018. Photo: Avi Blizovsky

About three years after six Israeli ramnauts simulated a Mars mission in the Ramon Crater, this time the project becomes international. Six analog astronauts and astronauts, carefully selected and trained, will enter the unique research station in the world that was specially built in Ramon Crater for about a month and will perform a series of groundbreaking scientific and technological experiments. The experiments will simulate selected issues and operations planned for future manned missions to Mars and will form the basis for tests and experiments for future planetary missions, international exposure of Israeli technology and science in the fields of space, and the establishment of an infrastructure for an educational program on space exploration for Israeli students.

The mission will be carried out in the Ramon Crater, an erosion crater that is a unique simulation of Mars, both topographically and geologically. The mission team, which includes astronauts and analog astronauts from Portugal, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Israel, will enter the unique research station (Habitat) for a month, where they will stay the entire time, cut off from Earth. In order to carry out the experiments on the surface of "Mars", the analog astronauts and astronauts will have to wear special suits every time they leave the research station, which will provide them with oxygen (similar to the International Space Station). On Earth, there will be, during the entire project, a control room manned 24/7 in order to monitor the condition of the team and the progress of the experiments.

More of the topic in Hayadan:


  1. Who comes to make laws and disturb them? It's a safe area, you can do whatever you want.
    Come on music, Eyal Golan, darbukot, on the fire - we will educate these nerds according to packing them for Mars :))))))

  2. in Israel There is no point in wasting this money. Walk in Makhtes Ramon with Nevanite clothes. Do you know what was in the space simulation in Arizona? A cult managed to collect money with debunked claims and spent time there for the guru's pleasure - the rest probably suffered...

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