April 21, 2024

Egyptian scholars in the Ptolemaic period who wrote the story of the Exodus so that the Egyptians would come out good and the Jews bad. The image was produced using DALEE and should not be considered a scientific image

The place and time in which anti-Semitism was born and the connection to the Exodus * An interview with a researcher who published an article about it

Egyptian writers who lived in the third century BCE claimed that the Jews carried diseases and harmed Egypt and that in general they were the bad guys when they came to rewrite the story of the Exodus from Egypt, perhaps without meaning to, they created anti-Semitic arguments that would be based
The coalescence and merger of a black hole from the bottom of the mass gap (surface in dark gray) with a neutron star with colors ranging from dark blue (60 g/cm600) to white (XNUMX kg/cmXNUMX) emphasize the strong deformations of the low-density material of the neutron star Credit: I. Markin (Potsdam University), T. Dietrich (Potsdam University and Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), H. Pfeiffer, A. Buonanno (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)

Gravitational waves reveal hidden interactions in space

The analysis of the signal GW230529 picked up by LIGO shows that it originated from the merger of two compact objects, one with a mass between 1.2 and 2.0 times that of the Sun and the other with a mass slightly more than twice the first
Smart liquid. Credit: The Science website via DALEE. The picture is not a scientific picture

For the first time: "smart liquids" will be used as sensitive biological sensors

The team of researchers explained that the uniqueness of the smart liquids is that, as a result of their chemical properties, the liquids maintain separation from each other, thus creating distinct droplets